Friday, 23rd May,  2,008.


Titanic and Super Titanic!!

             Correction to my Titanic articles:-

             The IMMEDIATE cause of the sinking of The Titanic, April 14th, 1912, was the bow rivets.

         They were made of wrought iron and slag. Weaker than steel. (They put too much slag in.  The slag created growing holes!!)The pressure of the ice on impact shattered the rivets, opening up the seams between the plates along the bows, letting the water in immediately along FIVE COMPARTMENTS.  The minimum needed to sink her.

 And in just over 3 hours - she was gone.

        The machine that instilled the steel rivets could not be got into the bow section. It was too big.

       It seems a coal fire(which had been burning for 12 days) weakened the steel plates of the bulk-head between compartments five and six., leading to the collapse of that bulkhead. This occurred about one hour after the collision.  Although it made things worse, the ship was already going to sink(because five compartments flooding).  But it did mean less time for the passengers and crew.

      Two boilers had not been operating(in the breaking in process). Not lit.

      The Californian was so close that when it went to pass on yet another ice warning, the noise blasted the operator's ears leading to him telling The Californian to get off the air.(So he could faintly perhaps hear the Cape's(Cod's?) ice messages. )  This was a grave mistake on the part of the wireless op.  It seems that message was not properly labelled. So it was deemed unimportant, - and ignored(despite it being an ice warning!).

       Operator Evans(On The Californian) failed to pass on the message again(which he should have done), switched off instead,   AND WENT TO BED!!!!(My guess is that he was so irked by being told(when trying to give an ice warning)abruptly and angrily TO GET OFF THE AIR, that he decided to let it go pot, switched off - and went to bed!!

      The press, bamboozled everyone into thinking that the ship was unsinkable.  Consequently only half the complement of life-boats was installed!!  And the people were convinced that the ship actually was almost unsinkable!!

      It seems all the conspiracy theories were wrong!  Imaginative bad minded garbage.

     The officer in charge of the binoculars(At Southampton, before the ship's departure.) locked them up, and went off for the week end WITH the only key.(To the cupboard containing the binoculair pairs.)(I hold that binocs are VERY important, and for obvious reasons.  For one thing the bitterly cold air flow would have been temporarily shut out by the binocs!)(Another thing is that the important area of horizon that should be constantly scanned(by binocs) is that immediately ahead of the ship, ensuring NO OBSTACLES lay in its path.  OBVIOUSLY!!)(It is absurd to say that binocs were no help!!)(It would have been enough to turn the ship well aside in time!!!!)(The ice-berg was moving at about half a kilometer per hour.)(The ship at 21 knots.)

       The captain proceeded at top speed(but less than the maximum obtainable from having ALL the boilers on), in the absurd belief that the faster you got through the dangerous patch, the better.(Rather like running through a minefield to escape being blown up!!)

      Whether or not the owner got the captain to go at top speed, I don't know. I doubt it. Captains are in charge on ships.(Hollywoodization, possibly.)

      There was no long GASH in the ship along the bottom, just a series of small holes at intervals low down on the starboard side.(The strong steel plates resisting the ice pressure, repeatedly throwing the ship away from the ice!)(It was a glancing blow, NORMALLY not enough to cause serious damage. But with insufficiently strong rivets in the bows,etc., the seams were ruptured!!

      Why didn't the close by mystery ship not answer. (Only a few miles away.)   Unknown.

      The Carpathia was four hours away, but finally got there, and rescued the survivors.

      All the lights failed near to the end.

      Many hundreds of passengers were trapped below in the labrynth of corridors. Must have been horrific, particularly when the lights failed.(The screaming of the rivets coming out drowned out much of the on deck screaming of the passengers.)

     Three hours and just over 5 minutes, I believe, from strike to GONE.

     Thanks to the pumps perhaps doubling the ship's survival time.

      Evans was a big let down.

      And Phillip the head operator.  He should have listened to the Californian ice warning, and NOT proceeded with the main telegrams, which were about non ice warning matters,  mere extraneous stuff.

    The ship was fated.(No binocs in The Crow's Nest. Phillips ignoring an ice warning!  Evans not re-sending the message!  Above all, the captain was an idiot(but common practice) for steaming on at top speed(though the other two boilers on would have provided even greater speed), after FIVE ice warnings had been received THAT DAY!!!!(By the captain.)

     A combination of causes.  I enlarge below:-

     Stupid fast speed maintained, and repeatedly increased, by captain.
     The coal fire, which should have been put out BEFORE sailing.(This only made things worse. It did not cause the sinking(But it did speed it up!).
     Not putting on two of the boilers(to break the ship in), ironically might have saved - THROUGH SPEEDILY nipping ahead of the iceberg, and probably would have, saved the day.
    Wireless operator Phillip foolishly telling Californian to get off the air, thus not hearing the ice warning;
    Op Evans idiotically shutting off and going to bed and sleep, NOT PASSING ON THE ICE WARNING!!!!
    A full complement of life-boats might have saved many.
    Not filling the few life boats was another contributing factor to the appalling disaster.  TOO Obsessed with getting the women and children away and off first.
    The mystery ship only a few miles away not replying. Even to flares, and light signals. As well as radio calls.
    All this despite the new S.O.S. system.
    Many went down NOT knowing what had happened. Especially in Steerage.  Two pounds odd single fare.
    The mild preceding winter melted more ice, sending more bergs -  and further south. But of course Man had no control over the weather!!
    Any one of these things LESS would have made a vast difference.
    But all of them together conspired to produce the tragedy.  The biggest(at the time)ship afloat, in about the worst shipping(certainly the most popular)disaster in history(one of them)!!!!

    Thus the ill-fated Titanic. Human nature's complacency and smugness contributing HIGHLY.

     It was NOT the slightly small sister ship carbon copy Olympic!!(Known from Titanic's different ship number on the stern).(A third ship in the set, The Gigantic, was lined up, and on its way(in building).

    Weak rivets in the bows caused the sinking of The Titanic.

    However, the failure of a number of humans contributed TO THE EVENT!!!!

    I blame the captain most.

    It is no good excusing these people. We need to LEARN. - For the future.

    I mean that when disasters occur, instead of trying to protect the egoes of those contributing, let us EMPHACISE the faults, and take action to avoid future occurrences.

    I know that certain remedies were taken in Titanic's case.

    However, let us NOT play down human failures!!

    NO covering up!!!!

    The message should be: Not NASTY ICE, smack, smack; but IDIOTIC HUMANS, who NEED to LEARN to do BETTER!!!!

    Human nature is weak.

    And LOVES to excuse itself. THAT ATTITUDE is no good!!

    Super Titanic??

    Yes.  We on Planet Earth are a doomed world.

    With many parallels to The Titanic disaster!

    Fire AND Ice led to the loss of The Titanic(On her maiden voyage!).(Fire contributed, though played no part in the CAUSE of the sinking.)

    Fire in the coal(which had been burning for 12 days), a factor key factor.(Causing steel plate(between compartments five and six) of that bulkhead to weaken and finally collapse under pressure.)

    And ice of course from the mild preceding winter.

    In planet Earth's case, the parallel is this:  Fire is from The Sun, ELECTRONICALLY.(Why is the sun getting charged up?  From the main electric current ALONG the ionic casing(surrounding the line of stars) in the spiral arms of the LOCAL OPEN STELLAR CLUSTER(proved and confirmed, even empirically, by me!)(I mean the cluster's EXISTENCE!!)(Electric current ex explosions at the centres of all fields, ex white not black)holes causing SEPARATIONS, not collisions!!!!)

   Ice is from the polar cap's ice build- up over thousands of years!

     Despite being the driest continent on Earth, Antarctica's snow piles up eventually. Leading to ice layers.

     Fresh water ice.

     In the Arctic,too.

     This DOES NOT cause imbalance through uneven weight distribution!!(As many commonly suppose!)

     No!  What happens is that the weight of the ice, combined with the heat from the magma and lava below(thin or no (tectonic) plates near to the poles!!  Causes MELT, creating a LUBRICANT at the base of the ice.(This happens every 6,500 years. Each time the sun QUARTER circles the CLOSED STELLAR CLUSTER'S spiral arm!!(Full circle equals One Zodiac and Precession Period of 26,000 years.)

    You see, a small axial tilt is going to be caused by a combination of the close approach of the rogue planet Nibiru(due in about three years), via gravity tides,   AND   a speed up in the rotation of The Shell of The Earth.(The Earth is Shell and Core, like with all, or most, heavenly bodies and fields.(Which ARE hollow!)(Via Centrfugal Force, silly!!)(Material thrown OUT from centre!!)(NECESSARILY hollow!!) Not hollow like table tennis balls, but more hollow than not.(In any case hollow from the core being so tenuous(But IN FACT, is mostly SPACE, a vacuum!(some air,but not much)).

      The speed up will be caused by The Solar Wind, ETC. Electronically ex The Sun, which is charging up The Earth electrically, via Core and Magnetosphere,  the two electric anode and cathode poles!!(Rotating electro-magnets!!).  Of The Electro Magnets(spinning, of course)(Plasmic core is the main factor. Plus the iron,etc. in the shell!!).

      This produces increasing(exponentially)heat below, but increasing cold above(stratosphere)!!

      As the charge increases, the shell of The Earth SPEEDS UP. Causing the Lithosphere to leave The Asthenosphere.(Upper crust to leave the lower.)

     The upwelling(from the increasing heat)lava through the cracks and crevices provides the lubricant for the top crust to slide over the low(Lith over Asthen)(ospheres)!!

     As the lavic lubricant increases, the growing WHIRL detaches the top crust from the bottom one, and the sudden SHOCK causes a small axial tilt INCREASE!!   The JOLT from this impacts upon THE ICE(which currently is acting as a BRAKE upon The Fire(caused) Force. Which will give way as the MELT due to the ice piling up more and more, will cause the polar caps to SLIDE INTO THE SEA.(Thus removing the brake!!)

    So SUDDENLY removing the BRAKE, -  which then releases the small axial tilt caused upper crustal displacement!!

    First, the crust moves about 1,500 miles northwards, and then four to five thousand miles southwards.(As the fire force overcomes the ice force!!)(As with The Titanic, the fire in the coal caused the steel plate to weaken, A  factor(in the sinking, ALBEIT AFTER  the main collision!!)

    This is not a fantasy, nor an overnight pipe dream.   I worked it out in small detail scientifically!!!!

    First a small crustal displacement north, then a big one southwards!!

    The big one southwards leads to a second  but BIG  axial tilt INCREASE.

     Via the fact that The Earth is hollow!!(With tunnel funnel entrances at the poles(these clog up temporarily when Earth stops spinning).

      Expect this in about seven years time!!

     So life will not continue merrily along! Earth and some other planets and satellites being affected.

     Global warming on Mars, as well as Earth, and on some other planets and satellites.(Just what are those Martians up to??  Burning such carbon!!(MAN caused Global Warming - is A LOAD OF SHIT.  Inaugurated by Thatcher, who provided massive funds!!  Well meant, but COMPLETELY mistaken(Global Warming is a fact. Man-caused global warming IS A WILFUL FALSEHOOD!!!!)(Note:  
Warming AND COOLING occurs periodically through PRE-HISTORY!!!!)

     That IDIOT Gore then took it up.  And today we have growing limits being placed upon our burning of fossil fuels.  Thus unbearably hurting the so called Third World!!!!

     Carbon FOLLOWS, by an average 800 years, NOT precedes,  the temperature rise.  Via The Sea's absorption. And VERY LONG storage!!

     Simplistic fools to the contrary!!

     So, though Man is rising up against Man, more and more, he gets rather stymied when Nature and Earth, as well as first The Devil, and then God, turn against him too!!!!  (Rapture to save many.)

     Weak human nature is being aggravated by brain storms caused by the harmonically increasing Earth's Surface Force Field's ELECTRON masses!! Hitting animals,too.(Created via the friction from the sliding of the top crust over the bottom one.)

      THIS is why troubles now increase so rapidly!!

     (Note that Global Cooling(ironically ex globally heating) will stop or slow down The Gulf Stream(Northern Oscillator), starting the next Ice Age(conjoint with about 13 other factors!), via the sudden cooling of North West  Europe!!))

    An increasingly rotating Shell causes core's pressure to temporarily block up the gaps(one at each pole)!  Making the Earth stop rotating briefly.   It then gets released suddenly, as Earth slows down, reversing the centrifuge!

    And it is THIS sudden renewed surge - that will make the NEW poles rock back into position!!

       I know it sounds absurd, but there it is!!

      You are recommended to read my earlier reports.

     AND my AMAZING Cosmology,etc. and Astronomy and Astro-physics FINDS.(Study my Astronomy School CLOSELY.   Also my ASTONISHING four independent ways proofs of The Quasars data!!)(I make no apology for my enthusiam!!)(The solution is so perfect!!!!)

        The world THINKS that we are in a new dawn, and that our future is rosy.

        (Humanoid aliens on Nibiru, our genetic creators, will land, and check us out!!)

        UFO take over IF we do not improve dramatically.(But of course, we don't!!)

       The fact is, we are in a FALSE dawn.

       And that survivors of the TWIN cataclysms about to occur, will follow The Neanderthals, AND some DINOSAURS, to WITHIN The Earth, via the OLD poles!!

     The Arctic was created about 6,500 years ago.  Greenland is simply the rock-back point!!

     Down south we have Antarctica and Little Antarctica, similarly.


     But get the main picture.

    About 8,000,000,000 humans are about to die.  Also many animals.   AND plants.  ETC.

    Aliens will rescue many. And take them to Mother Ships,  and,  in some cases,  their home planets!!

       "Some will be taken, some will be left"(Scripture. Some from the fields,etc.)

      The West is at bay, and sinking fast.

      U.S. about to collapse economically, with a dollar crashing to the rocks!!

     Then political collapse follows.

     But a fast rising Political East does not much survive The West!!

     Moving in behind North Korea and Iran(Truman should have let McArthur atomically bomb The Chinese!!)

    Instead he sacked him. Replacing him.

       RED China is controlling North Korea.

       Russia is over-stated, but is recovering!!

      China is rocketting upwards.

      As is India.

      And Iran is going to, too!!

     Japan is joining the NEW BIG four.  Russia, China, India and Persia(Currently called Iran.).

    Taiwan will be swallowed up.

    AND Outer Mongolia, maybe.

    South Korea will be isolated.

    Bush is promoting his self.

    Similarly with Cheney.

    Israel is trapped.

    Australia, and New Zealand, are going in with China.

    Let us hope Indonesia remains tolerant ENOUGH!!!!

       A whole new world is springing up fast.

      Soon to go under, though.

      Catholicism will retake The Protestants,etc.

      But in turn get DEVOURED by Islam(Actually RABID Wahabism)(A fanatical travesty!).

     Mohammed was a criminal. A murderer.

     The Koran teaches kill ALL infidels(Equals all non-Muslims!!)(Believe or have your head chopped off!!).

     Forced conversion. Or death. Often by be-heading!!

    Strange RELIGION!!

       Suicide will become very fashionable!!

      But be in vain, as we survive SO CALLED death!!!!(Only to incur EVEN WORSE in The Spirit World.)

      Mars is inhabited.(Partially.)

     And Moon is an alien base!!

    Phaebos an artificial(re-molded, as is Moon) satellite.

    The other satellite of Mars is a CAPTURE.

    Read my other articles!!

      Note:  Despite my vast knowledge of Truth, I am almost TOTALLY ignored.

      Not only that, but utterly opposed and resisted by just about all!!!!

      My knowledge can save the world!!

      However, the world seeks my destruction.

      Knowing what I KNOW, The Authorities could easily arrange to save MANY!!

      My Astronomy find would advance Humanity MILLIONS of years!!

      God provided the seeds. I worked them out.

      I am hated SIMPLE BECAUSE I threaten a world of LIARS!!

      Normally there is no hope against The Devil, through Pan, in this world.

      However, BECAUSE we are so near to the end of this quarter solar cycle, it is NECESSARY for Man to quickly learn great truths. So to save some!!

      I believe God will help me to do this.

      As no one on Earth has anywhere near to the knowledge that I have!!

      I need MUCH MONEY, as well as GOOD SPIRIT, to win through for God.

      Will you not help me??

      Come!  We have only about SEVEN years left!!

      GOD HELP US ALL!!!!

      I blow my own trumpet, AS NO ONE ELSE WILL!!

     I do not acclaim my work(it is God's!!)in a spirit of arrogance, but in the DESPERATE HOPE that key individuals and parties WILL LISTEN!!

     I am not clever, but stupid.

     It is GOD who is doing this!!

     Through me, AND not through me.

      I(WITH GOD EMPOWERING ME) can save this world!!


      Unless I SHOUT OUT, I have no hope.

      The idea is to get the world to study my work.(Thus to save the world, possibly)

      NOT to glorify me!!

      DO you understand????

     Victor Conway.





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