For older articles, please visit my ARCHIVES site:

ALSO, will readers please e mail me for any articles later than those here.

 You are urged to read the first six articles without delay.

Titles listed first. Articles in same order as titles immediately below list of titles. 

DDD320001 Swine Flu etc 

R.O. Shared Wealth 

R3 Shared Wealth Continued 

R4 Shared Wealth Continued 

DDD351 Introduction

DDD361 Swine Flu, etc letter 


BB79 Where does money come from?

BB80 Titanic and Super Titanic!!

BB80-2 Titanitc and Super Titanic

BB80-3 War Imminent

BB80-4 War Imminent

BB80-4-2 War Imminent

BB80-5 War Imminent

BB80-6 Double cataclysmis imminent

BB81 World situation now.

BB82 Keep on searching

DD1 World Situation 28.6.08

DD2 Great Depression

DD4 Gobal Cooling Coming

DD5 Something is wrong

DD6 Enter Russia

DD7 Death does not exist

D91- More on world situation

D10- World situation now

D10-1 World situation now

DD11-1 Twin towers demolition solved and others

DD12-1 Financial fiasco Situation desperate


DD14-1 The Credit Crunch

DD15-1  A sequel to DD7 Death Does not exist

DD16-1  Is there an expansion(cosmology)?

DD17       My last Situation Report?  Comrads??(See below!)

DD18-2   Situation report(Read THIS one! DD18-1 IMPROVED.)

DD19-1    Sequel to DD18-2(A continuation.)    

D22  Situation Report(latest(my last I think)):    

DDD25 Some Deep Astronomy Secrets 

DDD26 Swine Fever

DDD27 Spanish Flu 2

DDD28 Maddie(McCann)

DDD29 Was Princess Diana murdered??

DDD30 Population Control!!

DDD402 What happens after death?

DDD5-1-a  Sex way to God??

DDD5-1-c(Series two.)  Sex way to God?

DDD6-1-b(Series 2.)      World Situation now.

DDD8000-1-a.   The World Situation NOW.  9.10.09.

DDD9000-1-a     Global Warming grows

 DDD10000-1-a        World Situation now.  24.10.09.

 DDD110000-1-b     The Sequel to DDD10000-1-a.

 F1-1                               The Da Vinci Code.

 H1                                  The proof of my Earth Changes Binomial Sequences for 2,012.A.D.

 H2            My warning to Earth men.

 H3            Red Planet AND Blue Star.

 H4            Only two years left!

H5           A reprieve with The Earth Changes.

H6         The Truth about Climate Change.

H7         Generations.

H8         Earth Changes.

(No H9.)

H10       Earth Changes AND Generations.

Earth Changes.

H13   Ice Era has begun.

H14   The Truth about Mankind.

H15     The Secret of Success!!

     H16     Doomsday!!

     H17      Does not exist,now.     Was amended to H18, below.

     H18      The Final Debacle, amended.

     H19-1   Message to The World!!

     H20      Red Alert!!

      H21      Red Alert continued.

      H22     I checked out Nibiru!! 

      H23     A good thing really!!

      H24     The plot thickens, Nibiru/2012 A.D.

      H25      A Second Sun!!

      H26      A Close Binary Starsystem.

      H27       A Supplement to H.26.

      H28-2    The Last Judgement.

      H29        Into The Ark!!

      H30        Two suns NOW in sky!!

      H31         Mystery.

      H32        Solved!!

      H33        Convergence of The Cycles.

       H34       Chips!!

       H35       Like a thief in the night.

       H36       Hope.    The Higher Path.

       H37       Watch for Nibiru!!

       H38       The Party is OVER!!

       H39       All hands on deck!!

       H40       A Confession.

       H41        FRY UP!!!!

       H42        WHAT WOULD YOU DO??!!

        H43        CLIMATE CHANGE     THE TRUTH.

        H44       THE LOW DOWN(FROM THE HIGH UP).

        H45    TOTAL WIPE OUT!!!!

        H46     A Correction. Sun is still OUT.(Preceded by a small note.)

         H47    The Human Problem.(Adults ONLY!!)

       H48      Man's Weaknesses and Institutions.

        H49     Escape WITHIN!!

         H38    The Party is over!!

        H50     A Supplement to H49.

         H51     Alert The Authorities!!

         H52.    A Supplement to H51.

        H53     EXODUS!!

        H54   An Appeal

        H55    I ask again.

        H56    I appeal again.

        H57     Concisely put.

        H58     Some truths

        H59     In brief.

        H60     My frantic appeal to all.

        H61      Questions and answers.

        H62      The Sun has gone OUT!!    

        H63   Explaining it.

        H64.2    More details.

        H65       Terrible things.

        H66       Summarizing

        H67        The Last Judgement

        H68      In conclusion

        H69       Hale Bopp IS the second sun.

        H70       A precis.


         H72       Small solar system colliding with ours!(Right now!)



          H75       Announcing Doomsday!!

         H76    Doomsday has begun!!

          H77     Last Stand!!

         H78     The time has come.   My terrible warning to the world. 

         H79      A Supplement to H.78.


        H82    Still Resolving.

       H83      Latest on Nibiru 

      H84     You will survive

       H85.    Growing solar instability   and Nibiru! H 

      H86.  A Supplement to H.85.


    J1(No I1.)

    Go to my other site for articles J 2 onwards.

    Click on link.

























Wednesday, 16th December, 2,009.

H10(Earth Changes AND Generations.)


H8 - Earth Changes!!


Noah's flood report was stolen by The Jews from Nineveh's flood report by Gidgeon.

Every 6,500 years there is a new creation. So that every new born civilization THINKS that its is the ONLY one!! When all it is - is that The Solar Quarter Cycle of 6,500 years is simply repeating itself - indefinitely.

Look: We had Mu(Off India), then Lemuria(A continent in The Pacific FOUR TIMES larger than Australia), next - Atlantis(Which, by the way, IS Antarctica, now INVERTED!!), followed by Poseidon!(6,500 years ago.)(Poseidon(reported by Plato) was THOUGHT to have been Atlantis, but had NO THING to do with Atlantis! It was simply a small island off The Pillars of Hercules(Now The Straits of Gibraltar), in The Atlantic!!

THUS, we are DUE - VERY SOON - for the next creation episode! The cataclysmic destruction of Arya - Our Civilization!! I say in between 2 and 20 to 30 years time!!


I am thus the LATEST Prophet NOAH!!(Actually Gidgeon!)(Some name like that!)

The rainfall, those days was INCREASING ALARMINGLY(Like NOW!!), SO Gilleard(was it(or Gidgeon(Something like that.))??) in the ancient civilization of Nineveh prophesied a great flood.(Which occurred!)(As I DO,NOW!!) A flood caused by the sinking of Poseidon(Not Atlantis!) due to a COLLOSAL under the Atlantic Ocean's sea floor EARTHQUAKE. Producing The Grandfather of all Tsunamis! Which swept(Two stages of this!!) through The Pillars of Hercules, right along The Med sea, SMASHING through The Bosphorous!! INTO THE BLACK SEA. Quadruplicating its size. And TEMPORARILY OVERFLOWING into Israel(THEN PALESTINE)!!

The sinking of Poseidon actually occurred in two stages, widely separated. First, a great under the sea floor earthquake sent Poseidon far down into the magma(semi solid lava) and sea. The first Tsunami SMASHED through The Pillars of Hercules, creating The Straits of what is now, Gibraltar, CREATING The Mediterranean Sea!! UP TO the ORIGINAL Black Sea!!(A lake of FRESH WATER originally.), two thousand miles to The East!!(So we had TWO terrible floods hitting Israel(Then Palestine.)!!)!!

I see now that BOTH Gilleard(Or Gidgeon, whatever his name was of Nineveh) were right!! Each had his own flood separated by about 1,600 years!!

The SECOND(and final) sinking of Poseidon CREATED The (Med)Mediterranean Sea. And HUGELY topped up The Black Sea(A much smaller fresh water lake, originally!!). THIS overflowed into Israel, and was Noah's Flood!!

So Noah did not steal Gidgeon's thunder. Each had his own!!

One flood hit Nineveh,ETC.

And one flood hit Israel,ETC.


VERY little of either cataclysm was due to rainfall, though huge rains did fall.


Two planets are approaching us. 1. The rogue planet Nibiru, a red planet, slightly smaller than Mars, and of similar consistency. And 2. The coming "blue star", Planet X, which is merely the next planet out beyond Neptune(Pluto(and Charon, its twin) are NOT planets, being merely FORMER satellites of Neptune!!(Struck in a former cataclysm.)(Chipping of the satellitic twins Pluto and Charon.) So Planet X is actually Planet 1X(Planet 9.)))


Thus a quartet will form in our skies, Sun(Yellow disk), Moon(White disk(when visible and full)), Red planet Nibiru AND Blue Planet 9, called Planet X!!!!


Yes, flee to the hills!


The planet Nibiru(loaded with humanoid aliens, our genetic modifiers(not actually creators!!)(We are their CATTLE. On this Space Farm, Planet Earth!(We being simply the offspring of Cro-Magnums and Neanderthals!!) Nibiru is their Super Space Ship(SUPER TITANIC!!)(Reference.)



They are coming to INSPECT us. Check us out. See how we have been behaving(cough, splutter)!!(As the best behaved will be sent UP(vibrationally)a planet. And the failures(DOWN a planet(vibratonally speaking)!!)(Hence my coughing and spluttering "joke".)


Most of us have heard of The Titanic. The ship that argued with an oncoming ice berg(Back in April, 1912.)(The Iceberg won needless to say. And the world's largest(THEN) ocean liner took its FINAL plunge(Upon its MAIDEN voyage!!)(Travelling too fast,etc. so as to try to win The Blue Riband(prize trophy).)(About 1,500 people lost their lives. In its head long plunge to the bottom 2.5 miles down.)

That was a disaster involving FIRE. And ICE.

The FIRE component was due to its leaving Southampton(or was it Newcastle) with BURNING COALS!!(A frequent occurrence.)

The ICE part is well known.


The sinking of The Titanic was prophesied in FOUR ways! 1. As a fiction story back in 1880'! 2. (Titanic had a sister ship, Olympiad. Titanic was definitely NOT The Olympiad as some have suggested. For insurance purposes. Morgan himself did not travel on The Titanic's last voyage!!)


3. There was of course The Titanic sinking itself.

4. And a fourth disaster involving a ship of SIMILAR name to Titanic!!(A German ship much earlier!)


Odd "co-incidences"!!!!




Now,then! What I am getting at is this:(Titanic sank because of poorly rivetted rivets(A hastily "finished" job by the workmen.), which popped open letting MOST of the water in!)(The Titanic is alleged to have had a long gash sliced in its side, spanning into four to five compartments. It was not a GASH, but a SERIES of PUNCTURES, SMALL!!, AND a short gash of about 16 inches.)(Not enough to sink the ship in two hours! No. What sank Titanic was LEAKING RIVETS!!( Occasioned by POOR rivetting(hastily and improperly done) AND the shuddering JOLT, which weakened all of the rivets!!))


Ironically, had the panicking ship's officers NOT tried to get PAST the ice-berg, but INSTEAD crashed into it IN REVERSE(instead of full speed ahead STEAM)(To try and shoot past it!), then THE RE-INFORCED BOWS would have WITHSTOOD the impact!! And the ship REMAINED AFLOAT!!!!(Titanic DROVE INTO an ONCOMING ice-berg!!)(Striking it the worst blow possible. A GLANCING blow.(It was the ice berg that did the damage, not the ship's GLANCING blow!!)


The rivets would not have leaked(at least, not as much), and MUCH precious time gained!! But PROBABLY ship would not have sunk!!(Carpathia would have got there IN TIME!!!!)


There were no spare binoculars available!!(Amid many other stupidities!!)


It was calm, but foggy. And VERY cold. However, it was going AT TOP SPEED. To TRY to get to New York as soon as possible!!(Just to win a prize. And prestige.)


Morgan himself was not on board.


And The Owner fled his own ship!! With the women and children!!!!



A story of FIRE and ICE. This is my point. The Titanic.




Our planet is a SUPER TITANIC!! Also a story of FIRE and ICE!!!!


Bear with me, please!


The ice is that two mile mass of ice upon Antarctica(UP TO two miles thick.)!!

The FIRE is that of THE SUN!!(Man has NOTHING to do with Global Warming. Nor has even Surface Nature(Volcanic eruptions and fires born of lightning strikes.)! The cause IS THE SUN!! Not by Radiation(No!!), but by THE STUPENDOUS ENERGY released by The Solar Wind AND The Coronal Mass Ejections!!(THAT is INCREASING!!)(Due to A GROWING SPURT of ENERGY down the SPIRAL ARMS of the galaxies,ETC. EX Explosions at their centres(A natural event in the early stages of galactic,etc.formations!!))


Coronal fire. Which as The Solar Wind AND Coronal Mass Ejections shoots out, sometimes when The Earth is in line!!





The CORE of The Earth(Which is one pole of a gigantic electro-magnet!!) GETS CHARGED UP by The Solar Wind AND The Coronal Mass Ejections!! EVERY TIME The Sun gets NEAR to The Spiral Arm chain THAT IT IS UPON!!


The sun is going around the LOCAL spiral arm(Much like Planet X(Actually 9.) goes around(rogue!) the sun in a VERY ELLIPTICAL orbit!)


(Nibiru is on a WILD orbit of its own!)



I KNOW that the ice upon Antarctica is not massive enough to tilt The Earth over. BUT IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!!!!


NORMALLY, (every 6,500 years, or quarter precession or zodiacal period) - what happens is this:-


The Earth warms up extra-ordinarily(like now!). Which MELTS the polar ices.


(They end up sliding into the sea!)


When the ices end up in the sea(even unmelted!), then SOMETHING AWFUL happens!!


There are two forces(LISTEN CLOSELY PLEASE!!):-



There is The Fire Force(Caused by a GYRATING(!!) Earth's core(Which also drags down an increasing number of meteors(asteroids and comets,etc.)!) which via GRAVITY via the fact that Earth's core is separate(!), and spinning faster than The Earth itself! - BUT WHICH IS ALSO gyrating(That is REVOLVING,)( NOT ONLY ROTATING!!)! During this INNER (Earth) gyration(increasingly elliptical!), The Earth's asthenosphere(lower crust) gets DRAGGED under the LITHOSPHERE(Upper crust), - which does TWO things:-

1. It drags down meteorites(as said),.

2. AND, - it creates collosal FRICTION between the two crusts(top and bottom)!!



This FRICTION creates a FORCE FIELD at the SURFACE OF THE EARTH.(All over the globe!)

It is THIS FORCE FIELD that is creating(or was, until, (as the sun spots went OUT 3 years back!) that created the HEAT!!(INDIRECTLY ex the sun's solar winds AND mass coronal ejections!!))


The current heat hitting Australia,etc. is ex EL NINO!!(NOT anything else!!)


BECAUSE Global warming stopped 3 years ago!



However, we are CURRENTLY in reprieve(GRACE), - BECAUSE OF the sun spots going out!!(OTHERWISE we would NOW be frying alive(In Australasia,etc!)(El Nino is ex Peru region. This moves westwards across The Pacific, landing up in Australasia,ETC.)(El Nino is The Southern Oscillator. An ocean current.)




What NORMALLY happens is that when the SOUTHERN Ice caps slides into the sea(rather than melts!)(Even the land ice is melting and FORMING in equal proportions!!)







The Ice Force, - and The FIRE FORCE!!


The FIRE FORCE is caused by rising lava ex the magma(Due to the energy ex the sun GOING INTO THE CORE, HEATING UP THE EARTH INTERNALLY!!)



This rising(ACCELERATINGLY!!) LAVA, provides LUBRICATION for the lithosphere(top crust) to SLIDE over the asthenosphere(bottom crust)!! WHEN the time is RIPE!!!!


(Similarly as the weight of the ICE provides MELT(melted ice at THE BASE) FOR THE ICE TO SLIDE OVER the rock(especially as it melts!!). (When ITS time is ripe!) So IT DOES NOT NEED TO MELT AWAY, BUT MERELY TO SLIDE off the land!! And into the sea!!)





So we have The Ice Force ACTING LIKE A BRAKE(Until it slides INTO THE SEA!!) AGAINST The FIRE FORCE!!!!



However! Once that BRAKE comes off(When the ice SLIDES(not melts!) INTO THE SEA!!)







So! We are waiting for FOUR CRITICAL events: 1. The South Polar ice to slide into the sea .

And 2: For the LAVIC lubrication between upper and lower crusts of The Earth to GET SUFFICIENT TO PERMIT SLIDING!!!!

Also, 3: The Gravity Force ex The Earth's Core(Spinning AND GYRATING SEPARATELY!!) TO DRAG the asthenosphere AWAY from the lithosphere!!(Spinning equals Rotating. GYRATING equals ORBITTING!(In this case - THE CENTRAL CORE OF THE EARTH!!!!)



Event 4 will complete the four some:-



The Axial Tilt of The Earth is rather unstable.


The gravity ex the core will eventually get strong enough to INCREASE the tilt angle!!

WHEN that occurs, there will be a JOLT. As a new tilt angle gets created!!



So, with The Ice force BRAKE gone(all ice in sea!), THEN can the upper crust slide freely over the lower.

FIRST the top crust will surge northwards for more than a thousand miles.(Due to THE ICE BRAKE coming off.)

THEN as The Fire Force gains the ascendency(being naturally stronger than the now removed ice brake), the top crust will surge four to five thousand miles SOUTHWARDS!!


This will topple The Earth!!


Followed by a rock back. Ending up with total inversion.(THIS is WHY we have a second ice cap around Greenland,etc!!)(The first being The Arctic.(In other words the Earth ROCKED BACK from Greenland TO THE ARCTIC!!)

HOWEVER(The foregoing is not going to happen THIS TIME!!), THIS TIME, The Planet Nibiru will, via its enormous gravity tides, pull the Earth over VIA ITS BULGE!!


Nibiru will pass Earth TWICE.


Finally Planet X(Actually 9.) will approach - and cause havoc.



As The Earth goes over(It takes 27 hours), the sea will slop badly(amongst NUMEROUS HORRORS), creating tsunami UP TO THREE MILES HIGH. ending up perhaps only 3,000 feet...(high).





Hurricanes of 200 m.p.h. will blow non stop for 27 hours. World wide.

Plus stupendous earthquakes. AND volcanic eruptions...

You name it. It will occur!!



Needless to say, many will perish, and animals, and plants. Buildings destroyed. And so on!!


However, Humanoid aliens will rescue many(Farmer looking after his cattle!), taking them to Mother Craft above. And to other planets. Temporarily, at least...



See earlier articles for more details.



As I say, this happens every 6,500 years.


THIS TIME is abnormal inasmuch as Nibiru with its 3,600 year orbit) and Earth's

USUAL Solar quarter cycle of 6,500 years, HAPPEN to be ALMOST co-inciding!!


THUS we have Nibiru arriving(due in about 20 to 30 years) AND Planet X about then. PLUS the USUAL Earth's Solar Quarter Cycle occurring within several years, complicating things!!


A TRIPLE event(Usual 6,500 year cycle, plus Nibiru, PLUS PLANET X!!!)



YOU try inventing a story like this, and getting it ALL to fit together!!!






What we have is not just the story of the century, but of all time! At least during this 6,500 year cycle!!




I am simply THE CURRENT NOAH!!


Pointing to those ACCELERTINGLY INCREASING rain drops,etc!!


Even were my story(which it is NOT!!) A GET UP, it would STILL be a tale worth telling, I HOLD.



However, it explains SO MUCH!!



What I have done is(via my binomial sequence disaster predicter PROOF and CONFIRMER(!!)(See earlier articles of mine.) - DEMONSTRATED that I MUST SURELY be right!!(FOR NATURE BE ABLE to DO this!!)(And so well.)


My binomial sequence predictor hits NEARLY EVERY MAJOR disaster THROUGHOUT HISTORY!!!! With ASTRONOMICAL ODDS IN MY FAVOUR!!!!


I urge you ALL: It surely needs investigating!!



(By the way, BRAIN STORMS are being created via impinging electrons,etc.(Upon brain cells!! Of humans AND animals, thus augmenting the natural tendencies to do harm!!)



Full details upon request via my articles!!




Actually what I am TRYING to say IS BEYOND WORDS. Language fails!!


But I have done my best.



Naturally the superficial will see rubbish. Humans also tend to believe ONLY what they WANT to believe!


And they DON'T like bad events!!



Be that as it may... I give my findings!!



WITHOUT due partiality to ANY group!!



Both grammar,etc. AND precision had to be sacrificed in parts - to enable me to hold the THREAD!!!!

PLEASE bear this in mind!!



No. It is not a joke.

AND it is not a hoax!!



My proof and confirmation(via the binomial sequence series...) reduces to just the one possibility: I (by stupendous odds) have to be right. For this to be DONE(By Nature, I mean!!)(As for me, I struggled along like a child with a mad bull!!)


Now,please, give it FAIR consideration WITHOUT regard to ANY BIAS!!!!




What I have FINALLY done is an article I did THREE YEARS back,now. Which supports my contentions, ALSO!!!!


It is called "Generations"(H7).


I append it here. Thus providing Scientific, Mathematical, Religious(Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths) AND Biblical aspects!!!!!






Friday, 27th October, 2,006.

H7 Generations.(Formerly part of BB2.)



I have worked out a possible way to determine when Creation was.(And when the end of the age cataclysm may be.) An approximate time, perhaps.

This naturally depends upon the birth and death rates down the ages.

Two VERY difficult values.

If we work on a birth rate of TWO average for everyone(married or not), we arrive at a figure of(Incidentally, if there were originally two people(Otherwise we have a problem, though Christendom solved it by having God create the first man from the dust of the earth, and then extracting a RIB!), then the question must arise WHENCE came the first woman.(In Abel's case for instance, WHERE did he get his wife from?!)(Abel was first born of Adam! )(This is a very vexing problem indeed. Unless a sister, of course!!)) 6,000,000,000(roughly today's population), after 31 or 32 generations. If we allow an average of 25 years as the length of a generation, this gives us 800 years! The death rate of course needs to be taken into account! Hard though birth rates are, death rates are far harder!! They have to be less than birth rates else we would not have reached 6,000,000,000 now!! If we say double present death rate, then the question is: "All die, after the average life term. But what is that??". Since the average life term IS that of a generation, which I estimate is say 50 years, then death rate is half birth rate. So instead of 2 becoming a 1,000 in 32 generations, we have two becoming a thousand in 64 generations. Which is 1600 years, 3,200 producing a million. 4,800 producing a thousand million. Plus three more life spans to reach 6,000,000,000! Which is 4,950 years.(Plus a third of that gives us 4950 + 1650 = 6,600(And an estimated world population of 8,000,000 at the end of the age cataclysm.)(I work it out that when the world population hits 7,878,787,879, the beginning of the next 6,500 year solar cycle will occur(roughly)!)(World population is about 1,000,000,000 short of this, yet. But not far to go!!)(Which fits.) Am I hitting pay gold??(Which IS very roughly ABOUT the length of time estimated by bible students.(Now I did not ARRANGE that. It just worked OUT to it!!))(The length of time estimated by bible students is about 6,500 years. Obviously we can only work to very rough figures. I suggest that the death rate is rather higher than my estimate.(Which difference I attribute to cataclysms!!)(THAT would account for it!)(I am referring to the periodic solar caused cataclysms, which occurs every 6,500 years(Next is due in NINE YEARS, please note!!) Now what is marvellous here is that(and I did NOT arrange for this!) the length of time between the cyclic solar caused cataclysms IS 6,500 years, very closely!! Which means that every 6,500 years we have a NEW CREATION! (Now bible scholars don't know about the cyclic solar terms(6,500 years)! Which is extra support!!)(The point is every 6,500 years we get a NEW CREATION, which, to the contemporaries is the ONLY ONE!!!!(But which is ACTUALLY every 6,500 years, due to solar caused CATACLYSMS produced every 6,500 years!!)) Do you understand? Did you FOLLOW that??

I am chuff, of course, because this all fits in perfectly with ALL OF my OTHER calculations for RELATED items!!

The question is: Do YOU, dear reader, APPRECIATE IT??!!

28.10.06. I have now gone further:-

Because I estimated that about five thousand million for world pop, but will be about eight thousand million(By end time, 9 years ahead.). Then 0.375 fraction differential has to be due to cataclysms' deaths at end time!! Which is 3,000,000,000.

Which I apportion as follows: Roughly one thousand million deaths due to nuclear,etc.wars.(I include thermo-nuclear.) Roughly one thousand million deaths due to planet Nibiru whizzing by(gravity tides and red debris and dust,etc.). And roughly one thousand million deaths due to Earth inversion!!!(This over the next twenty years.)(By far mostly nine years hence!!)

However, I estimate that aliens will evacuate 3,000,000,000 to Mother Ships and alien planets.(In much the same way as farmers would save cattle in a disaster!) Because we are CATTLE to THEM!!!!

Only a handful will survive and remain on Earth alive. These will live in caves, and fight ice age. Having gone back to a Stone Age!! Ice age, but not all ice!!(Because actually Global Warming(Producing Ice Age!!))



The number of different ways I reach a quarter solar cycle term of 6,500 years is amazing!




This is but one gem among hundreds in my thousands of articles.


I only print out what I have proved and confirmed!!


All who work with me will prosper.


All who work against, will fail.


Not by my decree. But because those who ally NATURALLY HARMONIZE with Nature's Arrangements!!


Those who do not do this, cannot succeed because OUT OF ALIGNMENT with Nature!!





Vic Conway.



Thursday, February 12th, 2,010.



Need is to convince authorities that our ONLY route of escape is THROUGH The North Geographical Pole. All saved or all lost. I know HOW, and all the details, you see. So imperative I get helped SO I CAN HELP THE WORLD!!

Yes do read what you can of my writings. However, as I have said so much, I will condense(re: 2,012,anyway).

So you have it in a nut shell. As follows:-

Our sun, Sol, is a star. Now most stars are multiple. (We have assumed that our sun is single, because no authority has declared otherwise, also because we see only one sun(and one moon).)

However! Via my Astronomical Distance finder, I have FOUND OUT(for sure!)(After studying maps and charts using CORRECT distances.) that stars basically go in identical pairs! (Identical TWINS!! Yes!!!!)50% close together, and 50% far apart.(Fast spinning proto stars split and separate greatly. Slow spinners stay close together.)(This one reason my site so IMPORTANT!! (Also view my Archives!!) Check Cosmological and Astronomical FINDS!!)

Now very carefully sifting the evidences, I find that Sol(our sun)has a binary companion star called Nemesis(about 1.5 light years away).

No IMMEDIATE threat from that!

Will be 18 million years before close to us.

However. Sol ALSO has a CLOSE binary star companion. Called Antoine. (With its own(it looks like our sun) retinue of planets and their satellites.)

Antoine orbits our sun ever 3,600 years(approximately).

NIBIRU is ITS seventh planet out from Antoine. Nibiru is the CORE of the planet Phaeton. Humans once lived upon Phaeton, but in a thermo-nuclear war(this is MANY millions of years ago) between two city states, its ocean's deuterium caught(thermo-nuclearly) FIRE, and BLEW OFF. The land bits became the asteroids, and the sea part became comets.(Though about half of the asteroids are in The Oort Belt.)

The CORE of Phaeton(now called NIBIRU, (after the Sumerian god Nibiru)) just TOOK OVER, and shot past the orbit of Mars, struck our Earth a glancing blow, knocking a chip off the old block(which we now call the moon), and careered on AND ON.(Finally captured by the second sun(our CLOSE binary star companion)Antoine! During one of its orbital trips around our sun.)


Humans re-incarnated on Mars. But when Mars got too badly damaged in another pass of Antoine(via Nibiru's gravitic and magnetic TIDES), they re-incarnated on Earth.(Mars has SOME humans living there to this day.) They eventually split into Cro-Mags and Neanderthals, after degenerating FAR. Our current humans homo sapiens are the result of a mass rape (By The Cro-Mags) of The Neanderthal women.(Annunaki humanoid aliens, a tool of The Reptileans, genetically modified us, and made us gold mine worker slaves)(Yes, the line of succession is: Devil - Pan - Reptileans - Humanoids and the now corrupted(originally innocent)humans!!).)


If we work back through history in 3,600 year steps, we find that the last visit of Antoine and Nibiru,etc. produced a great flood, the third sinking of Poseidon(Wrongly thought to be Atlantis(No, Antarctica was Atlantis! Now upside down via Earth inversions ex the sun going wild every 6,500 years!!)).

Santorini blew up, and there was a great DROUGHT, following the colossal flood(Mostly from Atlantic producing The Mediterranean Sea and a much higher Black Sea, when Poseidon's third sinking produced a gigantic tsunami, which reached far beyond Palestine.(So in addition to ENORMOUS rainfall, there was a gigantic sea flooding.))

Going back another 3,600 years we find what is called The Creation(Adam and Eve and all that.). Which was actually a RE creation after collosal damage by the penultimate Antoine and Nibiru,etc.pass.

The next 3,600 year period ends 2,012.A.D!!

Photographs,videos and reports exist of(the evidence) Antoine and Nibiru NOW!!(On Internet.)

Their sixth planet Homeward is where they mostly live.(Nibiru is uninhabitable. Just a volcanic red chunk of rock! Belching fire, all over.)(But used as a military base.))

Antoine threatens the sun. Nibiru threatens us(and Mercury, Venus, Our moon, and Mars). Antoine could hit the sun, in which case a double super nova could occur. Destroying our solar system AND Antoine's one!!

Possible, though not probable.

Nibiru is a menace because(being about Mars size)of its gravitic and magnetic tides.

Antoine is a menace because it could cause the sun to EXPLODE!(It is already blocking off solar energy rising up from core. AND therefore heat rising up from Earth's core!)(The heat we have been getting is ex Our Sun, plus El Nino,etc. AND ANTOINE!! But now that disruption of upper sun has blocked rising energy, we can expect COLD.(Noticed growing cold world wide recently!!)(The recent renewal of solar activity is due to a crushed solar core explosion! (Cycle 24 is not due for 3 or 4 years yet!) SO!! Could get HORRIBLY cold soon!!))

Incidentally, I do not know how big this CLOSE BINARY STAR is!)(Reports say Jupiter sized to TEN TIMES Jupiter sized.)(But it COULD be Sun sized OR LARGER!!)

Nor do I know if it has reached the sun yet.

Last viewing it looked like the sun. Same sized disk. And yellow. - Just like another sun.

However! IF Antoine has gotten into CLOSE orbit around our sun, then it is as big as Sol!

On the other hand if it has entered our solar system, it would surely have been noticed and its gravitic(and magnetic)effec!ts been reported(at least by amateur astronomers)!

Which tells me that it hasn't reached our sun YET. Which THEN says that it is as big as the sun OR LARGER!!

In which case GOD help us! As things will be even worse than expected. And they were ALREADY all life on the inner planets destroying!

As for Nibiru(called a Red Dragon on its last visit, because fiery red and with a long red tail)(When it appears SUDDENLY in the night sky 2.7 years hence it will look like a second moon, a red one, as big as moon disk, possibly larger. That should stir a few people's hearts up!!)

- (As for Nibiru, - it should get to one million miles from us(twice), and(as big as Mars) should REALLY cause HAVOC to planet Earth!!(along with four other worlds)

Which is why all life on Earth(and on four other worlds) SHOULD perish!!

Please FOLLOW VERY CAREFULLY: Normally, there is only the one super cataclysm.(Every 3,600 years(or thereabouts).)

HOWEVER!! THIS time, we shall get TWO SUPER cataclysms SIMULTANEOUSLY!!(For which reason all threats are appallingly ENHANCED!!)

Let me explain: Every 6,500 years our sun(circling the spiral arm of (sic) our local closed cluster of stars, down which an ELECTRIC CURRENT flows, GETS CLOSE TO THE FLOW, AND SO GET CHARGED UP.(The sun then passes on this charge to its planets. Earth included!! Via The Magnetosphere,etc.)(TWO SUPER CYCLES CO-INCIDING THIS TIME!!!!)

Which will mean that Solar Cycle 24 will be SUPER DUPER!!(Cycle(remember all that activity?)23 was bad, but to be eclipsed!)

Solar Cycle 24 is APPARENTLY(But I DO NOT THINK SO!!) just starting up. (Via Coronal Mass Ejections and sun spots re-starting.)

I expect Nibiru to pull Earth over on to its side(in just one hour), which will mean(amongst other things) that the poles will switch to India and Peru!! Sea will rise 440 feet rather quickly. And awful cold and snow,etc. in India and Peru!!!!

I EXPECT the massive charging of the sun to invert The Earth!(In 27 hours) AND cause two big crustal displacements.(Plus Antoine will lift up Earth top crust(tear it out!) from the bottom crust, AND DROP IT BACK DOWN.(That should quieten humans down a bit!!))

What I do not know is WHICH super cataclysm comes first!

I only know that they occur within a few years of each other. Either way, it should be QUITE INDESCRIBABLE!!

Just picture it: Earth inverts, then a few years later falls on its side!

Alternatively: Earth falls upon its side, then a few years later INVERTS!!!!

Probably does not matter too much!!!!(Which order it occurs in!!)

IF you check back through history, you will find that(I call this my binomial sequence disaster predicter.) that the biggest natural disasters occurred BINOMIALLY!!(I found this out 4 years back. Told Super IGA about it!)(Gave them a scientific paper on it.)

It works like this. Every 6,500 years, there is a super duper CATACLYSM. Then HALF that length of time later, there is a cataclysm, only half as strong.

Half of HALF of 6,500 later there is a semi cataclysm...

This process goes on and on(Until 2,012!!(Exactly!), halving in intensity, but doubling in frequency!!)

Yes, VERY interesting how SO MANY cycles ALL end in 2,012.A.D!!




So I DO hope you see WHY I am appealing to all to help me HELP THEM, TO reach The Authorities.

I got my work cut out I know!!

But it is THE LEAST that I can do!!

Listen: Authorities are RELYING.(I mean the hidden authorities behind the figureheads!!) upon their UNDERGROUND CITIES AND HOLLOWED OUT MOUNTAINS to flee into(the specially chosen few) WHEN THE TIME COMES!!!!(But they will be DEATH TRAPS!! As gravitic and magnetic tides destroy them!!)

NOW do you see the urgency??!!

All die, or all saved!!


I make my PLEA TO ALL!!!!









Sunday, 14th February, 2,010.


Some truths (TOP TOOL BAR!)



Greetings, comrads on Earth. I am Zuka on Planet Homeward of Antoine. Speaking through Vic. Telepathing.


You Earthmen labour under many falsehoods. We would disavail you of of these(And replace them with truths! Which you SO BADLY need!!). Here are a few:-



First, as to the solidity of your planet!

It is hollow. With a shell about 400 miles thick. And a small central core.(A red sun!)



Let me explain: If you spin an object with a liquid interior, then such material will fling to the sides. Leaving a small residue at centre. This is simple physics. Known as a centrifuge.(You have centrifuges at some fun-fairs, and motor bikes may ride around the inside of the rotating shell!)(Get on a turning roundabout. How hard to stay on, unless you cling to centre.)

Now Earth,etc.when fluid and spinning in space, was as with so many heavenly bodies, one such. And, of COURSE, solidified HOLLOW,not solid!!


The Iranians are using them(centrifuges) currently to make nuclear bombs. To take over Middle East. And, eventually, the world!!



You have ASSUMED Earth solid. But no, there is a whole new world down there. Almost as large as the outer surface. In fact there is only ONE continuous surface!! Earth being helixial in shape.


Two round holes were created at top and bottom. You call poles.(Another CONSEQUENCE of a spinning liquid ball!!)(Work it out with physics!!)


These holes are over a THOUSAND MILES in diameter. So big you cannot see them!!


Your north pole has a hole in the sea! (Ocean floor and all.) Providing a sea entrance into The Great Within. Your south pole has a hole in the land(ice and all). Providing a land entrance within.







Your only hope of escape from the biggest disaster(For Earth men) OF ALL TIME - now just starting up(noticed the worsening weather,etc?!), is THROUGH The North Polar ENTRANCE!!(The South is too hard, except to fliers(But fly low or you will overshoot!).)



Called in your Bibles THE GREAT TRIBULATION.


Wormwood is the Biblical name for Nibiru.(The core of your erstwhile planet Phaeton!)


Revelation(Last book in Bible.) tells you much about it.


And now Vic is telling you much in the modern idiom.




The new expression: "What is happening to the weather?" is your great key.(Not just the weather, but seismic and volcanic events,too; AND even social and societal events, plus what is happening in the animal and plant kingdoms, on Earth.


Not noticed the rapidly worsening weather? Noticeable for about the last thirty years!! Floods, fires, landslides, etc. YET YOU BRUSH IT OFF WITH with the trite comment "A once in a hundred or fifty year event!". AND LEAVE IT AT THAT!!!!



HOW pathetically LUDICROUSLY inadequate!!



The commonly accepted explanation for it all: MAN-MADE global warming!(Anthropomorphic Climate Change!!)



All truth is coming out now. Because the end of ALL solar system(AND ours!) CYCLES occurs 21.12.2,012.A.D!!

The BACK LASH from this wonderful event should destroy all life on both our solar systems!!


So we PLEAD with you: To GET INSIDE THE EARTH before it is too late!! YOU HAVE LESS THAN THREE YEARS TO GO!!!!




Therefore HELP ME TO SPREAD THE WORD, especially to The Authorities TO GET MASSIVE CONVOYS OF SHIPS,ETC. heading to AND THROUGH(We do emphasise that word THROUGH The North Pole!! Loaded with key people and equipment!!!! Set up landing strips for planes WITHIN. Submarines and helicopters too. Colonize the interior. Get the masses following up!!








You hear us Earthmen??




You have been SO brainwashed and conditioned with lies you see!!





DON'T commit suicide! Self murder is a sin. It will end you up in The Spirit World, A BETTR MATERIAL WORLD(Where all go and continue living AFTER DEATH.) far worse off, and without a physical body!! NO GOOD!!!!


Listen: The physical body is simply the outermost vehicle you indwell. One of SEVEN SHELLS. Which you shed successively, like the crustaceans and the arthropods(e.g. lobsters and spiders).

Universe not just 3d, but MULTI dimensional!!


You are accustomed to 2d shells, like skins. But 3d shells apply to MULTI dimensional creatures LIKE US!!



What you call death is actually BIRTH(birth was the death!). You SIMPLY shed your physical vehicle, and CONTINUE LIVING IN A BETTER MATERIAL WORLD!!


Do not let death bother you!!


But WHAT matters is WHERE you go in The Spirit World. And committing suicide(or any sin) SIMPLY takes you DOWN to lower and unpleasant regions!!


You have been taught that sun is a single lone star(all suns are stars, stars that have planets). No!! Your sun, like ours, is one of a group, multiple.(Life forms TEEM through the INFINITE universe(OMNI-VERSE!!)!!) Two other stars form the Multiple. Nemesis, a DISTANT solar companion. And Antoine, a CLOSE binary solar companion! Antoine has many planets with encircling moons.


Note that two bodies in space circle a COMMON CENTRE(of gravity). In initially large eccentric orbits.

Antoine has an orbital period of 3,600 years(roughly).

So once every 3,600 years the star sun Antoine comes VERY CLOSE to your Sol!

Bringing with it its retinue of planets and their satellites. Including Homeward planet, where I live.


So what is happening RIGHT NOW is that TWO solar systems are colliding and merging!!(JUST beginning to.)

Consequently you NOW have TWO suns in the sky. And,soon,two moons,too!!




THE REASON FOR YOUR RECENT GREAT HEAT IS THE STAR SUN ANTOINE!!(Coupled to your sun, Sol, El Nino, and sundry causes!!)



Some among you of Earth thought that The Sun might have been responsible for the increasing heat noticed in recent years.(Please note how the sun emits its heat to you: 1. Through RADIATION. AND 2. Through The Solar Wind,ETC.(Coronal Mass Ejections) Which via electrons, masses, transmits energy into The Earth(and the other planets,etc.) via your Magnetosphere(AND The Earth's CORE!!)



So THOUGH the sun varies so little, much heat has been born from the energy pouring into Earth via The CME's(Coronal Mass Ejections)!!


El Nino increases this from time to time.




HOWEVER!! Now that you have our sun Antoine ALSO so close to your solar system, YOU GET ITS HEAT AS WELL!!


It is the gravitic and magnetic TIDES from Antoine(not just its heat!) playing upon your sun(And Earth,etc!), along with the gravity and magetic tides from Nibiru and the other planets and satellites,etc. of our solar system PLAYING UPON EARTH,ETC!!


- That cause such TERRIBLE DISRUPTIONS to the heavenly bodies of BOTH our solar systems.(As your sun,etc. gravity and magetic TIDES play upon our solar system!!)



Regard Vic as the current NOAH.(GET INTO THE ARK! FLEE THROUGH THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLAR ENTRANCE!!) Top speed! LESS THAN 3 years to go.(With rapidly worsening weathers meanwhile!!)




Noah was scorned. Even as Vic is being scorned NOW!!




Your underground cities and hollowed out mountains,etc.ETC. will be NO DEFENCE against the HORRIFIC gravitic and magnetic tides!! GET WITHIN THE EARTH. PRONTO!!!!(Or no life left. Bar the life forms WITHIN!!)



So many have been screaming GLOBAL WARMING.





Only a COOLING!!


Which stopped about 1998 to 2,003.



The heat troubling you recently was from an El Nino!(Coupled to Antoine), and sundry causes.




Gravity and magnetic tides from our sun Antoine have disrupted the upper half of your sun, blocking off the rising energy(rising from Sol's core)!

Consequently you face growing cold, not heat!!



The heat you HAVE been experiencing from your sun IS WHAT WAS STILL IN THE PIPE LINE. Likewise with heat(ex sun) rising up from Earth's interior!(Through SHELL via magma and lava.) What is in pipe line!!



When THAT heat in the pipe line runs out, THEN increasing cold comes.



However! Situation greatly complicated by Antoine and El Nino plus various sundry heating sources!!



So you have been roasting until very recently.


THAT has changed again, now. Because what has happened is that your sun's energy(which was long time crushed by upper blockage created by Antoine) has suddenly burst up and through!! Witness new CME's and sun spots,etc!!


So now you face growing cold from ITS pipe line length ex sun and Earth(Months if not years long.). And THEN more heat. But suddenly less heat as Antoine leaves!!(In 2016 A.D.) - And shoots back into space.



Until 3,600 years hence. Please warn those of 3,600 years hence via TIME CAPSULES!!



Sun expected to go dark, if not BLACK!!


And moon, RED!!




I am speaking of REALLY BAD COLD!!



But sun back on now. However,full-on radiation,etc. not reach surface for months or years yet.



A SUPER NOVA is possible. But very unlikely.


It is possible that the super novae that we see are caused by some solar systems within a galaxy there experiencing what you MAY BE starting to experience now! (Two suns crashing into each other.)MAYBE THAT is the reason for SUPER NOVAE everywhere at all times!!




Though all may die, no problem, as all enter Spirit World, and can re-incarnate from there!




The chance of a super nova with us(you too) is MOST EXTREMELY REMOTE, but possible!!




Nibiru COULD hit The Earth! It DID on its first orbit.(Creating your moon.)



You people of Earth, especially in Western Society have thought that you are good folk ruled by good powers.

No! You are neutral folk ruled by bad powers!!

Taught for nearly a million years now LIES!!

To KEEP YOU in the power of the rulers!!

Who are not your immediate leaders, figure heads, but the HIDDEN ones BEHIND them!!



You have been STUFFED UP with such nonsense as Vatican,ETC. teaches!!


Pope has been made god of so many. When TRUE God is THE INFINITE!!

Wake up, O' Earthmen!!



If you REVERSE(Take the OPPOSITES in meaning!) what has been taught, then you get the real TRUTH!!



Your rulers are evil. Out for their selves.

Yet it is not good that the mob rule(MOST bad!). ONLY the elite among the people should!!


Anarchy increases.


You are a squabbling lost increasingly mad RABBLE.




Most are not so much evil, as selfish and horribly self centred. But a few ARE evil!!



The few corrupts the whole.



Earth men were primitive and so clueless. So taken over by Reptileans via humanoids. Aliens.

Who now rule and dominate you via the faceless HIDDEN ones behind your leaders who ARE BUT FIGURE HEADS!!!!




We would help you, Earthmen.



We use Vic(and others) to try to reach you.



Other groups also trying to help you.



Intelligent life exists upon many worlds.



Life on Earth is so VERY UN intelligent!!



Obey GOD, not Devil(THE DEMON)!


Through your Higher Self, not lower one!


Through higher desires and ideals, NOT lower appetites!!



Evil rules you via Devil, Pan, Reptileans, Humanoid aliens and THE HIDDEN ONES!!


GodS not god.(Though the highest and truest god IS THE INFINITE!!)(You called the aliens and spirits gods, you see.)


Much of what you call evil is good.


And much of what you call good, is evil!!




You are in a TERRIBLE MESS.



Break FREE of your very foolish PHONEY ideas!!



You are destroying your selves! Bodies and SOULS!!


But Nature,etc. is about to assist you!!


We MEAN that SOON Nature,etc.TOO will be destroying you!!!!





Remember, - MULTI dimensional universe and OMNIVERSE!!




Low souls allowed to win up to now. That they may develop.



But now God return and save all via the HIGHER SOULS!!



To save all. Instead of losing all(Which would happen if higher did not intervene!!)



Reason being the great dividing of the sheep from the goats,etc.

Awful disaster come now to close this society AND START A NEW ONE!!



So watch now for colossal REVERSAL of EVERYTHING!!



Such that MANY go mad!!




We speak true O men of Planet Terra(or Terrene).



You heed us, please!!



Or perish COMPLETELY!!





MANY cycles end 21.12.2,012.A.D.




A most TREMENDOUS GREAT event. A good one(basically).



It is the year 2,012. NOT 1999 you see, which is THE ONE!!



1999 was just a mathematical end so to speak.



No! 2,012.A.D. is the date to watch!!



Prepare NOW, O men of Planet Terra!!













Friday, 19th February, 2,010.

H59. In brief!



To Whom it may concern:-



I wish you all to understand what is happening.

You have probably noticed that our weather, world wide, is worsening. Plus seismic events too, and volcanic eruptions. AND social and societal!! AND animals and plants.(Via dying species,etc.)

I know WHY this is occurring!!


I also know that it will get worse and worse - until we are all dead.(INSIDE of 3 to 6 years!!)(NOT a single life form should survive!!)(There is a RED DUST already descending through our atmosphere. BECAUSE we are in the tail of(Nostradamus Comet!) Nibiru(The seventh planet of Antoine(see below)! Sol, our sun, is blowing the tail on to us! It is full of rocks and RED DUST. Red dust laden with DEADLY INCURABLE bacteriums!! Wear face masks,soon, or suffocate!!)(Incurable because an alien planet now.(Nibiru was once our fifth rock from the sun! But Antoine captured it.)


However!! I know how to dodge the most appalling and terrible events that lie ahead. So PLEASE listen VERY carefully to me!!


The popular explanation is that the cause basically is Global Warming, via Man.

And that steps are being taken to combat this.



I NEED you all to help me to not only KEEP GOING, but to get the authorities to instal my escape plan!!(Or we all perish and horribly and terribly.)


I am obliged to tell you TWO things:-

1. The TRUE REAL cause of the worsening weather,etc.etc.

And 2. How to dodge it!!



1. The true real cause is that Sol, our sun, which is a star, has a CLOSE BINARY COMPANION STAR. - Which, circles our common orbital focus, along with our sun. In gigantic elliptical orbits,(Which necessitates that Antoine(the name of the second sun) gets VERY close, orbitting for a while, our sun, for about six years.)


It does this every(approximately) 3,600 years(Been studying all this for many years. I know what I am talking about. PLEASE heed!! Your LIFE and EVERYTHING is going to depend upon it!!). The actual figure is about 3,597 years. Something like that.


If you go back through history in 3,600 year steps, you will see that cataclysms occurred then!(ALSO every 6,500 years per Sol going beserk! In binomial decreasing steps of decreasing disasters. You check back through history!!)


3,600 years ago, was a huge flood(the third). Santorini blew up. Poseidon sank for the third time(North Atlantic)). And there was a terrible and long DROUGHT. Following the enormous flood.


3,600 years before that was what is called The Creation. Followed by Adam and Eve.(Actually a RE creation necessitated by a CATACLYSM!) (Now I know many of you will protest that the creation was about FIVE BILLION YEARS BACK, but I am referring to RE-creations, every 3,600 years(Of life forms upon this planet, not the beginning of The Earth!!)(Which explains the clash between Science and Religion!!)



Bear with me now!





IN ADDITION to these 3,600 year orbital period cataclysms, there is ANOTHER series of cataclysms, every 6,500 years! (Due to the sun going beserk every 6,500 years, due to getting close to the electric flow down the localclosed stellar cluster's) spiral arms' chain!)(As it circles the LOCAL spiral arm getting VERY close in FOUR 6,500 year(6,500 x 4 is 26,000 years, the zodiacal precessional period.) CYCLES!!)










Now our growing heat is due to the approach of the second sun Antoine.


But have you noticed the growing cold UP NORTH(Hemisphere.)??



You must NOT panic, but it is better to KNOW, than NOT to know, I think. So hear me out, please!!








That cold is mainly due to Antoine(second sun)(NOW closing in again on our sun!) crushing out Sol(our sun), BLOCKING the rising energies!(Which give us the radiation!)(And ALSO the solar wind, coronal mass ejections,ETC. Which give us heat via energy A SECOND WAY!! Via our magnetic poles of magnetosphere and Earth's CORE.)



This is why the sun spots stopped(a lot)!!





In other words, sun put OUT. The heat we are getting is due to WHAT IS STILL IN THE PIPE LINE!!


And similarly, via solar wind,etc. what is rising up from Earth's core IS WHAT IS LEFT IN THE PIPE LINE!!


But starting to RUN OUT!! Hence the cold!



However!! Antoine(Sol's CLOSE binary companion star.) is counter-balancing the growing cold, WITH INCREASING HEAT!!(Augmented perhaps by El Nino. Occasionally.)



So we THINK things are amost normal - WHEN THEY ARE NOT!!!!



Yes, the sun has gone OUT. Should go dark. And finally BLACK!!!!(For some YEARS, quite a few.)



The moon will go red.(Due to the increasing red dust from Nibiru's tail.(A second sun(see videos, photographs and reports!!) has already appeared. A second moon(a red one)(and ugly with volcanic spurts) will appear SUDDENLY in our night sky about 2.6 years hence. GET READY FOR IT!!)






Did you guess the OTHER horror I am about to utter? Yes!





The TWO cataclysmic series WILL CO-INCIDE this time!!



A DOUBLE super duper cataclysm will occur.



When?? Did you guess it? 21.12.2012!!


Actually it will be spread over six years. From 2,012 to about 2,018.A.D.(Peaking May 8th, 2,013.A.D.)



THIS is why 2012 is so terrible!!


A film called 2012 is out. Which is PEA NUTS compared to what is ACTUALLY coming!!(The film ONLY shows our sun's cataclysmic contribution!!)(You need to ADD IN Antoine's horror!!(Antoine has a retinue of planets and their satellites, etc; etc.))




The two cataclysms(which may cause a SUPER NOVAE and destroy The Milky Way Galaxy) should occur a few years apart, actually. I do not know the order.

One around 2,012. The other five or six years later.






As you may imagine this is a terrible burden for one man to carry. Which is WHY I am sharing it with you now. I cannot bear the strain any longer!!


Dear folk. I assure you all that it is not baloney, but VERY TRUE!!





99.99 point recurring % probably true!!





I have checked and re-checked. I did a scientific paper which I gave to Super IGA. But have heard nothing from them.





I am struggling frantically to inform all.(But of course, get disbelieved.)



Now,then, as I switch to BLUE:-











GET, as fast as you can, an armada (My Noah's Ark is THE GREAT WITHIN!!) of ships, planes, submarines and helicopters taking all key people and equipment IN through The North GEOGRAPHICAL pole!!




There is a vast tropical land(with sea) below!!











Go armed. As down there are Neanderthals, Pre-historic monsters(Ignore The Nazi base.), Wild natives, AND Satanku and his warriors!!!! Along with many strange creatures.





Colonize The Interior, which I REPEAT is NOT underground!!






Folks, from now on a growing number of strange things will occur:-

For example: A dead loved one materializing in front of you.


And you floating off the ground!!


Things like that.




Just keep calm.







I am deadly serious. And in maximum EARNEST!!!!




There is a hole in the sea. GO THROUGH IT. It is an entrance to The Great WITHIN!!



The hole is SO big, you cannot see it!



It is over a THOUSAND MILES wide!!



The way in IS FLAT!! Though it LOOKS curved and TUBULAR!!



Now we have only 2.6 years left to do this!!



Trust it. It is right!!




Our weather,etc. meanwhile, will get rapidly worse...






I am not mad. I know the details!!




I need your FULLEST co-operation and SUPPORT!!











The problem is you see that The Authorities DO NOT KNOW!! And the faceless ones BEHIND our figure-head leaders, are putting their faith in UNDERGROUND CITIES and HOLLOWED OUT mountains(For the chosen, of course!)



WHY have we not been told? Because THEY do not want a panic! And EVEN MORE SO, they do not want TO LOSE CONTROL OVER US!!







So they continue to LIE to us.(As they do,too, about UFO's,alien abductions, cattle mutilation, crop circles, life elsewhere, ghosts, and the such like...)(We are their cattle,you see, genetically engineered by them!(Born of Cro-mags and Neanderthals.)(They are coming to inspect us. Get ready!!)



They want us ASLEEP(mentally).


But I for one wish to stay mentally awake.



And you LOT had better WAKE UP,too!!






HELP ME HELP YOU get the authorities to ACT!! And send in THAT ARMADA!!!!




You dig?











You ALL listen to me, - AND SAVE YOURSELVES.





I can save you mentally,too!!


















More details upon request!!






So you see now(I HOPE.), COMRADS!!








Vic.(Better to believe and get fooled. Than to doubt or disbelieve - AND PERISH!!!!)(But you see, I am not kidding!!)









Extra notes: El Nino is complicating things.

The sun had burst up back through the blockage.

But has gone quiet again now.


What I am saying is ALSO mentioned in Bible! In Revelation(last book).(It says somewhere in there that sun will go black and moon red. (I am not trying to fit The Bible. But I FIND that The Bible IS FITTING WHAT I AM SAYING!!)(Please NOTE THAT!!)



I can see why the moon will go red. It is due to the red dust in the tail of Nibiru(The Red Dragon).



As for the sun going black. Well once the pipe lines are cleared it must go dark, and FINALLY BLACK!!

Antoine, the second sun, has stirred up the UPPER SUN, BLOCKING energy rising from its core! (That cleared, but a fresh blockage MAY now have occurred. Over the next SIX YEARS as Antoine circles(in very elliptical orbits) our sun, these disruption blockages are likely to continue. Bad ones would blacken the sun.(Because putting IT OUT!!)



Anyway, large variances may be expected in heat and cold, as first the extra heat from Antoine dominates, and then the blocked sun cools down(going dark)!!




VERY disturbing stuff, of course.


I think I am right!!




So DESPERATELY need your help,please!!




















Saturday, 20th February, 2,010.


My frantic APPEAL to ALL!!



To Whom It May Concern,(H60 is an article in my H series(which is on Global Warming,etc.).)




This is further information, if you will receive it.


Global Warming,ETC.



I am saying that ALL life upon this planet is at stake UNLESS(now you are a traffic man!) we despatch key personnel and equipment THROUGH(sic) The North Geographical Pole(It being an ENTRANCE to The Great Within(A Tropical Paradise ALMOST as large as the outer surface of The Earth.)(Necessary UP THERE by ship, submarine, plane and helicopter.))


Your first re-action may have been that this is a fantasy to attract attention !


I assure you (in case anyone did think that) that this is NOT the case.

No, this is a genuine appeal from a man good(though I say it myself) at bright ideas and schemes.

The point is this: UNLESS we get through The North GEOGRAPHICAL Pole poste haste, then all life forms upon this planet ARE DOOMED.(Within 3 to 6 years.)


I am DEADLY serious. Have studied this matter closely and intensely for many years.


My subject is GLOBAL WARMING,ETC. A popular topic of course.

My theme is to account for such global warming, ETC.(That ETC. covers quite a multitude of HORRORS.)


Most of us if not all are aware of the worsening weather! And not just the weather, but seismic and volcanic activities too. AND social, societal, animal and plant life!!


The question should naturally arise: WHAT is causing it? And the ready answer usually is Man made Global Warming. Anthropomorphic Climate Change.





Far too little, even by surface nature(volcanic eruptions and forest fires,etc.). WE NEED TO LOOK DEEPER AND WIDER. - FOR A MORE REASONABLE CAUSE!!


Some have thought that THE SUN is to blame. There is now a growing study of our sun.


It DOES contribute much of the excess heat, of course. However, there is another factor THAT FEW PEOPLE EVEN DREAM OF!!



THE RETURN OF A CLOSE COMPANION SUN STAR BINARY!!(Along with its retinue of planets and their satellites,etc.)


Every 3,600 years.

And, - if you check back through history YOU WILL FIND COLOSSAL DISASTERS occurring at 3,600 year intervals!!(A Great Flood being the most familiar(about 3,600 years ago)(the latest one).


The only plausible explanation is that of an astronomical object(or objects) which come(s) very close to us every 3,600 years.



Antoine is the name of the second sun which IS DOING THIS!!


Nibiru is simply ONE of its planets!(Nibiru is a fearsome volcano spouting planet now in tow of Antioine(the second sun), formerly one of OUR planets!) About the size of Mars.(Antoine is Jupiter size OR LARGER.)



The 3,600 year period term is up 2,012.A.D.(That DATE again!!)


Now almost NO ONE knows about The Antoine and Nibiru Complex(group of heavenly bodies). Yet it fits PERFECTLY. AND with 2,012.A.D!!




The Evidence for this group??


Anyone BRAVE enough to take the trouble to punch in Second Sun and(independently) Nibiru on The Internet on their computer, will be regaled(if they search around a bit) with photographs, videos and reports,etc. ON these two illustrious(but DEADLY) objects!!


They are REAL. They EXIST!!



NOT sun dogs, camera lens flares, et al.(All obvious explanations already checked out.)


Theory(A CLOSE binary companion to Sol(our sun) making one of its orbital 3,600 year periodic passes(it hangs around for about SIX YEARS)(From now.)

EVIDENCE?? On The Internet, as just intimated!!




Now to make a long story short, (though fuller details available from me upon request) - I would point out that just about NO ONE knows THAT AN ESCAPE ROUTE EXISTS!




Secret authorities are building underground cities and hollowing out mountains, storing seeds, plants, etc. SO THEY KNOW SOMETHING APPALLING is IMMINENT!!



Public not being told to avoid panic.




I protest that these underground cities and hollowed out mountains are NOT adequate against the huge gravitic and magnetic tides of Antoine and Nibiru!!


The heat from second sun Antoine(and later THE COLD from our own sun AS IT GOES OUT AND BLACK!! Likewise coming up through The Earth(cold!). ex The Solar Wind and Coronal Mass Ejections via The Magnetosphere,etc. - will be bad,too.




Few realize that the polar caps are in fact ENTRANCES to The Great Tropical Paradise WITHIN. So even the authorities will miss it!


My case is TO PLEAD IT!!(I BESEECH you! I IMPLORE YOU!!(ALL life (Upon Earth, at least(and more!) AT STAKE!!))) 



GET AT LEAST KEY PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT in through the North Geographical Pole ENTRANCE(The Southern one is too hazardous.)(The Southern one LOOKS like a crater, but is in fact AN ENTRANCE!!)(These entrances are OVER ONE THOUSAND MILES WIDE!! TOO BIG TO SEE!!)

As many people and as much equipment as possible, plus seeds and plants,etc. And animals.(HERE is the modern day NOAH'S ARK. LET US save as many as we possibly can, of course!!)




My own position is hazardous inasmuch as that there are forces and people who do not want me to reveal what I am telling you. So waste NO TIME getting organized for what should be a GREAT MASS EXODUS EVACUATION into THE GREAT WITHIN!!!!




I am well versed in all the necessary details. SO YOU WILL NEED ME.




Haul me out to safety if you will, AND GET THE NEW EXODUS GOING!! !!




(Ships, submarines, planes and helicopters. No roads(or rails).)(GET landing strips built!!)



Now you face two possibilities:-


1. I am a crank OUT for attention and publicity using a fantasy.


Or, 2: I am genuine and desperately concerned about his fellow man AND ALL LIFE UPON THIS PLANET!!




PLEASE let us work together on this.




I cannot of course speak for myself. You must be judge.









The choice is yours.




No one will help me.



Let us join hands, AND FORCES.


And SAVE the world!!



The sun will go black(and cold). The moon will go red.(In the Bible!!)



NOW it is making sense! Wormwood(Bible!!) IS Nibiru(The nasty red dragon planet that will come to one million miles of Earth!!)



Calculations reveal that Nibiru will SUDDENLY appear like a full RED moon, about 2.6 years hence!!





I would imagine that heart failure will take a few straight off...




Enough said?






Your question must be: Is this man out for publicity with an outrageous fantasy, OR - is he right?!



Already deadly poisonous red dust is falling down through our atmosphere! Carrying INCURABLE microbes from Nibiru! Suffocating red dust!!(Our own personal Pompei!!)





We are IN the tail of Nibiru! And have been for some time. The tail is composed of rocks and red dust, mostly. SO LOOK OUT!!(Wear face masks!!)


The sun(ours!) is blowing Nibiru's TAIL at us(as it does with comets), hence the red dust fall!!


We are on the outer fringe as yet, so very little coming down. But that will change!!(Or it should do.)



Most stars have binary companions!



Why not seen? Because hidden behind the sun, in its glare.

And coming in from a very rare ANGLE!!(Plus MANY other reasons!) So both Antoine AND Nibiru will be VERY HARD to find!!

Our choice is of DEATH FOR ALL ON THIS PLANET, or LIFE!!







Just a helping hand.




































Thursday, 25th February, 2,010.



Questions and answers.



Humans love to hear good news.

They find it hard to bear bad.

So often go into denial.

For instance if I said to you THE SUN HAS GONE OUT. And the moon may leave us.



What thoughts go through your minds?

If you take any notice at all, two routes are usually followed:-


1. This guy is mad. I will ignore him.

The sun has obviously not gone out. And the moon has been with us many millions of years. Why would it take off??


And go into denial.



2. Or, are you philosopic and and say DO I KNOW THAT IT HASN'T?!

Perhaps he is right!

What is his theory?

WHERE is the evidence??






How do you respond?

Per 1, or 2??



The first casualty in any battle is usually the truth.


I analyze the evidences and synthesize a theory.


Humans follow the herd. Not logic.

They believe what they want.

And to Hell with those who differ.

Whom they attempt to destroy.




Humans are like sheep. Though not necessarily goats.

Some humans heed. Most ignore.





Things are changing though. As the higher vibs come in. FROM THE CENTRE OF OUR GALAXY!!!!


2012 and all that.


Fewer and fewer do what their ancestors did.


More women now stay single, than get married.



Glad to see some sense! Especially in an overcrowded world!!




Justice for all.

Not just for some!!





See you in H.62.









Thursday, 25th February, 2,010.











Now why would I make a statement like that??



But few humans THINK. They low emote!!



Instead of saying Good Lord, how amazing! But has it closed the door??



And the answer is: NO.


The sun has gone out, but pipe line radiation continues. And up through The Earth. But pipe line only.




Am I mad? A little crazy perhaps??





I don't think so.


The sun spots have stopped. Almost completely.




But people in general do not ask WHY, they ask WHAT!!


And get no where, still!!




I analyze the evidences, and then try to synthesize a theory.




A woman once said to me, - twice - when she saw my brows crinkle: It's not what you know, IT'S WHO YOU KNOW!!


She had a point.


Though not two.



Stop thinking! And LISTEN!!





Many hate thinkers, because it leads to truth, though via falsehoods!!





And people, the mob, just CANNOT BEAR the truth.





Which is a pity.





As upon it ALL things are builded.






When I was a child, I decided to find out the truth.

So I studied a book called What do you know?




I have never looked back. First I learned what was supposed to be true.

And THEN - what actually IS.




The difference is astounding.



Ever tried to write you name looking in a mirror?





Most stars are multiple!

And The Earth(and all the bolides(round igneous projectiles)) are HOLLOW(though not like an egg shell).


Did you know that The Earth is flat? Yes!! RELATIVELY.




Earthmen certainly are!!

Yes, I think.

Too much FOR YOU??





The sun is a star, as with many - and has planets,etc.


It has a distance companion called Nemesis.


AND a CLOSE COMPANION called Antoine.

No you won't find these things in Astronomy Journals!



Universities,etc. pump out lies that dressed up to LOOK like truths!!



Tack on a few letters, and man - the world is yours!




Yes, but not Heaven.




What is money? Money is a token of gold in stock NO LONGER PROMISED!!





What is wealth?? Wealth is Material Stock, Labour, INCLINATION, less overheads.(Having these you can print as much paper as you like! And THAT is what is HAPPENING!!!!)


True wealth is GOD, relationship with God. Friends, and Good Principles.




FAST vanishing commodities!!





These are the last days.

As well as the FAST days.

When shadow is seen as substance.

And spoilt children rule us! Through the women we worship!!




We are living in a super dream.

We awaken SOME time after death, to a super reality!!





Birth was our death.


Death shall be our birth!!




A star called Antoine, plus its retinue of planets and satellites,etc. has just returned to our sun, Sol.(It does this every 3,600 years. Check back in such steps, and see.)


IT put out the sun spots by inflaming the upper sun.


Then PUT THE SUN OUT via stirring up the upper sun so much that it blocked the lower!!



Yes, the sun is OUT. And should quickly darken and turn black.




AWFUL cold of course.





Antoine threatens Sol.




And Nibiru(a planet, once ours) threatens Earth.






You see Earth folk. truth does not depend upon the ferocity of our belief.


Nor does it give a damn about our beliefs.BUT IT BELIEVES IN US!!





What is the moral of my story??




The radiation from the sun, and the heat from Earth are ONLY what is left in the pipe lines!!





What is happening NOW is this:-




Antoine is feeding us the heat!

And sun and Earth are supplying the cold!!






I talk like a madman? Yet I shall be justified within a few short years...






The old moon MAY vanish(leave us).


And a terrible HORRIBLE new RED moon rule our night skies!!





FIRST comes terrible heat.

Then cold.












Those who ignore me, WILL PERISH!!




Amen,then!!(If you INSIST!!)





I have appealed.


You have turned a deaf ear.





You allegedly espouse logic and sense.


YET my logical and sensible(albeit a little cryptic at times)deductions seem to have gone un-noticed by your EARS!!






WHY is this??




WHY do we see our faults projected in others??




Because our mummies worshipped us too much.






But WHAT will our zombies DO??!!






I TRY to inform you. But fail now.









I think therefore I am?


No!! I am, therefore I THINK!!!!











Monday, 1st March, 2,010.



Explaining it.



Interesting how these once in a century events occur daily now. Two a day sometimes!!

What IS odd is the incredible public apathy. Sheer indifference. Despair.


They just don't and WON'T get the message.






What is there to explain?




Impossible, of course.


SOMETHING is wrong.

Things no longer add up. Do they?!



I keep trying to tell you all.

But I cry out to the DELIBERATELY deaf.


REALLY believing that the ferocity of their disbelief -


- will somehow twist reality to conform with their IDIOTIC wishes!!





Of quite a number in fact!



The next ten years will be like a chapter out of Dante's INFERNO.



But of course you won't believe me.

BECAUSE you cannot bear it!!




Chile earthquake and Japan earthquake at the same time!!


Tsunami warnings for both.


I say AGAIN: Sol(our sun) is one of a multiple group of stars!

It's Close Companion Binary Star Antoine HAS RETURNED!!

Along with its retinue of planets and their satellites,etc.ETC.



Multiple stars are common throughout The Universe.

But because we have not been told that Sol is not single, we THINK that it is single!!

Sol(our sun) is an extension of ORION! Where the progenitor aliens came from. Sirius 5 and that lot.

Look up! SEE those three stars in the night sky?? THAT is Orion's BELT.

WE are forming a small t off the centre star. Same distance from the centre star as the centre star is from its two companions!!

NOTICE too that GIANT Orion's Belt in the sky?!


Ah, but I don't have letters after my name. Therefore I cannot be an authentic authority! And BACK TO SLEEP YOU ALL GO!! Hey ho.



Being an amateur is very advantageous!

On The OUTER!!

NOT EVEN the also rans!!

I plotted the universe at all levels(stars, stellar clusters, galaxies, quasars,etc.etc.) in 3D!

So I am anathema. HATED!!

Because I have shown up the HUMBUGS!!

The phoneys.



How did I manage this? Very simple. First I worked out everything. And then Cosmology and Cosmogony.

Finally I got the TRUE REAL distances to the stars,etc.


SO different from the orthodox rubbish.



THEN I plotted the universe. At the four levels.


This told me MUCH. Like Objects in general go in twin identical pairs. Close and distant pairs.

Arcturus is the nearest star.(Abo's right.)


The upshot is - that I got the KEY to EVERYTHING!!


With it I obtained all the main SECRETS.






It's right!



Sol(our sun) is ONE of a TRIO. Sol, Antoine and Nemesis!!!




Nemesis is very distant. Won't be swinging around the sun for another 18 million years.


Now Antoine(the close binary companion star) is another story. IT visits us(and swings around the sun)  a few times over the next six years, along with its retinue of planets and their satellites,etc. etc.


Every 3,597 years(Roughly every 3,600 years.).




We recently had two cataclysms. With an interval of 3,600 years in between.


Now hands up all those who think it odd that 3,600 years AFTER the last lot(A great FLOOD,ETC.), the date comes up 2,012.A.D!!



Go on!!




You see, chums(Have I any??!!), WE GOT IT ALL WRONG.


Because believing the LIES dealt out to us CONSTANTLY by the authorities!!



How can A GOON like me DO THIS??


Because stupid though I am, and idiot that I am, I DECIDED TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MAIN QUESTIONS IN LIFE!!


I had been made to feel so inferior,etc. That my spirit rebelled and first found out all that is ALLEGED.


And THEN THE TRUTH!! Pretty accurately.


Of course I am LOATHED AND HATED for it.



Frantically and desperately I NOW try to save the world mentally AND PHYSICALLY. Spiritually and divinely, and materially.


Well, I am like that.



I cling to GOD, and not the other chap.




The world worships The Devil, you see, whom it CALLS GOD!!



GOD, Jesus, The Whole Spirit AND The Virgin Mary!!

You can keep the rest!!



I REEK with faults. But in a world that is ONE BIG FAULT, who notices?? Eh??



Who cares??



Only God, I have found!!



Though a brave few make the attempt(to care).



And THERE you have it. Honest Joe!!



I TRY to help. But SUCH is taboo!!


Thou shalt not criticize the world!!


Or you will be pitilessly DESTROYED.



On the other hand, if you don't at least try to do good, then God's WRATH will descend upon you!!



So what is the answer?

WHAT was the question??





And on that you guys and fellahs I will get back into my (mental) COFFIN!!





Damn the torpedoes FULL SPEED AND STEAM(steam first!) AHEAD!!!!





Either you help me TO HELP YOU, to save you by going through The North Geographical Pole the ONLY escape from Antoine and Nibiru etc.etc!!


OR ALL WILL PERISH!!!! Slowly, horribly and terribly.

As the weather AND ALL ELSE, rapidly worsens!!

Not noticed??

That is because you listen through your mouth,

And speak through your ears!!






All the best, chums,




Men love The Truth.






Mistake made?!



Low souls which rule this planet,

have convinced ALMOST ALL that lower self is god!

Confusing it

For The Higher!!


They PROJECT their faults onto the good.

Then crucify the good souls.

That they might be devils.

And invert THE LOT!!!!



Aliens have ruled us poor neutral SUCKERS.

For nearly a million years.

In this catch as catch can world.

Where ANYTHING goes.


So NOTHING comes!!

Live now, die tomorrow??

Instead of dying now. And LIVING tomorrow!!

Death was never even BORN!!

But in a world where pigs fly.






Two things: (God help us all!!)

1. There is no god.

2. And 2. we would not qualify for help EVEN IF THERE WAS!!


The tragedy is - that we are standing upon our heads,



God IS Community!!

Unfortunately Community IS NOT GOD!!!!


What was the question??

THAT is the answer!!!!










Friday, 12th March, 2,010.



More details.



I seem to have solved the mystery of global warming.(Though I know that the world does not think that there is any mystery. But that gw is due to Man, mostly via carbon emissions from fossil fuels.)


I have written at great length upon this subject(Global Warming, but more particularly 2,012.A.D.). However, I wish to mention a few more points or emphasize some old ones.)


1. The Pope was told to reveal the solution to a great mystery, possibly The Third Secret of Fatima, which seems to be connected to my subject.

However, he funked this. It was simply too horrifying for him to divulge.


I think that it is better to reveal the solution than not to. And am doing so as best I can.



2. The solution to global warming is that Sol(our sun's)'s CLOSE binary star companion has almost completely returned after the usual 3,600(3,597, actually, I believe) year absence.


Be it noted that most stars are members of a multiple group. I consider(lacking a satisfactory solution to global warming)that a second solar system merging with ours is the best solution.(GW is certainly NOT due to Man(a money making scam, taking advantage of Mrs.Thatcher's offer), nor even to Surface Nature(volcanic eruptions and forest fires,etc.). The Sun has been considered a good solution, and is a contributor. However, it is not the chief cause. MAIN Causes being Antoine(the second sun now arriving)(50%), Sol(35%), El Nino(10%, on average), Surface Nature(0.004%), Man(0.0016%!)(Belching industrial stacks is intended to be impressive, but actually contributes only a very small proportion.)(Even volcanic eruptions pall before the star contributors.) - and various sundry causes(4.9944%). (Roughly.)


Sol, it seems, is a member of a trio.(At least a trio!) Sol, Nemesis and Antoine. All members probably have planets(Nemesis is unknown in this respect.). Nemesis is about 1.5 light-years away. And not due to visit us for another 18 million years!(Nemesis is a DISTANT binary companion to Sol. Antoine is a CLOSE binary companion.)


Antoine appears to be at least Sol sized! And with a similar sized solar system of planets and their satellites,etc.


All the information I offer is probable, not absolute!




3. Antoine seems to be the main CURRENT heat supplier. However, the danger is also from the gravitic(gravity) and magnetic TIDES of Star Antoine, and one of its planets, Nibiru(Called Wormwood in The Bible.)(Formerly Sol's fifth out planet, but was captured by Antoine.) These huge tides will cause immense damage(via earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,etc., )when these two objects(Antoine and Nibiru)reach their closest points to Sol and Earth, respectively. Antoine affects the sun. Nibiru will maximally affect The Earth when it gets to only one million miles distant.


4. The Seventh Seal and all that, as described in Revelation, last book of The Christendom's Protestant Bible. Is the archaic description of what this close solar system companion will do to us. I worked out what would happen.(And was astonished to find that The Bible book Revelation describes in archaic language THE VERY THINGS I worked out!!(Note, not the other way around!)


5. My scientific exposition equals what Revelation is saying!(Note that Antoine has an orbital period of 3,597(Roughly 3,600) years.



6. Please note that THE WAY OF ESCAPE lies THROUGH The North(The South has an entrance to The Great Within,too, but is far too hazardous(bar for planes).) GEOGRAPHICAL POLE.(Not magnetic poles, NOR underground!!) Head for The North GEOGRAPHICAL POLE, and proceed in a BEE-LINE. AND KEEP ON GOING.(In the air, on the sea, or under the sea.)


7. THEY know SOMETHING is coming. THEY being the hidden faceless powers behind the leaders. And have built, or are building,  underground cities(some beneath the ocean floor), as well as hollowing out inside of mountains.

They know that Nibiru(about the size of Mars)is approaching. I think that is about all.(I doubt they know about a close second solar system. Nor that there is ANOTHER surface (almost as large as the outer one!) WITHIN The Earth!!(I figured the former, though not the latter.)(But I knew about it through others. But THEY will need to be PRESSED to save key personnel and equipment THROUGH The North GEOGRAPHICAL POLE.)

However! These will not be foolproof against the gravity and magnetic tides!!(Please note that electro-magnetic fields(produced) provide the POWER(though not any ENTITIES) for super-natural and super-normal phenomena which will get increasingly plentiful from now on!!)


8. Two series of super cataclysms occur. 1. Due to Second Sun, Antoine,etc.(Every 3,597 years) And 2. Due to our sun Sol.(In binomial sequence steps per intensity and frequency over 6,500 years. I deduced these steps AND FOUND THEM ACCURATE!!)(Disasters occur via a progressive HALVING of the 6,500 year period cycle, 3,250, 1,625 years,etc. Where disasters decrease in intenstiy and increase in frequency.)(If you check through history, you will find that big disasters EXACTLY FIT the TWO sequences!!)


9. 2,012.A.D. is the great focal date. The reason for this is that in that year(21.12.2,012.A.D.) The Winter Solstice of Sol lines up with The Great Dark Rift at The Centre of our Milky Way Galaxy. This then places our sun in a direct line with the energies pouring out of our galactic centre. Such that ALL our cycles FIT into that alignment!! We, our ancestors, simply deduced the very(naturally) cyclic periods of the various heavenly bodies,etc. which AUTOMATICALLY inter-meshed with such very alignments.(This applies with all stars when they so align with the centres of their galaxies.)(We simply could NOT do anything else!!)


It is these TREMENDOUS energies and vibrations which produce all the effects.


The GREAT EVENT occurs on 21.12.2,012.A.D. But the WORK OUT is on 23.12.2,012.A.D.

Thus shall powerful spiritual and material CHANGES occur in our persons and lives!(For the better.)

The material horrors and terrors devolving are due to RE-ACTIONS by Man and Nature. The GREAT EVENT ITSELF being a wonderful and marvellous uplifting of the energies and vibrations of Sol's planets(Including Earth's), and all the creatures on these planets,etc.(Mortal AND immortal!)



These changes will be VERY pleasing to some. Though not to all.



Thus some will behave better, but many worse.



10.Jesus declared "I shall return in TWO DAYS".(Two THOUSAND YEAR days, I aver.)(Which is around the date of 2,012.A.D!!)



11. 2,012.A.D. is all the rage,now.

It is on the minds of many. Though is often a hot potato to discuss!!




12, It is the end of life as we know it. The end of AN AGE.(Earth will PROBABLY continue.)(The end of about TWENTY worlds in fact! And it will even affect The Spirit World!!)



13. Nibiru COULD hit us.(If it does, the end of Earth,too!!)



14. Antoine threatens Sol, our sun.

Nibiru threatens Earth.




15. Pre-historic monsters, like dinosaurs, still roam, WITHIN THE EARTH!!(Along with other anachronisms.)




16. Most stars have planetary systems,etc. (As do Sol and Antoine.)

Nemesis probably has,too.




17. The Biblical book of Revelation was both a record of previous visits of Antoine, AND a forecast of what is to come.(Around 2,012.A.D.)


The reason being that the same or similar consequences ensue each time.




This time is SPECIAL though. Inasmuch as BOTH super cataclysmic serial sequences CO-INCIDE! About 2,012.A.D. Hinging EXACTLY upon 21.12.2,012.A.D. NECESSARILY. (The Centre of The Galaxy automatically controlling all events and cycles,etc. IN LINE!!)


So we shall have, this time, a DOUBLE SUPER CATACLYSM.



18. Antoine(And Nibiru,etc.) will probably occur first.

Then that of Sol.


MAYBE both super cataclysms WILL occur at the VERY same time.



19. The Sun ITSELF is not crushed by Antoine.

It is the energies,etc.RISING from Sol's core that get crushed.(Which is what puts the sun out.)




20. I have slapped down these points as they came to mind.

Too diverse for a coherent article.

Yet a good supplement.








Thursday, 18th March, 2,010.






Terrible things.





The Gregorian Calendar is allegedly wrong by 4, possibly 3, years. Due to an error. Presumably behind the given date.(See per Peeble a Roman Catholic Priest.)

So the date we need to watch, in terms of our own time, is 21 or 23.12.2,015 or 6!(Dec.21st is the date of the winter solstice when the potential for change occurs. Dec 23rd apparently is the date when change manifests.)

Therefore it(Doomsday) should be some time within the next ten years.

But spread over about 6 to 12 years. Centering more or less upon 2,012.A.D.

But I say allow another ten years to fit Jesus' prediction of about 2,033.A.D.(Via two thousand year days from the date he spoke.)

Maybe a bit of a variation too in the exact date or day.




Not the end of one world, but of about 20.

Plus the REMOTELY POSSIBLE destruction of all life in The Milky Way Galaxy.

Or at least the solar systems of Sol and Antoine.

And maybe destruction of Sol, Antoine, Earth,etc.



A VERY destructive event.



Time of day unknown, because of global zones!



Affecting spirit world, too.



Half a judgement.

Half a naturally occurring cycle.


We may get reborn elsewhere!!


If Earth,etc.destroyed or too badly damaged!!




I desperately and frantically try to warn the world.

But get dis believed.

All going into DENIAL!!!!




Isn't the world ready? Even for so colossal and event? Basically good!!



Men believe what they want to believe.

Too bad for the truth!!



NO WAY to stop it.


I am the only person on Earth to know it is coming.

And the only person on Earth to know the way of escape.

How hard to bear disbelief.

When I am SO sure that I am right!!



Dear Good Lord - HELP US ALL!!




Changing the font. I mean the print type. - To Times New Roman. Just a change.

I believe that we descended from a race on Sirius 4 or 5. In Orion. Of super humans.(The same people who came here and built the Great Pyramid,etc. Starting many great civilizations.))

They crossed with the descendents of Cro-Mags and Neanderthals.(The Neanderthals possibly being the result of a cross between Cro-Mags and Ape-men.)

For better or worse, some humanoid aliens altered our genetic structure.










Tuesday, 23rd March, 2,010.





Visit my website for solutions to most big mysteries: TOP TOOL BAR.)




Put briefly, the situation is thIs:-


We have this thing(phenomenon) called Global Warming(Alleged.). Resulting in increased precipitation(As would be expected from any global warming.).



There has been a steady increase in temperatures these past 50 years, in some parts. Due to higher temperatures in the troposphere in those parts.

These have been imputed to Man via an increase in the main of fossil fuels' burning.



Not all agree that Man is to blame. Some think that the sun is responsible.(Oddly, the obvious culprit Surface things like volcanic eruptions(mostly under sea) and forest fires) is not mentioned!

As a matter of fact, Global Cooling has been dominant, bar these past about three years! (When general global warming HAS set in.)(About as long as the sun spots have stopped?)

OVERALL, the atmosphere has not significantly changed. In some parts the troposphere(lower atmosphere)has risen in temperature.


SOMETHING is responsible for the tropospheric steady increase in temperatures in some parts.

The question is: WHAT??



Obviously something is responsible.

There seems to be A FACTOR which all are overlooking.



I reasoned thus(put briefly): There seems to be some serious factor involved in global warming, OTHER than the well known ones.

What could that be?


Our concern is with the EXCESS Greenhouse gases' effect.(We NEED global warming, otherwise temperatures would be like on the surface of Mars.(Cold) So it is ONLY the EXCESS we look at.


A study of the anthropomorphic(Man caused) explanation quickly reveals a phoney case especially through tampered -with graphs.


Margaret Thatcher provided a grant to those who studied global warming.


It clearly is a most outragious con job SCAM. To get rich easily and quickly.




Now the sun's radiation varies LITTLE.

However, there is a second way that the sun transmits its heat to us. And that is via Coronal Mass Ejections and The Solar Wind. Whereby energy is transmitted to The Earth's magnetic field, then changed into heat, which rises up through the ground and sea into our atmosphere.



It still does not seem enough. We are missing SOMETHING. Something big and important.



What could that be?



Astronomy reveals that most stars are not singles, but multiples.


Since the sun is a star, then it is probable that we have a companion sun, if not a complete solar system, somewhere around!



In which case, WHY have we not been told about it?


Quite simply because a companion sun star would be indistinguishable from the surrounding stars. We could not know about it!(Astronomers don't know everything. In fact very little.)


There is no way we could know!



So, it has always been ASSUMED that our sun star is solo.(Astronomers have not known for long that stars are usually dual.)





The star and its close companion would orbit a common centre periodically.



Now when the companion sun star was near, it would naturally cause havoc to the(other) solar system(and ours to its). Via gravitic and magnetic tides, plus the heat from the other sun!)(PLUS whatever havoc was wreaked by ITS planets and their satellites,etc.)



PERIODIC cataclysms should show up through history(during the return trips of the companion),

We have the big flood etc. of about 3,600 years ago. And 3,600(!) years before that The Event we call The Creation.

I aver that the cause is our second sun companion.


Especially when the dreaded 2,012 A.D. event is almost due!


The arrival of our companion sun star would account for all this.



Now a strange large object has been reported. It was first reported about 30 years ago.(NASA found it, then dropped it like a hot potato(disclaiming it)(evidently because of its large size). Russia has been tracking it.(The West is most strenuously opposed to all weird and wonderful things.)



I am claiming that the extra heat(and precipitation), PLUS earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,etc.etc. are due to this second sun.




I say that it is very close to us now.(Then why not generally seen?)(Because approaching from behind our sun, and at an extremely sharp angle. ALSO Requiring telescopes equipped with special filters to be seen.)(Also not many would explore near the glare of the sun.)


Other than NASA's original report AND Russia tracking a strange large object since, is there ANY evidence of peculiar big objects approaching us??


The answer is yes: (Look on The Internet!) There are photographs and videos of a second sun, AND a planet, AND a moon, approaching!!


All too faint to be seen by the naked eye.



However, if interested, do check via "Second Sun" and "Nibiru"(a name of the planet) on The Internet, - and form your own opinions!!


People in general believe what they WANT to believe, not the truth.

If an unwelcome truth is met, then their remedy is simple: Just disbelieve it. And the problem is solved!(But it ISN'T!!)



So when I try to tell all and sundry, I get disbelieved.




My motive is pure and simple: To save the world!


I am astonished that other motives would exist!




Look: THEORY requires a companion sun star.


The evidence exists!!(As I have just stated.)




I claim to have found the cause(Of Global Warming).


Fortunately I also know the way of escape: Through The North Geographical Pole into The Great Within!!


If you believe in SINGLE SUN STARS and Solid home planets, then of course what I am saying will appear nonsensical.





A word about spinning molten rocks,etc:-


The heavenly bodies were originally such.

Now spinning objects fling their fluidic interiors TO THE SIDES - via rotational force(wrongly called centrifugal force)! Which should come as no surprise.


Via mass attracting mass, I believe. The fluidic mass tends(but cannot escape)to shoot off at a tangent. More inner masses stick to the outer, and all ends up on the outside of the interior. Forming,too, a hole at each end, and a CORE.

When and as the spinning rock cools down, it solidifies in that shape.

Producing a HOLLOW globe!


It is solid globes which are illogical!


So the final end result is a hollow round globe, with a thick shell, and a giant hole at each end, plus core.


A little thought should break the spell of the wrong teaching. Earth is not solid, it is hollow!!(As are all or most heavenly bodies and fields.)(Bolides.)




These holes at each end are very important.



(The Southern hole is too hazardous.)



Simply head for The North GEOGRAPHICAL Pole(Do NOT go underground(or under sea).), NOT magnetic pole, in a bee line, dead straight, - AND JUST KEEP GOING ON AND ON...


You should end up INSIDE of The Earth!!




These entrances are far too large to see. So big!!(Over a thousand miles in diameter.)


NOR is there any feeling of going DOWN! (Due to the fact that gravity points inwards at ninety degrees to the surface,regardless of any slopes, so it always SEEMS FLAT!!

IT Is flat to the feel, but curving to the sight!!




The Polar explorers encountered these anomalies, but did not know the reasons.


Admiral Byrd flew in through north and south poles!!






I am speaking at length to give you a chance to UNDERSTAND it all!!



That is how I reasoned.



The extra heat is coming from THE SECOND SUN(called Antoine).(Increased precipitation is coming from the extra heat, of course.)


Increasing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,ETC. are coming from the gravity and magnetic TIDES from Antoine and Nibiru,etc.(A second solar system is merging RIGHT NOW with ours!)





What I am saying is: Escape(as many as possible, with equipment and arms, colonize the interior) IN through The North Geographical Pole, as fast as possible, key personnel, equipment(Arms WILL be needed!), as we only have 5.6 OR 6.6 years left!


21.12.2,012.A.D. IS the key date!!


There is land and sea ALMOST as extensive as the exterior WITHIN. A tropical paradise, where you will be safe(from the outer perils).


Nearly all life OUTSIDE will perish!! Horribly and terribly.



The weather AND EVERYTHING will deteriorate until then.




PLEASE heed what I am saying!!


Your life will depend up it!!





We can also EXPECT to be inspected by humanoid ALIENS.(Who use Nibiru(originally a planet of ours, where the asteroids are now)as a space ship!!)




I try all out to tell you all, but with no success so far.




I don't want to be guilty of the end of all life upon this planet.







Don't just go by my say so. STUDY my case, and the EVIDENCE on The Internet!!





The world does NOT want to know!


It rejects anything unpleasant.








Whoever tries to tell the world will have an AWFUL job getting them to believe!






But they will have no hesitation in stringing up(from lamp-posts) those who knew but did not speak out, AFTERWARDS!!





Other mysteries' solutions on my website:-












Sunday, 28th March, 2,010.


The Last Judgement


The Last Judgement should befall Humanity within 5.6 or 6.6 years.(Please note that The Gregorian Calendar is 4, possibly 3 years behind.(Re: Roman Catholic Priest Peeble.)Therefore the actual year now is 2,008 A.D. Possibly 2,009.(Respectively.)

It is basically a natural cyclic event. But is 40% a judgement.

The final end should be within ten or twenty years.

It cannot be stopped.




The heat is coming from The Second Sun, Antoine. Gravitic and Magnetic Tides are coming from Antoine and Nibiru.(I am assuming that you have read the previous articles.)


Apart from being a terrifying sight in the sky some years hence, the only other horrors are that humanoid aliens are using it as a space ship, and will visit us to inspect us. Also the red dust now falling from space and down through the atmosphere. Suffocating and deadly poisonous.


I had thought that the heat was coming from a force field around the surface of The Earth, created by friction as The Revolving Earth's core(more and more) drags the lower crust over the higher. This will be so too, but the main extra heat is coming from Antoine.


I am not sure if Antoine(The Second Sun) has reached Sol our sun, yet. But if not it should soon do so.

Its size seems to be the same as Sol's! So it, with its retinue of planets and their satellites,etc.etc. could be a duplicate copy of our solar system.

Probably has fewer planets.


It will circle the common gravity focal centre, along with Sol. Thus doing a sort of dance with our sun.


As it approaches in these circuits, the heat will increase. As it recedes, the heat will decrease.


This could already be occurring.


I believe that El Nino is caused by the approaches. And La Nina by the recessions.


I think that it has been circling Sol for some time.



The tropospheric global warming began in parts of The Earth's atmosphere, noticeably, about 50 years ago.


The sun spots went out about 3 to 4 years back, I think, because the gravitic and magnetic tides from Antoine are stirring up the upper layers of the sun. This also blocks the rising energies.


The sun should finally go out, dark - and black. For some years, with cold of over 500 degrees of frost. Little life will survive that.(Temperatures on Earth should head for minus 273 degrees Centrigade.)


The heat may not increase much more.




Nibiru's own gravitic and magnetic tides will wreak havoc upon The Earth. Also dragging down asteroids from The Oort Belt. And comets.



Anyone doubting the existence of Antoine, Nibiru,etc. should study the photographs and videos of these objects via The Internet.

Just punch in "Second Sun", and study that lot.

Then, separately, punch in "Nibiru", and study that.




(Please read back.(The H series is devoted to the double super cataclysm that will soon occur.))


Lens flares have been eliminated, and sun dogs.


Experts have declared the photos and videos genuine.



My theory is that a close binary companion sun-star solar system orbits ours every 3,600 years(roughly). Because most, if not all stars go in pairs, possibly identical. Identical twins.(This one may not be.)


Noah's Flood occurred(or some great flood) almost 3,600 years back.(With another one 3,600 years before that. Just before the Biblical Creation Event.


In 2,012. A.D. a terrible event is predicted. So it seems that these cataclysms are caused by the companion solar system orbitting our sun!



I cannot think of ANY other cause.(Man made global warming via fossil fuels,etc. would be far too feeble to fit.(This is a scam confidence trick pulled by those grabbing Mrs Margaret Thatcher's grant to all who studied global warming!))



It is not even due to Surface Nature.


Nor does the sun seem accountable.



The only other cause seems to be a companion solar system on yet another of its 3,600 year orbits of our sun.



Thus the photographs and videos(the evidence) fit the theory.




There are two ways to go here:(It is not a hoax or a joke.) 1. It is a sincere mistake(I mean what I say, but have miscalculated.). Or 2. It is genuine.



Either you will say: I do not like this, therefore I will disbelieve it.

Or you will consider it true.



If you can fault my logic, kindly quote your case(to me. I will study your counter, and hopefully reply.




If you agree with me, kindly inform the authorities, and get them to escape(the only way one can) via The North Geographical Pole, making a bee line straight for it, AND KEEP GOING AND GOING...


You can expect to enter The Great Within, A Tropical Paradise. You will survive the debacle down there. But probably perish upon the outer!!


Spinning molten globes(bolides) solidify in the shape taken up.(Which is hollow(via what is wrongly called centrifugal force(it is ROTATIONAL force, to be correct), with big holes at each end, and a sun like core.

It is not hollow like an egg shell, but has thick(400 miles thick) shells.




Get the authorities to organize a MASS EXODUS of key personnel and equipment. Take arms!!


OR, we all perish!!


6.6 or 5.6 years hence.


You have been told,





PLEASE help me TO HELP YOU!!(And The Authorities.)






Vic Conway.










Sunday, 28th March, 2,010.



In conclusion.(URL of my website is use topmost tool bar with address EXACTLY as given(or you won't get in)(Go to Home, and scroll down for latest articles(H57 and onwards).)




I am going to give TEN pointers to the fact that our close companion binary star sun with its solar system - is circling our sun and merging with it!!

(Why cannot we see it?

There are many reasons, but here is one(I have given the others in previous articles. Please see back. Good idea to read back, BACKWARDS, as required, anyway!!

Because it has come up from behind our sun, at a very sharp angle, and is now hidden in its glare.

The other solar system is almost perpendicular to ours!)(Ours is like a wheel lying flat. IT's is almost upright, and adjoining it, as it MERGES!!



The ten pointers:-



1. We have the extra heat in global warming to account for. It is NOT due to Man. Nor Surface Nature.(Volcanic eruptions and forest fires.) Nor our sun, either by radiation or solar wind,etc.(These factors are quite inadequate.)


A big heat source is required!

That points to a star, a sun.(If you read H67 you will see that our sun should have a close binary companion star. A sun!)




2. We have increasing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, falling asteroids and comets.(Hardly explained by any amount of global warming!)



So what is causing these?


The only thing that could do all those things is a large object with enormous gravitic and magnetic tides!

We need a big object (necessarily in the sky):-


A star is required. A sun.




Stars go in pairs. Identical twins perhaps.


A sun!(This particular one, Antoine, has an orbital period of 3,600 years.)




3. The evidence? If you punch in "Second Sun" on The Internet you can see for yourselves(IF you study there long enough!) the photographs and videos of a second sun - circling ours RIGHT NOW!!(Not lens flares, not sun dog/s.)(Photos confirmed genuine by experts.)


A sun(star).(Collosal gravitic and magnetic tides.)(Heat similar to our sun's,too!(Thus explaining the extra heat.))



4. If you punch in "Nibiru", on The Internet, you can see for yourselves photographs of a planet about the size of Mars,and its moon,etc. perhaps a bit smaller.

This will eventually appear in our sky like a second moon, red and puffing(in volcanic spurts) like a RED DRAGON!! A hideous monster. (Used by humanoid aliens coming NOW(noticed the increasing UFO activity?!) to visit and inspect us.)




This will be(when it gets to only one million miles distant)the worst threat to us. Via its gravitic and magnetic tides. Also its suffocating and deadly(from INCURABLE bacteria) RED DUST(Already starting to fall!)!!


AND its boulders SPRAYING down upon us! ALL OVER THE EARTH!!!!


To join the lavic fountains spurting up everywhere.(On The Earth's surface.)





5. Heard of "The Comet of Nostradamus"?(This(a planetary CORE almost as big as Mars)is IT.) He(his predictions) was(were) never known to be wrong.







6. Jesus said that he would return in TWO DAYS.(This is taken to mean two THOUSAND YEAR LONG days.) Which from the time he spoke - takes us to about 2,012(The end of the world date now being proclaimed by SO MANY...)A.D.(1999 was merely a NUMBER to indicate the end of the thousands, NOT the end of this age date.)




7. 2,012.A.D. is the proclaimed date of the end of the world.(By MANY excellent sources.)(But due to a 4 years behind error in The Gregorian Calendar(Vide R.C. Priest Peebles.), that means 2,016.A.D.(POSSIBLY 2,015.A.D.)



8. The sun spots stopped appearing a few years back. Why?(We NEED to account for all of these things!!)(Not just ignore them!!)






Another sun near by with its enormous gravitic and magnetic tides could put them out. Perhaps periodically.



9. The last book in The Holy Bible(Protestant anyway.), called Revelation, details out in archaic form the appalling ghastly events of the end!

I aver that within just a few short years THAT will occur!!





10. In The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, is a marker. Showing The End of time.

The date? 2,012.A.D!!(Many are talking about 2,012.A.D. There is a film out called 2,012.A.D.(But it will be PEANUTS compared to what IS coming!!)






In conclusion(Perhaps this is the last of the H series, and possibly of all series.).




Yes. The end is nigh. The end of this age. It COULD be the end of all life upon this planet.










Vic Conway.




Sunday, 4th April, 2,010.



Hale Bopp IS the second sun!

Not a comet at all. It is a star!





I keep turning up amazing things as I push deeper and deeper into this second solar system colliding with ours RIGHT NOW!!


It looks very much as if the "comet" Hale Bopp IS the second sun! It isn't a comet at all! (THIS is the "comet" of Nostradamus - a STAR SUN!!) A sun, complete with its own solar system. A sun as large as our Sol, and possibly a duplicate of ours.


This second sun(known as Hale Bopp comet) is receding, though it MAY have swung back towards the sun - for another sweep, as it takes up an orbital around our sun.



In huge elliptical loops at present, it should settle down into circular orbits.


These are my findings, anyway.



As it approaches temps will increase. As it recedes, temps will fall. Of course.



It means increasingly AWFUL times ahead. Terrifying. No thing should survive what lies ahead. I mean no life forms on our planet!!




The worst may come from the planetaary core we now know as Nibiru.




I am assuming that you have read all the preceding articles, if not - work backwards through the last few, at least. To grasp better what I am talking about.



What broke up and crashed into Jupiter some years back is probably a rock from the tail of Nibiru.














Monday, 5th April, 2,010.



A Precis of my articles on Doomsday's approach.

My website's URL is TOPMOST TOOL BAR, and the address EXACTLY as given(or you won't get in).(For articles H56 or H57, and later - go to Home, and scroll down.)





Please observe that I proceed TENTATIVELY. And thus gradually improve my findings.

I list the progressive advances I have made numerically.(My findings over the decades.)


1. Planet X(Now the 9th out from the sun, since Pluto(with Charon) is no longer designated. as a planet.


2. No, Nibiru is NOT Planet X! Planet X is a different object altogether.



Nibiru WAS Planet 5(Fifth rock out from sun).

Now Antoinne's planet 5!(Antoine is another sun.)



3. It is second sun! Antoinne is the name given to the second sun.(Second sun seen in sky by a VERY small few)(No, not sun dog, nor lens flare. Genuine pictures, experts allege.) A close binary star companion of Sol. Possibly an identical twin.


4. It is a small solar system.



5. It is a large solar system.(Our identical twin, perhaps.)



6. (How could a star-sun as big as Sol creep up upon us unseen?! Impossible?




7. Because it was called "Hale Bopp" comet!(1997) (As a comet it could slimily sneak in!!)

It was not a comet, but a star-sun!(One million miles in diameter!!(One estimate on Internet!))(Hardly a comet!) It LOOKED like a comet, and was ASSUMED to be one.(Who would have thought it was a star?!)(Certainly not the guys giving out the news!!)


8. It was receding. But may be returning now!



9. As it loops back around Sol, our sun!(We shall see.)(Please remember THESE numbered points are MY opinions as I progressed from find to find.)(I was reasoning to myself as I went along.)(I invite you to follow in my reasoning track! See how it feels to you.)


10. I know the way of escape!!(Go down The North Geographical Pole! It is a thousand mile wide entrance to The Great Within!(Make a bee-line straight for The North Geographical Pole AND KEEP GOING ON AND ON...(Don't stop, just KEEP on going AND GOING...)(not magnetic pole!). It is NOT underground, but will FEEL AS IF a FLAT(though LOOK curving) continuation of the sea,etc.(In Antarctica there is another one thousand miles wide entrance, but it is too hazardous.)

"Down" there is a vast tropical paradise ( TAKE ARMS!!). You will be safe in there. But almost all will perish outside!


I am the ONLY one who knows the way of escape. I know the details. So LISTEN most carefully to what I am telling you!!



11. TWO main objects:-

(i) Second sun.

(ii) The planetary core, Nibiru.


Now note this,and note it well: These two objects PLUS Planet X are being confused into one object in minds of people. Even on The Internet.


12. Why can we not see it?(The Second Solar System.)

(i) Because only visible near Antarctica!

(ii) Via a special telescope(There is one down there.).

(iii) Filtered.

(iv) In The Infra Red.

(v) Nibiru,etc.(Moon/s and other planets,etc, of Antoine.)

too faint. Especially against the back-drop of The Milky-Way.



(vi) Coming from behind the sun.


(vii) In Sol's glare.


(viii) It is like an upright wheel merging with a wheel lying flat.(The two solar systems.)


(ix) It is being hushed up world-wide to avoid panic.


But I say better a little panic now, than much PANDEMONIUM later!!




(x) Nibiru will appear SUDDENLY 2 or 3 years hence.  To the naked eye.

As big as our moon.

An ugly thing like a red dragon.

Due to numerous volcanic spurts all over its surface.

So all will see it!(Soon)


Lessen the HORRIFIC and TERRIFYING SHOCK and reduce the mass PANDEMONIUM

by warning ALL, NOW!!(Thus to give all time to psychologically prepare themselves!!)

(xi) Persuade authorities to organize an evacuation of key personnel and equipment(Take ARMS!!), seeds,etc.

To RE-START Humanity and all other life forms upon the surface of our planet!(Upon that OTHER surface!)(WITHIN The Earth, BUT NOT UNDERGROUND!!)



In that tropical paradise that lies within. WITH ITS OWN SUN,ETC!!



13. STUDY photographs and videos of Second Sun Atoinne(And Nibiru). - SEPARATELY!!

(They are NOT one object!)

Punch in "Second Sun" and "Nibiru" SEPARATELY.

They are NOT lens flares, nor sun dogs!!


Experts have declared the pictures genuine!!





14. PLEASE read my earlier articles because although I progress in my findings, more detail on various points may be found. Go back through the last few anyway. To H59 at least.


My web-site address, URL: http:www.//

PLEASE! You MUST put the address EXACTLY as I give it here!

Use the TOPMOST TOOL BAR(or you won't get in)!

Go to Home, and then scroll down in the case of H56 or H57.

I am sorry, but due to a glitch on the site I AM UNABLE to post up in the normal manner.


So I have done this RATHER THAN NO THING!!




15. The Second Sun would look like a star WHEN FIRST SEEN(Against background drop of Milky-Way.).



Next, it would look like a comet(It was called Hale Bopp. (In 1997)


And finally like our sun(no tail).


Would originally have a tail - due to fast speed.(And lose it when it slows down near our sun.)



Please note that - like our sun - because we are ONE(via gravity) with it,now, NO TAIL can be seen( THERE we were not one with it!)!


NOTE THIS POINT WELL!!(As some may argue: "If tail, must be comet, not sun star!")

Stars don't have tails? Not seen by us, no, because so far away.

But when close up, the tail gets seen!!

THEN, when VERY CLOSE, no tail seen BECAUSE we would then be ONE with it gravitationally!!(And thus TRAVELLING WITH IT!!)(As gravitationally linked to our sun!)


I hope that solves the tail objection!!




16. Its(Antoinne's(name of the second sun) retinue of planets and their satellites,etc. would be far too faint to see AT FIRST. And for a long time.

Nibiru appeared EVENTUALLY.



It was found by NASA. But dropped like a hot potato.(I think when they realized how big it was!)

After that it was tracked by The Russians.




17. One million miles in diameter.(A STRANGE comet!!)


But AT FIRST regarded as one.(Hale Bopp)(In 1997.) (HENCE "The Comet of Nostradamus"!)


Equals our sun!



18. At its closest point(so far), it was 100,000,000 miles distant. (Same as our sun.)(It LOOKED the size of sun,too!)(Indicating that it really is ONE MILLION MILES IN DIAMETER!!)



19. Nibiru is the threat now!




20. Nostradamus SAID - that there would seem to be two suns in the sky.(Note he didn't say there WOULD be. But I suggest Nostradamus didn't get that point quite right!!)(He might not have divined that there would ACTUALLY BE two suns in the sky!!)


21. Note that underground cities are being built FOR THE CHOSEN FEW!!

But I say inadequate protection against gravity and magnetic TIDES.


Also inside a mountain.


Seeds,etc. being stored.



It is known by THE FEW that SOMETHING AWFUL is coming. And SOON.

The people not being told of course.

To keep CONTROL of us!!(Only secondarily to avoid panic!)







22 Object broke up and crashed into Jupiter(Comet Shoemaker Levy 9.)some years back. Recall that string of fragments?

Then more recently another object crashed into Jupiter.




Now this is unusual(objects that big, anyway).


I aver that these were large rocks from Nibiru's tail.


Which we ENTERED some time back!


Red dust from the tail is ALREADY FALLING!!





23. Obviously something VERY BIG is happening!!




24. ALL news of it is being filtered out.




25. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, asteroids and comets falling to Earth, are increasing rapidly.

(Hardly due to Global Warming, Man-made or not!!)(Yet occurring IN TANDEM with the growing heat,etc!)

As well as heat and precipitation,


And WHAT would cause all THAT??


ONLY a second sun, with its heat, gravitic and magnetic tides - is AT ALL ADEQUATE!!




26. RULING Humanity rejects bad news.

So no problem staying ignorant!!



27. ONLY I KNOW what is happening(fully enough I mean) - and the way of escape!! So PLEASE help me to get The Authorities WEAVING!!!!





28. Increasing UFO activity evidently heralding the coming of aliens to inspect us - as they land "en masse",



But first proclaim UFO's to the world.



(Which The World(in general) is STILL refusing to do.)



So they will DO IT FOR US!!!!




29. Crop Circles. - Messages to try to wake us up.




30. It is parallel to early COLONISTS with the natives!!




31. The CURRENT human condition is too crazy to last long!!




32. Main event,though, is lining up of Northern Winter Solstice with The Great Dark Rift

at the centre of The Milky Way Galaxy.




This is heralding The Age of Aquarius,ETC.




AND - far more importantly - releasing higher vibrations from the centre of our galaxy, lifting up(spiritually and materially) the vibrations of Earth and its creatures.



The lesser evolved cannot bear this - and are re-acting increasingly badly!






33. The Great Tribulation - The Worst Event EVER(past AND FUTURE!!)

to befall Earth's Life-forms.




These are the last days - The End of The World(The end of this age, at least.).




34. - The Enactment of The Bible's last book

- The Book of Revelation!






35. Gravitic and magnetic tides from Antoinne and Nibiru



are rapidly increasingly affecting brains and minds of humans and animals.





Causing weak human nature




to do mad and bad things.















Vic Conway.




Sunday, 11th April, 2,010.





It is possible that the second sun is a small binary star, a dwarf sun.(LIKE a brown dwarf, but red.)

I incline to think now that the solar system now merging with ours is only a small one. But it will still cause tremendous damage, including to Earth.

As time passes more and more large objects are moving into our view.(Indicating planets, with their moons, orbitting a second sun.)(The second sun evidently is where the heat and disturbances are coming from. Disturbances like volcanic eruptions.)

A confusion appears to exist between the second sun and its sixth planet, Nibiru. Also named or mis-named Planet X. Because at one point it takes up a very eccentric orbit around our sun, temporarily re-occupying its old postion between Jupiter and Mars!


VERY many different reports exist. It is so hard to reach a firm decision.



It(this second solar system)certainly seems to exist.



It is causing great controversy.



We need to get ready for 21st December, 2,012.A.D.



Which date may in fact be three years(perhaps four) behind the true date!(Vide Peebles' calendar correction)


Thus making THE date actually 2,015, possibly 2,016, A.D. In our wrong calendar terms.







Vic Conway.




Sunday, 11th April, 2,010.





It is possible that the second sun is a small binary star, a dwarf sun.(LIKE a brown dwarf, but red.)

I incline to think now that the solar system now merging with ours is only a small one. But it will still cause tremendous damage, including to Earth.

As time passes more and more large objects are moving into our view.(Indicating planets, with their moons, orbitting a second sun.)(The second sun evidently is where the heat and disturbances are coming from. Disturbances like volcanic eruptions.)

A confusion appears to exist between the second sun and its sixth planet, Nibiru. Also named or mis-named Planet X. Because at one point it takes up a very eccentric orbit around our sun, temporarily re-occupying its old postion between Jupiter and Mars!


VERY many different reports exist. It is so hard to reach a firm decision.



It(this second solar system)certainly seems to exist.



It is causing great controversy.



We need to get ready for 21st December, 2,012.A.D.



Which date may in fact be three years(perhaps four) behind the true date!(Vide Peebles' calendar correction)


Thus making THE date actually 2,015, possibly 2,016, A.D. In our wrong calendar terms.







Vic Conway.




Monday, 12th April, 2,010.


A small solar system?(POSSIBLY a large one.)



There are many strange objects moving around up there, and a great diversity of opinions about them, however it does seem that there is a second sun AND planet Nibiru orbitting close to our sun! TWO objects, not one!!

It does not seem to be a large second sun. Nor one as big as Sol.


There COULD be a brown dwarf too. Plus other big oddities!


Nibiru appears to be one of the second sun's planets, captured apparently from our own solar system, originally departing ours from between Jupiter and Mars(Where the inner asteroid belt is now.).


This small solar system must surely cause colossal damage to our solar system, hitting Earth hard. Though I think if Nibiru arrives in the outer solar system, the damage will be far less.



The heat is coming from Antoine, the small second sun, which I believe was called, in 1997, Comet Hale-Bopp!


Only an extremely tiny amount is due to Man made global warming, and very little more even by Surface Nature.(Volcanic eruptions and forest fires.)



The powers that be are doing everything they can to CONCEAL what I am saying from you. Ostensibly to avoid panic, but more to keep control of us!(While they prepare secretly to move the CHOSEN FEW(their blue eyed ones) into underground cities and within mountains!! Leaving the rest of us to perish horribly and terribly.)




Feverish preparations are being made for what could all but wipe out all life-forms upon this planet!


However, I maintain that the only sure defence is to escape down The North Geographical Polar Entrance to The Tropical Paradise WITHIN.(Take arms.) We need to treat The Great Within as our ark this time! Or probably perish, and(as I say) horribly and terribly.



We need ALL OUT efforts to be made to get the authorities to evacuate key personnel and equipment(DOWN THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE!!)(See later!) that we might resurrect humanity and other life forms AFTER what is touted to be THE WORST DISASTER EVER to hit Man,etc. on Earth(including future!)!!




I make the following observations: 1. Antoine, the second sun, is NOT Nibiru. 2. Nibiru is not Planet X. (Planet X is another object altogether.)



This disaster will occur around 2,012.(Key date: December 21st, 2,012.A.D.)

However, one Peebles claims that our calendar is 3 or 4 years behind the actual date! If so, then the fateful central year is 2,016 or 5. A.D. - Which allows us more time!




It is extremely hard to determine anything here! Due to the welter of phenomena, coupled to the profusity of opinions.



It is definitely as well TO BE PREPARED!!



Last time this happened, 3,600 years ago, we had Noah's Flood,etc.


This time we will have TWO super cataclysms occurring together!



The question is how do I get the authorities to ACT??



Will you help me, please.




So much is happening it is hard to see straight.




To escape, head STRAIGHT for The North Geographical Pole!(Not magnetic pole! NOR underground!!) And just keep going on and ON... You should then go down through the thousand mile wide ENTRANCE to THE GREAT WITHIN.




Prepare and act NOW. Don't leave it until it is too late WHATEVER YOU DO!!








Vic Conway.("" - e mail. Website URL: ""(Topmost tool bar! Then go to Home and scroll RIGHT down for articles later than H56 and H.))



























































If you think you can fault my logic, kindly quote your case(to me. I will study your counter, and hopefully reply.




If you agree with me, kindly inform the authorities, and get them to escape(the only way one can) via The North Geographical Pole, making a bee line straight for it, AND KEEP GOING AND GOING...


You can expect to enter The Great Within, A Tropical Paradise. You will survive the debacle down there. But probably perish upon the outer!!


Spinning molten globes(bolides) solidify in the shape taken up.(Which is hollow(via what is wrongly called centrifugal force(it is ROTATIONAL force, to be correct), with big holes at each end, and a sun like core.

It is not hollow like an egg shell, but has thick(400 miles thick) shells.




Get the authorities to organize a MASS EXODUS of key personnel and equipment. Take arms!!


OR, we all perish!!


6.6 or 5.6 years hence.


You have been told,





PLEASE help me TO HELP YOU!!(And The Authorities.)






Vic Conway.



Monday, 12th April, 2,010.


A small solar system?(POSSIBLY a large one.)



There are many strange objects moving around up there, and a great diversity of opinions about them, however it does seem that there is a second sun AND planet Nibiru orbitting close to our sun! TWO objects, not one!!

It does not seem to be a large second sun. Nor one as big as Sol.


There COULD be a brown dwarf too. Plus other big oddities!


Nibiru appears to be one of the second sun's planets, captured apparently from our own solar system, originally departing ours from between Jupiter and Mars(Where the inner asteroid belt is now.).


This small solar system must surely cause colossal damage to our solar system, hitting Earth hard. Though I think if Nibiru arrives in the outer solar system, the damage will be far less.



The heat is coming from Antoine, the small second sun, which I believe was called, in 1997, Comet Hale-Bopp!


Only an extremely tiny amount is due to Man made global warming, and very little more even by Surface Nature.(Volcanic eruptions and forest fires.)



The powers that be are doing everything they can to CONCEAL what I am saying from you. Ostensibly to avoid panic, but more to keep control of us!(While they prepare secretly to move the CHOSEN FEW(their blue eyed ones) into underground cities and within mountains!! Leaving the rest of us to perish horribly and terribly.)




Feverish preparations are being made for what could all but wipe out all life-forms upon this planet!


However, I maintain that the only sure defence is to escape down The North Geographical Polar Entrance to The Tropical Paradise WITHIN.(Take arms.) We need to treat The Great Within as our ark this time! Or probably perish, and(as I say) horribly and terribly.



We need ALL OUT efforts to be made to get the authorities to evacuate key personnel and equipment(DOWN THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE!!)(See later!) that we might resurrect humanity and other life forms AFTER what is touted to be THE WORST DISASTER EVER to hit Man,etc. on Earth(including future!)!!




I make the following observations: 1. Antoine, the second sun, is NOT Nibiru. 2. Nibiru is not Planet X. (Planet X is another object altogether.)



This disaster will occur around 2,012.(Key date: December 21st, 2,012.A.D.)

However, one Peebles claims that our calendar is 3 or 4 years behind the actual date! If so, then the fateful central year is 2,016 or 5. A.D. - Which allows us more time!




It is extremely hard to determine anything here! Due to the welter of phenomena, coupled to the profusity of opinions.



It is definitely as well TO BE PREPARED!!



Last time this happened, 3,600 years ago, we had Noah's Flood,etc.


This time we will have TWO super cataclysms occurring together!



The question is how do I get the authorities to ACT??



Will you help me, please.




So much is happening it is hard to see straight.




To escape, head STRAIGHT for The North Geographical Pole!(Not magnetic pole! NOR underground!!) And just keep going on and ON... You should then go down through the thousand mile wide ENTRANCE to THE GREAT WITHIN.




Prepare and act NOW. Don't leave it until it is too late WHATEVER YOU DO!!








Vic Conway.("" - e mail. Website URL:- ""(Topmost tool bar! Then go to Home and scroll RIGHT down for articles later than H56 and H.))


Tuesday, 13th April, 2,010.



Gravity and Anti-Gravity. My rationale

Explains much of the weird things that will happen.




Gravity is not a pull force, it is a PUSH force. Pull forces OUT THERE are impossible.


Do we have invisible giants out there, with hooks on the ends of their arms? Absurd. Therefore gravity is a PUSH force!!


What we have is masses of gravitons pushing down.(And similarly with Magnetism, masses of magnetons pushing down.)



Masses of gravitons then push out from the object affected to unite with the incoming gravitons. Bonding together to form one, but in two distinct parts. (Two joined, but not merged!) Thus individuality is not lost.


Tides are raised from beneath, not pulled from above. The masses of gravitons(and magnetons) push the sea up!



Antoine(the small second sun about Jupiter's size) and Nibiru(a little smaller than Mars), the captured (from us) sixth planet, have enormous gravitic and magnetic tides, which will raise the oceans up to have colossal tides!



Tsunamis will reach up to two miles high.(When they come, so great will the earthquakes be.) Compare that with the few feet high tsunami that hit Aceh, Indonesia a few years back. So about 2,000 times higher!!



The gravitons and magnetons shooting back from The Earth in response will provide a raised shield, beneath which electro-magnetic forces will create zero gravity. And spirits and aliens plus currents will produce levitation and other weird phenomena, upon the surface of The Earth.


In The Philadelphia Experiment,etc. a generator provided an electro-magnetic force field that surrounded the ship, the s.s. Eldridge, and a boost in the force of generation then raised it via higher vibrations into Hyper-space, where it travelled first to the sailors' home, in space. And then forwards in time about 40 years.

In a physical seance, Home was able to utilize electro-magnetic flow from the medium and others, and from the environment. This enabled him to create a force field which cut off gravity by blocking the incoming gravitons! Thus he could float out of the window, and in another(or the same window).



This is how Criss Angel,etc. could walk down buildings and up walls. He somehow created an electro-magnetic field around his body(saints,etc. if advanced enough can do this). This cut off the incoming gravitons(and magnetons)from all directions. He then permitted the gravity between his body and the walls to proceed, BUT ONLY THEY!!


He was also able to get thrown objects to permeate matter by raising their vibrations!



He tore a woman's torso in half, but protected her from death via a protective higher vehicle.



From just over a year's time things will start to get very hard for all creatures on Earth.


UNLESS Peebles is right about our calendar being 4 or 3 years behind the true date! In which case add 4 or 3 years!



Things are already starting to get unpleasant - via the increasing floods, land-slides, earth-quakes, volcanic eruptions,etc.




So it is a case of either: Get the authorities to evacuate down The North Geographical Pole, OR probably perish, and horribly and terribly!!



This is why I plead with all to help me to get the authorities to do this!!





What is the matter with you all? I am saying I KNOW HOW TO ESCAPE THE COMING HORROR! I am the only one WHO DOES KNOW HOW!!


Get in touch with me, and help me to get the authorities to act, by sending as many key people and equipment(take arms!) down The North Geographical Pole!!

I cannot put it plainer!

Nor more logically!!



Not much use you dying screaming within a few years, when all you need do,


What is the problem?!


DO you want 8 BILLION HUMANS, plus all other life forms on this planet








I don't!!




COME ON!!!!!!!!



MAYDAY, Planet Earth,





What is the problem?!



HELP ME!!!!(To help YOU!!)





THE BOOK OF REVELATION(The third secret of Fatima.) The secret The Pope was instructed from on high, to reveal to the world, BUT FUNKED!!








The book of Revelation. Last book in The Protestant Bible.(Catholics might know it as The Apocalypse.)(Doomsday.)(THE END of THE WORLD!!)


The opening of the seals and all that.






What I am telling you is the same thing as Revelation is saying, but IN THE MODERN IDIOM!!





Wormwood, is what The Bible calls this approaching THING.




We haven't got much time left. None in fact.











Vic Conway.








Friday, 16th April, 2,010.





The terrible day of The Lord is JUST BEGINNING. Covering several years.

All over for life on this planet within ten to twenty years.

Witness the accelerating bad things that are happening.

Especially now the second Iceland eruption, nearly twenty times as severe as the first one.

AND the 6.9 China Earthquake.



It should become bad in just over a year.

And hard to bear in two(years).

Yet not a judgement!!

Very little if anything will survive on the outer surface of this planet.




I repeat: What is happening is that a small solar system is merging RIGHT NOW with ours.

And only I know the way of escape!(Down The North Geographical Pole!)

Everything gets worse and worse, yet no one seems to wonder why!!

Do not rely on the powers that be. THEY ARE DOOMING US!!!!



Tsunami will be up to two miles high.

The very air will catch fire.

The ocean will rise 440 feet.


Men shall plead for the falling boulders TO HIT THEM!!!!

Eat their children in frantic desperation.

After drinking their blood!!

Because so little water and food!!!!



You ARE being told and warned.

RIGHT HERE ,  NOW,     by me!!








Victor Conway.




Monday, 19th

April, 2,010.




H 75



H75(e mail: tool bar!)(Go to Home, and scroll down to sought article/s.)


Announcing Doomsday!


Better known as The Aligning of The(Northern Winter) Solstice with The Centre of The Milky Way Galaxy, our galaxy(A once every 26,000 years' event.)

And The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius!




It is also the start of the next cycles in The Mayan Calendar.


And the beginning of many new key cycles.





The most wondrous event of the aligning of Earth, Sun and The Dark Rift at The Centre of our Galaxy will occur 21.12.2,012.A.D.

Ushering in higher vibrations for both Earth and Mankind,etc.(The few survivors.)

All events hinge on 21.12.12.A.D.

It is some of the incidental consequences of the return of our small close binary star companion that cause our periodic Doomsdays. Via heat fromAntoine(the second sun) - and the gravity and magnetic tides of Antoine and Nibiru,etc. As these big objects approach us, we can understand and visualize the logical consequences we see working out as increasing heat(as was, at least), and the now increasing(see why now?) volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, etc.(The Iceland eruptions are a case that indicates.)(I think that the ash disrupting airflights in Europe IS JUST THE BEGINNING.(Of a series of growing horrors and terrors.)) These eruptions can go on a long time. Even if the wind changes, that ash is going to go somewhere, and will eventually join the earlier ash - and spread all over the world.


Not the end of the world, but the end of an age. Certainly the end of the world as we know it. As we(the few survivors) enter a New Stone Age. Hopefully, if the wise today get through The North Geographical Pole, its thousand mile wide entrance into The Great Within. And re-start Humanity and the other life forms in The Tropical Paradise there! - We shall be saved!!



You see, what is happening is the merging of a small second solar system with ours, as Antoine and its retinue of planets(Nibiru is its sixth planet out, its outermost planet I believe) with their moons,etc. approach. Antoine has completed the first of a number of loops around the common gravity centre between Sol, our sun, and Antoine, the second sun. Before settling down into a more circular orbit(which should bring it closer to Earth, thus increasing the extra heat).(Eventually after several years it should fly off back into space again. - To return 3,600 years after 2012.A.D. - And so on...)

Both Antoine(bringing the extra heat) and Nibiru are expected to get closer to Earth, with Nibiru(which was once Sol's fifth planet out, circling our sun between Jupiter and Mars.)(Where the inner asteroid belt now is.)(It was captured by Antoine.)



Antoine, the second sun, mentioned by Nostradamus, is(my estimate) about the size of Jupiter. Nibiru is a little smaller than Mars(my estimate). (I am simply giving out my findings.)


Unfortunately, the incidental consequences attendant upon the close binary companion's return will all but destroy all life on Planet Earth. However, IF you listen to me, the current day Noah, and get the authorities to organize an exodus of key personnel and equipment through The North Geographical Pole(Keep going on a bee line towards(NOT magnetic, and not underground!!) it! Then you must go within.(You can get in through a thousand mile wide entrance at The South Pole,too, but too hazardous except by AIR. Admiral Byrd went within by air. His photographer took photographs, but these were confiscated by the powers that be, after Byrd joyfully sent them in!)(If you don't do this, you will probably perish, and terribly and horribly.)(So I suggest most strongly that we all work together from now on to avoid that!!)


The current disruption of air travel, due to ash from Iceland's volcanic eruptions.(I expect a wind change before the eruptions cease(average expectancy is months, certainly weeks), which could go on for years. - the beginning of increasing disasters culminating in the great double super catastrophe 2.5 to 7.5 years hence.(Note that things will get bad before Antoine and Nibiru reach their closest points!!)


I believe that these Icelandic volcanic eruptions are merely the beginning of a long series of growing disasters, culminating in the COLOSSAL DOUBLE CATACLYSM of 21.12.2,012.A.D.(Please note that this event, now just over TWO YEARS AND EIGHT MONTHS OFF, MAY actually be 3 or 4 years LATER!(Due to our Gregorian Calendar being 3 or 4 years BEHIND the true date!)(Vide Roman Catholic Priest, Peebles.)(In which case that gives us an extra 3 or 4 years. Fine! JUST enough time for the authorities to organize an exodus evacuation down The North Geographical Pole!!)



This other solar system is just returning to the common gravitational focal point, AND SOL OUR SUN! - after 3,600 years(its orbital period). (Nibiru is expected to get to ONE MILLION MILES from Earth, four times the moon's distance, and look like a large second moon. A red one. Looking like a great Red Dragon in The Sky.(My argument is that it is better to be informed now, albeit some panic, THAN have pandemonium in just over a year's time(when Nibiru should become visible to all), from the APPALLING SHOCK of seeing it! A great ugly red monstrous THING up there. (When it will be too late to save ourselves!!) So better to be told than not!! And NOW!!!!)

Consider: First we had The Biblical Creation(Actually a RE-CREATION! Then, 3,600 years later, we had Noah's Flood.

And,now,within 3 years(!) we shall have 21.12.2,012.A.D. In the biggest disaster ever(future too)to hit Man on Earth!!

3,600 year intervals! Only one explanation! An astronomical event! Our close binary star returns yet again!

3,600 year cycles, you see!




Normally this once every 3,600 year return of the second solar system brings about a SUPER CATACLYSM. But THIS time we shall have TWO super cataclysms OCCURRING SIMULTANEOUSLY!! Because, now, not only will we have THE RETURN OF THE SECOND SUN, but an equally horrific event due to a 6,500 year periodicity of unstability in our sun!!

All centred upon 21.12.2012.A.D!!

So great is this aligning of the solstice with the centre of the galaxy, - through our sun, that ALL our key cycles hinge upon 21.12.2012.A.D!! Including the returning of Antoine, AND the periodic instability of the sun!!



I am VICON. From Vic Conway. Vic and Con. Pronounced as in MY, VICON.



Announcing to the world this once every 3,600 year event(et al)!!





How many of you have noticed the rapidly increasing of dire events? These past 50 years!

Come on! Hands up!!



Yet! It is constantly announced EACH TIME(!!) that this is YET ANOTHER once in a hundred(or whatever large) year event! ALMOST DAILY NOW, and sometimes twice a day!! Come on, WHERE ARE YOUR MINDS??!!



The FACELESS ONES BEHIND the authorities are CONCEALING it all! Ostensibly to avoid panic, but actually to KEEP CONTROL of us!! While THEY escape. THOUGH NOT US!!!!



However! UNLESS you all join me in my frantic desperate efforts to wake the world up to WHAT IS HAPPENING, we SHALL ALL PERISH, and in the most distressing manner. Join me, please!! So, as many as possible GET WITHIN THE EARTH!!(Safe down there. From the double cataclysm.) VIA THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE!!




Perhaps Jessica Watson now completing the youngest person to sail solo unaided around the world journey, will lead the way, and sail her yacht, The Pink Lady, THROUGH The North Geographical Pole.(It is a THOUSAND MILE WIDE ENTRANCE into a Vast Tropical Paradise!)




I find that Jessica's great voyage AND MY TRYING TO ANNOUNCE the great alignment,ETC. to you all, are going in tandem!!



Well done, Jessica!




As Antoine and Nibiru get closer, heat and disasters naturally INCREASE!! Due to Antoine being a small star, and the gravity and magnetic TIDES from these two objects(two of many) will end our current civilization and all but destroy all life on Earth!!


NOW you can from the approach of Antoine and Nibiru forecast the events to come, yourself!




OF COURSE, it is getting warmer. Of course dire events increase!(Expect too, wars, including WW3,etc. And a terrible INQUISITION!! Far worse than the Spanish one!)(As the faceless ones clamp down on the people!!)


What is expected to happen? Here is my list:-(ONLY SOME of many of them)


Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, springs of lava shooting up, boulders crashing down from above, asteroids and comets increasing, the red deadly poisonous dust(in the end, so little food and water, with even the air unbreathable and ON FIRE), wars, terrible oppressions(by the faceless ones through the authorities),



There will be rivers of what LOOKS like blood. (Some of it will be!)(Due to the the red dust IN water!)

The sun will go dark,and even black.(Due to the thickening dust.)(In Bible, Revelation.)

And the moon, - RED.(Due to light reflecting off the dust.)(In Bible, Revelation.)




Nowhere will be safe. EXCEPT, WITHIN THE EARTH!!(Won't you listen to me? And join me in my struggle to save us all!!(Spiritual saving too!!))




A great COVER UP is on. Of this, and all wonderful and marvellous things.



For instance, we had been told to inform the people about the truth of UFO's.

The authorities refused to, as usual. And as with many other way out things,too.


So we can expect the aliens to do it for us,now!!




The last book of The Christian Bible, Protestant anyway, is called Revelation. In it, is spoken of the opening of the seals,etc. What is described therein in archaic terms(of course) is WHAT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME this small solar system arrived(Noah's Flood, Poseidon(wrongly thought to be Atlantis), the blowing up of Santorini, and the long terrible drought that followed), what happens every time Antoine comes.

AND WILL HAPPEN THIS TIME,TOO!!(Doubled up via an unstable sun!!)



I am putting it in the modern idiom of course. (I am not translating Revelation. I am doing my own thing here, and going my own way. Have done all my life.)(It is just that Revelation,etc. HAPPEN to agree with me!!)(I worked independently.)



Heard of The Comet of Nostadamus?(I think Hale-Bopp(1997) was connected to the second sun!! - A very large rock outsider from its planetary system!!))(Just picture the scene: Two solar systems merging(one is ours), planets circling both with their moons,etc. Many rocks around, some large. I think we shall have much more like this as time passes.)



No one believes me!



I speak of a SECOND SUN, a coming second moon, the greatest disaster ever to beset Mankind,etc. on our planet Earth, escaping THROUGH The North Geographical Pole, waking the world up, and getting the authorities to ACT!!(Not their way, via underground cities and inside mountains(not adequate against the terrible gravity,etc.tides to come!), for their blue eyed boys but my way THROUGH The North Geographical Pole!!(Yes, the Reptileans and The Humanoid Aliens begat all this.). While the rest of us perish HORRIBLY AND TERRIBLY!!



I can WELL understand the disbelief. But THAT will be FATAL for all of us!!



Mankind is mentally ASLEEP!!




Once you all see the horrible Nibiru, YOU WILL BELIEVE ALL RIGHT!!!!





Now, COME ON!!




Gentlemen(if any left!), I bring you TIDINGS. Of The Great Alignment,etc.




Alas,also of the most dire events(I have tried to describe above.).






Now! ARE you going to listen to me?



You, AND your loved ones!!





I am Vicon.(VY-con.)





BEFORE it is too late!!




The hour is already VERY advanced...




Many of the famous have been predicting this for a very long time! Numerous, and for a very long time now, are the prophecies!!






Punch in "Second sun" and "Nibiru" on The Internet, and STUDY what is being said there!!




This is NOT a joke!




I am telling you what is about to occur.




I am not mad.




I am simply TRYING to save you all(us all).



This happens every time. Every 3,600 years!!



The wise few flee THROUGH The North Geographical Pole!(Done by some EACH time before!!)





I expect some will say 1. There is no second sun, and coming second moon. 2. There is no Hollow Earth.



Allow me to enlighten you a bit:-




1. All stars, or nearly all, are BINARY!!(Are in pairs.) WHY is it so surprising for a companion star sun(with its own solar system) to SHOW UP??!!(Incidentally the ONLY way to explain the worsening weather,etc! Man-made global warming? THAT is a deliberate SCAM to make money via Margaret Thatcher's aid to all who studied global warming, by her GRANT. It is BUNK!!(Why, not even SURFACE NATURE(volcanic eruptions and forest fires) would explain it!))



There is global warming on Mars!

There was global warming thousands of years ago!


Why are volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters. happening in tandem with the growing heat.(Hardly caused by man-made or however produced global warming!)


Wake up!!


We are being CONNED.



About 0.004% of g.w. is by Man!

And about 0.016% by Surface Nature.


ABOUT 40% is due to this NOW merging second solar system!!



Nibiru is carrying humanoid aliens. Coming to inspect us.(They modified our genes, after humans were born of The Cro-mags and The Neanderthals.)



It is rather like in the time of the colonists. How the natives protested that the arriving ships were whales.



Similar thing, only on a much vaster scale!!(We showed them(the natives)mirrors and matches,etc.(The aliens are now showing us advanced technology!!)




The world is so wrong it is terrifying.



We HAVE TO put the world straight, if life here is to go on!!



I do not know HOW we are going to alert the authorities and GET THEM TO ACT, but SOMEHOW, we MUST!!(IF we can.)



In previous RETURNS of Antoine, a seed few have escaped through The North Geographical Pole!!




I know. It all sounds so unlikely.



But THIS TIME, it is right!!


So don't be duped by a VERY foolish world!!



Join me, comrads.








Consider: 1. A second solar system? Yes! All, or nearly all, stars - are binary(Also read about those 3,600 year gaps EVERY TIME, above(in this article)! 2. Those of you who say that The Earth is solid: WHO said? Who has been down there and had a look?(Admiral Byrd is the only one!)(He found it HOLLOW. Not like a table tennis or ping pong ball, but with a 400 mile thick SHELL!!)(WHAT evidence have we for a solid Earth??!!)


How can that(and ALL The Heavenly bodies and fields) be hollow??

WHY must it be solid inside????


As a matter of fact, it HAS TO BE HOLLOW!!

Heard of Centrifugal Force?

Whirl a bucketful of water around your head. The water won't fall out!(IF you go fast enough.)


Because of that mysterious force known as CENTRIFUGAL FORCE(And centripedal force(inwards) forms a small central core!)!!


Not seen motor cyclist ride around the inside of great wheels? The secret is centrifugal force!


Rotating bodies press OUTWARDS!!


You try standing on the edge of a turning roundabout!(You get flung off.)


It IS a fact. But WHO can explain?!



So! Now, when Earth was a spinning ball of molten rock, C/F(Centrifugal Force) drove the FLUID ROCK to the sides!!

And Centripedal Force drove a little INWARDS, forming a small core.

Centrifugal Force also created two large holes top and bottom!!


And The Earth(As do all bolides) SOLIFIFIED in that shape!!


You see(Well, I hope you do!!), what IS stupid, is SOLID Earth!!




THEREFORE, comrads, ipso facto,



Go in The Northern GEOGRAPHICAL one, because the southern one(unless you go in by air) is virtually impossible, being too hazardous.





Ya, ya.






Be warned. Get PREPARED!!






Points made??










Wednesday, 28th April, 2,010.





A supplement to H75. Please read H75 before reading H76!




There are TWO series of periodic cataclysms that hit Earth! One is due to an instability of the sun every 6,500 years. The other is by the return of our small companion binary(paired)(And most if not all stars GO IN PAIRS(are binary)!) solar system every 3,600 years.(So what we have coming up VERY SHORTLY is a once in 23,400,000 years' event!!)(Not exactly an every day event IS IT??!!)(PLEASE check it out!!)

These two series co-incide on 21st December, 2,012.A.D. Which is when Earth, Sun and the very centre of our Milky-Way galaxy are in a straight line. That date of course is the Northern Winter Solstice.(In that alignment the energies rising up from it to our sun, and through it - to Earth are MAXIMAL!(Which is WHY 21.12.2012 is SO important and dramatic.)(I must apologize for many grammatical errors in H75. I failed to adequately edit the article.(Now done so.))(Incidentally these energies will trigger electron storms which will affect the brains of humans and animals, sending them increasingly bad and mad.(This is why woes by humans are so rapidly increasing. - In addition to the extra heat, and the now rapidly increasing disasters!!)(Antoine(Jupiter sized)the second sun and Nibiru(slightly smaller than Mars), a planet)are approaching The Earth. The extra heat comes from Antoine. The growing disasters are caused by Antoine and Nibiru.)


Antoine has been circling Sol, our sun for some time now. Note that as it is approaching periodically on one side of the sun, the heat increases, then when it is receding on the other side of the sun(as it circles it), the heat decreases.(When it is either in front of the sun or behind it, there is no heat change.)(Check with temperatures on Earth as second sun Antoine goes through these four phases as it rounds the sun(Para passu crushing the sun down, - hence the Northern Hemisphere's cold!!   North Pole aligns with sun, South Pole with Antoine.)(approaching, passing in front, receding, going behind)!!)


The two series of cataclysms will co-incide(occur simultaneously) over a time period of several years - centred on the 21st December, 2,012.A.D.

It is not a one-off event on 21.12.2012!

The rapidly growing disasters, strange warming and cooling spells, PLUS the worsening of the behaviour of humans and animals are all due to this other solar system RIGHT NOW merging with ours(it has been doing so for some time now)(Increasing effects being felt these past 50 years!)(Wrongly attributed to global warming by Man!).


Nibiru is its outermost planet. So naturally we become aware of that one first.


The rocks(seemingly comets) that hit Jupiter on two occasions recently were outrunning  out-rider  large rocks of this other solar system - leading the field.(Expect more, bigger and more numerous as time passes.)(Along with growing disasters.(Note that the heat should not increase much if any more now, but come and go as Antoine circles our sun.))



The last time Antoine and its retinue arrived we had Noah's Flood, the sinking of Poseidon(wrongly thought to be Atlantis), the blowing up of Santorini and a colossal drought, after the GIGANTIC flood(sea and rain caused)etc. This time we shall have a similar outcome PLUS the equally devastating cataclysm due to our sun's periodic instablilty. So expect VERY few of Earth's surface life forms to survive!!

A small wise few will escape through The North Geographical Pole(a thousand mile wide entrance to the vast Tropical Paradise within)(I am frantically and desperately trying to get the authorities to organize a mass exodus evacuation that way.)(But no one will believe me. Understandable, but so FATAL for all life upon the planet if you do not heed me!!)


The remaining survivors will survive in caves in a new Stone Age in an Ice Age.


"Not one brick or stone will be left standing upon one another!"(Remember the words of Jesus??)



Please note that The Book of Revelation, last book in The Christian Protestant Bible DESCRIBES the awful opening of the seals, which is a description of what happened last time that Antoine(our small second sun!) and its retinue merged with our solar system!!

The Pope was asked to tell the people(The Third Secret of Fatima) what is coming. But he funked it! (So I am doing it!!)(SOMEONE has to tell you all!!)



What I am describing are the HORRIFIC AND MOST TERRIFYING EVENTS IMAGINABLE which are RIGHT NOW STARTING to descend upon Earth(and, incidentally 21 other worlds!)!!(The results are similar each time. So my description naturally fits the awful Book of Revelation!!)(With the ADDED horror of a SECOND cataclysm of like intensity OCCURRING SIMULTANEOUSLY - due to the periodic instability of our sun!!)(We are looking at the appalling wipe-out of about two thirds of all life and property on the surface of our planet! TIMES TWO(Because two cataclysms occurring TOGETHER!!)!!)(In other words, two thirds wiped out, AND  TWO THIRDS OF THE SURVIVORS WIPED OUT!!!!)(Yes!! That IS what is coming WITHIN THREE YEARS!!!!(Though if Peebles(vide) is right, we shall have a 3 or 4 year extension - due to our Gregorian Calendar being 3 or 4 years BEHIND the TRUE date!!)(Let us hope he is right. To get the TIME, to flee WITHIN THE EARTH!!!!)


I have been very closely studying all this for many years now.(I imagine many of you are hoping and praying that I am wrong. Have made a mistake. NOT MUCH CHANCE OF THAT!!)

WHY DON'T YOU PUNCH IN SECOND SUN PHOTOS and NIBIRU PHOTOS and reports  on The Internet, and SEE for yourselves both the second sun AND Nibiru, as they approach us.(Or are you afraid to have it confirmed!! COME ON!!)(NEARLY ALL go into DENIAL. Thinking that if they deny some ill in their minds, that the reality THEN cannot occur! HOW FOOLISH!!)(How stupid to pretend that it is not happening, only to(TOO LATE) be horribly killed(they and their loved ones) - not much later!! IDIOTIC!!!!)


It has been PROPHECIED widely enough, by many key figures and organizations since JESUS declared it!! Jesus, Einstein, Nostradamus, Christian religious sects("The end is nigh" people), Edgar Cayce, The Hopi Indians, Mother Shipton, and MANY MORE.

And now The Great and Terrible Day of The Lord is beginning!! IT IS JUST BEGINNING - RIGHT NOW!!!!




Spread over three to seven years, about. NOT an event of one day!!



Everything points to it.



It is all so logical and EXPECTED.



There will be wailing, moaning and gnashing of teeth all right!!



I tell you all to try to save you! Much the same way as one would cry out to someone standing in the middle of the road in the path of an oncoming truck! TO GET OUT OF THE WAY. GET TO SAFETY!!


Not trying to scare you. But to WARN you, SO YOU CAN FLEE!!




Please read my earlier articles(work backwards) for details, but remember that the later the article, the more correctly up to date.




How can a second sun not be spotted? Because coming up from behind the sun, and hidden in the sun's glare.(Especially when there are many CENSURING all such reports, preventing thereports from astronomers reaching the general population!)(It is only small, so easy to miss it.)


Consider two common objections:-


1. Why no expected perturbations in the behaviour of planets and their satellites,etc. in our solar system?

    And 2.  How could creep up on us unawares?(Because of our sun's glare,etc.)(See below.)


Answer: Because a second sun about the size of Jupiter, so close to our sun, would not much affect the influences. And certainly Nibiru,etc.(Its outermost planet) A LONG WAY off still, - would not!(The large objects now arriving are only recently arrivals. Viewable only in Antarctica, from a very sharp angle, with telescopes, in the infra red, with special filters, in the glare of our sun, against the back drop of The Milky Way! Come on, HOW HARD to notice!!(And ANYTHING that is noticed is immediately pounced upon and explained away by THE DENIERS - so fearful of having their cosy myths destroyed!!)


IF I FAIL TO ALERT THE AUTHORITIES, then ALL life upon this planet will be returned to THE STONE AGE, AND WORSE!!(Over the next ten to twenty years!!!!)(But things will get bad LONG before then, as disasters worsen...)


It is just UNBELIEVABLE. - And therein lies the TERRIBLE danger.




What is INSANE is why anyone would try to stop me.(IF I am mistaken, then too bad, big laugh.(So why all the great fear by those trying to stop me?!))


However JUST ABOUT ALL ARE TRYING - ALL OUT - to stop me!!




Which makes about the same sense as STIFLING a man crying out from the footpath trying to warn  some hapless individual in the middle of the road in the path of an oncoming truck!! - It is NUTS!!!!




It's true all right!!


Better get used to the idea. It isn't going to go away!!






Plus humanoid aliens coming to inspect us!!




I expect a FEW will survive it. (By fleeing WITHIN THE EARTH.)Don't see how anyone or ANYTHING upon the outer surface CAN!!


Some will flee WITHIN(The Earth).

Some will eke out a LIVING HELL upon the surface of The Earth IN ICED UP CAVES!! Fancy it??


So HELP ME to HELP YOU,then!! Help me for YOUR sake, not for my sake! Heck I have no sake, have I??!!








I think you should AT LEAST consider the possibility!(That this may be right!)(If I am wrong, no loss. If right, flee WITHIN(THE EARTH)!!!!) - WHAT IS THE PROBLEM????




Hubris(false pride) is the reason. NEARLY ALL prefer me to be wrong, than that life upon this planet have a chance TO SURVIVE!!



Now I don't think that that is very bright!!




You look for yourselves at the photos and videos and reports  of the second sun, AND Nibiru the horrible planet. - Explain those away. IF you can!!




No, not lens flares. Not sun dogs! And the photos declared genuine by experts.





No one likes bad news. But how DAFT not to investigate and determine the truth!!(Not to TRUTH seekers, anyway!!)





I am Bill Thomas. I use the name of Vic Conway on The Web.


Are you all mad or something?


EXAMINE my claim! Not just consider me wrong BECAUSE IT IS SO UNUSUAL(The strange is not necessarily phoney!)

But it IS KNOWN that Human Nature is superb at GOING INTO DENIAL in the face of bad news!!



Remember! It will be TOO LATE soon!(To do ANYTHING about it.)



Centrifugal Force explains Hollow Earth(and the huge thousand mile wide entrances at both poles)(one to each pole).



(Just consider this: The Earth spins upon its axis, and presumably has done pretty well ALL ALONG. Now if C.F., Centrifugal Force sends the molten fluid rock TO THE SIDES(just do some thought and actual experiments), then it will be thickest at The Equator, and thinnest at the poles!!(With two great holes at each end.)(Notice the two "craters" at each end of The Earth. These are NOT craters, but declining ground leading up to the gigantic entrances!)


Continuing: - Now because the spin of The Earth(and all (all bolides) the heavenly bodies and fields!) is around one plane only, then you MUST have a thinning of the crust towards the polar holes, and a thickening of the crust towards the equator!!(I vote physics, not hearsay!!)(WORK IT OUT for yourselves!!) A small core at centre - due to a much weaker force inwards, called centripedal force.


You would get bulges on The Earth's surface.


ALL of this is EXACTLY what we find TO BE THE CASE!!



The Earth has these bulges on each side. Strange "craters" at each end. The crust IS very thin at the poles!!


If you read earlier articles of mine for details of various points, you should see my case better.




To me, it is OBVIOUS!!




You need to VISUALIZE it all for a while. As we get so used to certain ideas. That we accept them as true, when in fact they are not!!






What IS stupid, is the notion of a SOLID Earth,


And our sun, a star, solo - in a universe of binary(paired) stars!!






All the best!










Wednesday, 19th May, 2,010.




Last Stand.




As we approach 21.12.2,012.A.D. And alignment with the centre of our galaxy. Dark Rift. White Hole.(Not black.)


- Increasingly powerful high vibrations are playing upon us.



This is producing bad re-actions from low men and Nature. Animals,etc.


But high from good men.




The Earth and world are coming under increasing pressure.

Cycles ending. New ones beginning.

Big changes coming up.

Strange things will happen. Like floating off ground. And materializations of dead loved ones.


And weird time,etc. dimensional anomalies.



Many will go mad. Many die.


Solar Cycle 24 starting up.

Along with growing sun's instability.



Humanoid aliens and their UFO's, also crop circles,etc. increasing now.



Aquarius moving up. And The Mayan Long Count.


It will be an increasingly trying time for all.


With growing confusion and mix up.



I know a bit. Some know more.

Many know less.

Truth being hidden from us.

Keeping us in dark.



Playing down worsening events.

Recession(Depression) Stage two is starting up.

Gold and silver,etc. may fall back first, before rocketting up.


Confiscation attempt of gold and silver, but will largely fail, I think. As public fights back against banks, brokers, insurers, mortage lenders, etc.



World cash run out.



But mob will force up markets.


Oil,etc. problems will cause U.S. to crash, along with excessive spending.


China will eventually drop U.S. Dollar for gold.


And the masses send gold to moon, and then the sun!!



Silver will follow six times stronger.




But Dow may crash through 12,000 at least first.


Then fall to rocks in four or five more stages. Collosal slump. Dwarfing 1929.


Islam sweeping world with Shia Law.


Catholic Christendom rules. But Pentecostal fever too.


Much hysteria.


Sex, sport, entertainment and skiffle manias.


Paper money becomes worthless.



Yes, and thrown into the streets.


(Which streets?!)(LOL)




Russia increasingly dominates world. Along with RED China, Iran and North Korea. Plus Indonesia.

Australia increasingly swamped. Along with New Zealand.


Many Brits flee to Australasia.(Australasia is NOT Asia.)


Race of Tan increases as dark skins swamp world.


Socialism under Obama who is destroying U.S. And West.


EU collapses. Reforms much smaller, but stronger. Under Germany.


Israel turns to Germany as U.S. deserts it.


Christendom of Europe rises against Islam.


World turned upside down. Literally,too!!



All this over next seven to eight years.


Utopia is not around corner, utter destruction is. Spiritual too. But massive revivals.



Then CHRIST returns.



Woes rapidly increase.

Increasingly hard to survive.


World going wrong way!!




Anarchy and decadence increase in leaps and bounds.




Europe attacks Islam.


Then Asia rises and wrecks Europe.


Worst inquisition and awful last pope.


In The Reign of Terror.


World wars,etc.


During The Great Tribulation.


CHRIST returns finally and stops world destroying itself.


What is left of it after Antoine and Nibiru of Second Solar System have finished with it.


New Ice Age. After appalling heat.(Which kills many.)


Worst time ever(future included) for Man on Earth.




Unbelievable things will happen. Bad and good.




Attempt to rule The Internet and convert it to evil largely fails.(It is so big and complex.)




Bad humanoid aliens and Reptileans finally move in.


Mass landings by UFO's.

Aliens inspect us.

WHAT an appallingly awful MESS!!!!


Many evacuated out to safety.



We are just right now beginning most ghastly slide down.




West collapses.

East rising fast.(Much better off than West!!)


Obama selling out U.S. And West. Indeed, whole world. Far worse than Bush!!



Numerous events far too ghastly too quote will occur.


A few survivors start Mankind,etc.again.(GET THROUGH NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE into safer world within!!)(Not the first time!!)




Australia increasingly bad.


Selling soul to save body.



Labour, Fabianism, Red and Yellow Communism, Socialism, and extreme fascism and trade unions, along with Political Correctness and numerous activisms - are destroying Humanity.



We are all being fooled.



False dawn.


Massive physical destruction then wipes the lot.



Increasing ash should kill air travel.



Increasing oil pollution will greatly harm U.S.




Homos and gays proliferate. Along with abortion and abuse, especially sexual.





Crime rockets.



False data and figures being given out.



Liars everywhere.


Money mania.


Awful place to live in, Earth has now become.



Women should not rule.



And still less, - children.




I am speaking as freely as I can, as I see it.






Too many and increasingly bad humans around.

Too many criminally INSANE.


Mental illness rife.


Chaos increases as law and order(last vestiges) GO OUT OF THE WINDOW!!!!







I am Victor Conway, still TRYING to speak to a world increasingly against me, and in denial!!

As if intense denial changes anything.


We are not living in a world of fools. We few remaining good folk(aspiring) ARE the fools(have to be to survive), - whilst those NOW elevated as good and high are the INCREASINGLY EVIL ONES.


But evil will not win.


Only so far.


Then GOD wipes the lot.

And casts The Devil back into Hell, whence IT came.

We live in a world of delusions and illusions.



A most horrible and terrible nightmare from which we shall finally awake.




Evil has to win meanwhile to do the work.

The good shall inherit.

On a VERY different world to now.





It is not hopeless, as we re-incarnate via re-births(note the difference)(Souls re-incarnate. Personalities rebirth.)


But first rests(for the good) upon higher planes.




Few will survive THE ONSLAUGHT.

First of evil.





I am telling you!!


I warn of doom, death, destruction and HELL to come, for the wicked who now increasingly prosper!!


Change back to God - or PERISH!!



There is an awful price on the MATERIAL EASE AND COMFORT we have gained!!





Yes, repent.

Sex is NOT love.

Nor is SHOW reality.






Unite with GOD, not humans!!(The Law is an ass. And marriage - IDIOCY!!)




Hung parliament for Australia. As Rudd gets displaced by Julia Gillard.


Despite a ferocious fight by Tony Abbot,etc.


Australia and New Zealand vassals of RED China of course.

Why did Britain and Australasia forsake each other??!!


Canada going increasingly evil and bad.




We should not have left Vietnam.



Nor Iraq!!(Though NOT invaded in first place. Wrong country and man. Iran should have been invaded AND ITS MAN, not Saddam!!(But DID the real Saddam die??)


Afghanistan a lost cause.



The West is a stuffed PUP.

A sitting duck.

And a school for LUNIES.


Bush,etc. not much good, but far better than the alternative now being thrust upon us all!!!!




The mob rule you see.

And the mob are predominantly and increasingly evil.


Slaves make bad masters!!







World, you threw your heritage away!


Even as Australia is now doing.





What hope in fools?





Who now rule the world.






Vic Conway.



Canute and world said to the sea tide: STOP!!


But it just kept going.



Hope? What hope CAN there be??



Except in GOD, CHRIST, Jehova and Jesus.


Marry God and CHRIST!!!! Not another failing human!!


Let your off-spring be good ideals and ideas, not more brats in a FAR TOO overcrowded world!!

Too much traffic too, and bad vehicles and drivers!!!!




Vatican and pope is not God and Christ!!



What happens?


We get re-hashed - and born again.


Materially and physically.





But first get born again of GOD and CHRIST!!!!




As world's leaders FOOL us into thinking all is well, WHEN IT IS SO CLEARLY NOT!!!!






STOP stupidly living in a Fool's Paradise, world!!


How you kid yourselves!!







Wishful thinking dreaming all the time!!!!






Tuesday, 15th June, 2,010.




The Time has come!


My terrible warning to the WORLD!!





Greetings, all.



How many of you have noticed the rapidly increasing bad events that began around 1996/7, and even earlier?? Growing heat being the one most in the public mind.

Of course we all know that the cause is Global Warming caused by Man through carbon dioxide via fossil fuels. Don't we?

DO WE?? - Then you are letting yourself be DUPED!!

Anthropomorphic(man made) Global Warming is a get rich quick SCAM promoted to take advantage of Margaret Thatcher's Bonus to all who study global warming.


Yes, it is a TOTAL LIE.



The amount of (extra) global warming(since without gw we would perish - in temperatures like on Mars) due to Mankind is about 0.0046%(Virtually zero!!).

So what is causing the growing heat? - Answer: A Second SUN now close to our sun. About the size of Jupiter.

I hold that there is a SECOND SOLAR SYSTEM NOW merging with ours.(Increasingly effective since about 1996/7.)


I thought at first it was a sun as large as ours, but though we have a companion star, Nemesis(its name) is about 1.5 light years off. It won't come near us for millions of years.

However! There is an object called Nibiru(no s on the end). Also called Planet X. Which passes close to Earth every 3,600 years. Yes. Last time it came we had a great FLOOD. Remember? Noah, and all that!!(Amongst other colossal disasters(a cataclysm).)


It is generally expected to pass about a million miles from Earth around 2,012.A.D.


2,012.A.D. is The Great Date.

(Of The End of The World.)(Not 1999 as originally thought!(1999 is merely a Round Figure near!))(Jesus said that the end would come in two days. When he spoke around 12 A.D. Yes, two THOUSAND YEAR days!! Which of course takes us to 2,012.A.D.


1999 with Y2K,etc. came and went with hardly anything happening. So naturally people think that this 2,012 scare is baloney.(I ASSURE YOU ALL that it is NOT!!)


It won't be The End of The World.(Though many will call it that!) It will be The End of this Current Age.


Dire events rapidly increase. In ALL departments of life and the world.


They are expected to climax WITHIN about 7 or 8 years, culminating in NINE TENTHS of humans being horribly wiped out! Also of animals and plants and structures.

A strange approaching large object was noticed by NASA(1997). Then(when they found out how large it was) was hastily denied.

Russia took up the tracking of it.


Its size is huge, and the gravity and magnetic tides from it will just about destroy EVERYTHING on Earth!!(Reports vary from slightly smaller than Mars - to three to four times the size of The Earth(linear presumably).(It should start being seen by all in about a year's time.(It is already visible to the naked eye!)(As a tiny point.) In The Southern Hemisphere AT FIRST.)(It will look like a SECOND MOON, red - with a golden hue. Rather like a great red DRAGON in the sky.)

The key authorities know and have known since 1997. But deny it - ostensibly to avoid panic(but actually so as not to lose control of us).


I have been TRYING desperately and frantically FOR MANY YEARS to tell and warn you all. But have been ignored!(Been STUDYING IT all this time!)



GO "DOWN" THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE! Into The Great Tropical Paradise WITHIN! Vast, almost as large as the surface we know!! With lands and seas.

There is a hole in the sea there about ONE THOUSAND MILES WIDE!

We need to get The Authorities to ORGANIZE a mass exodus immediately! THROUGH THAT HOLE!!


I AM THE ONLY PERSON ON EARTH WHO KNOWS HOW WE CAN ESCAPE!(Though a few know of the horrors and terrors that are coming.)(The Christians who warned us for long that "the end is nigh" ARE RIGHT!!!!)




There are two possibilities: Either there is a whole solar system merging RIGHT NOW with ours. Or, - The tenth planet(X), called Nibiru, is ONCE MORE completing its 3,600 year orbit!


I THINK myself that it is a WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM, but if not, it is almost as bad -with the tenth planet(Planet X), called Nibiru(Called WORMWOOD in The Bible of Christendom!), just about destroying EVERYTHING on Earth. At least NINE TENTHS of everything!!(Either Nibiru is the tenth planet of our solar system, OR, - it is the sixth planet of Antoine(the second sun).) Either way, the result is similar, almost wipe out, and possibly(but very remotely so) TOTAL WIPE OUT!!(If it hits us.)


The Great Flood(Of Noah) occurred 3,600 years ago.(EVERY 3,600 years, when Nibiru returns, we get a CATACLYSM. Preceded(of course) by rapidly increasing DISASTERS(Like we have been having since about 1996/7(Co-inciding with when this large object was first spotted!).))


Each time this cataclysm occurs, civilization gets all but wiped out. Consider Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis, Poseidon(Great Civilizations)(When Noah tried to save us all.(Like I am doing NOW!!)),(Yes! Every 3,600 years!) And now it is our turn! The Aryan Civilization in 2,012.A.D!!


SIMPLY because that(3,600 years) is THE ORBITAL PERIOD OF NIBIRU!!



WHY haven't the authorities told us? Because they want to keep control of us!


And avoid panic.



No, I am not "up the pole", but you guys HAD BETTER GET "DOWN" IT SOON!!


Observe how volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are getting really bad!!



Due to the gravity and magnetic TIDES of Nibiru!


It is already closer than the sun, and if you photograph the sun, you will see Nibiru as a black spot!(Silhouetted against it.)



If you look, take a look too for The Second Sun.(Sending the heat.) ETC.(AND Any other objects.)



We live in an increasingly marvellous technological age(Thanks to the aliens!).


But accompanied by Nibiru,ETC!!



Yes, Nibiru is carrying aliens. Coming to inspect us. UFO's are increasing.



You had better get ready!



And STOP regarding me as some sort of NUT!!







I am not evil trying to scare you for egoic kicks and publicity. But TRYING TO SAVE YOU ALL!!



Definitely not my imagination.




See! You DO NOT understand!!




A tremendous event is shortly to occur. It is the lining up of The Northern Winter Solstice with CENTRE OF THE GALAXY(It's Great Rift), via the sun! Lining up Centre of our galaxy, Sun and Earth, AND The Northern Solstice - IN A STRAIGHT LINE!!



This occurs 21.12.2,012.A.D.(But take care! The Gregorian Calendar could be years out - from the true date.(Vide Catholic Priest Peebles.)



As and when that happens higher vibrations will increase, coming up from our galactic centre. Improving Earth, and its creatures, including Man.


What has that to do with Nibiru(and Antoine)??



Well, so significant is this event, that everything(all cycles) dovetail(fit) into it!!



Including the orbital return of Nibiru(And Antoine,etc.)!



So though Nibiru,etc. is a terrible thing, the MAIN ITEM is MOST WONDERFUL!!(The Great Line up with the centre of our galaxy!)(2,012.A.D.)



ALL key sources, including Einstein and The Great Religions spoke of the ALMOST IMMINENT events now unfolding!




Yes, all the talk about The End of The World refers not to 1999 and Doom, but to 2,012. And The Rebirth of our Solar System,ETC.



The reason for the bad things is the re-actions of Man and Nature to the colossal Good Uplift(Which has already begun. Naturally the evil and low people do not like it. So they increasingly rebel.)



It CANNOT be stopped!!


Nor can Nibiru,etc.



Now a lot of people seem to think that if you deny something strenuously enough, THAT IT WILL GO AWAY!!

Which is NUTS!!





No!! Stand and FACE IT!!




Then, though you die, it will be FAR better for you!!












There isn't much time left, folks.


Stop going into DENIAL!!




What I need you all to do is - in increasing numbers - GET The Authorities to start the exit EXODUS THROUGH The North Geographical Pole!!(It is a long tubeway leading through into a vast haven from what happens IF YOU DON'T!!)(Almost certain death, -most horribly and terribly!!)


WHERE is the sense in fooling yourselves TODAY, if it means perishing tomorrow?!



When by simply heeding me, you can escape!!





Yes, yachts, especially sailed by 16 year old girls(around the world, or attempting to do so), are quite fashionable these days.


But I am saying, you need an ARK now TO ESCAPE WHAT IS COMING!!


And that ark is not like Noah's.


But IS The Vast Tropical Paradise reached(eventually) THROUGH The North Geographical Pole!!(Just go THROUGH it!!)







I am the Noah of this Orbital Period Revolution's Conclusion of THIS return of Nibiru,etc!!

PLEASE wake up.



And COME to your senses!!




There is a film called 2,012.



But to get a lot on 2,012 and Nibiru, punch in Nibiru AND 2,012 on The Internet!!




Asteroids, comets??




What is coming(IMMINENT!!) is much more than asteroids and comets.




Indeed, Comets Hale Bopp and Lee were the outriders of Nibiru and Antoine!!



Objects are thudding into Jupiter.


They are debris preceding Nibiru and Antoine!!




Drop EVERYTHING folks. But especially THROUGH The North Geographical Pole!!








Increasingly large both good and bad events will proceed now!!!! Larger and larger, quantitively and qualitatively!!





UNTIL, within about 7 to 8 years, this current age ends, and a new one begins!!














Wakee, WAKEE!!











Sail in or fly in.



BUT GET IN!! Pronto!!!!













Vic Conway.

Wednesday, 16th June, 2,010.



Supplement to H78

"The Worst Event of all time".





A few points I didn't mention in H.78:-


What began all this approaching Nibiru, It was the appearance of Nibiru in 1997(The large object found by Nasa, but suddenly dropped like a hot potato!(Once they discovered its size.) AND also the appearance of a second body, a small sun, near to our own sun.(Nibiru has a circling moon, and now a second planet has been detected. And more moons. Plus there are many smaller bodies, asteroids and comets making their appearance now. Some crashing into Jupiter.))


1. The disaster will be twice as bad this time. Due to a periodic(every 6,500 years) instability with the sun - producing another cataclysm(at the same time) as bad as the one to be caused by Nibiru,etc. Normally only two thirds of life on Earth gets destroyed. But due to TWO cataclysms occurring simultaneously, NINE TENTHS of all life and structures on Earth can expect to be destroyed. It is a once in all time double cataclysm.

2. Every 6,500 years there is an instability with the sun due to it getting so close to the spiral arm of the local closed stellar cluster.(Down which energy flows, charging everything up.)(De-stabilizing the sun.)

3. You may think "Well, we have a few years left.". Not really, because as Nibiru gets closer, its effect upon Earth,etc. AND upon the sun(stirring up plasmic upheavals,etc) - gets steadily worse. (Can you see now WHY disasters on Earth have been increasing since 1996/7? Which is when Nibiru,etc. hove into view and effective range!!)(Gravity and magnetic tides from Nibiru affecting sun and Earth,etc. (The extra heat is coming from Antoine, The Second Sun.) From now on disasters get really bad. Giving us less and less respite in which to organize an exodus through The North Geographical Pole.(Note: NOT Magnetic Pole!)(And NOT underground! The Great Tropical Paradise is actually upon the surface of The Earth. At least it seems so. This is because regardless of the shape of The Earth(A double reverse helix!)(The Earth is not flat, not round(though it appears so, and seems flat), nor ANY other shape BUT a double reverse helix!!)(There is ONE continuous surface that FEELS outer!!)(As are all heavenly bodies and fields.), gravity is perpendicular to that shape. And thus, at EVERY point, it SEEMS(gravity wise)(though not vision wise!) that the ground is FLAT!!) So if and when you sail or fly through The North Geographical Pole, it will FEEL flat all the way.(Though not LOOK flat!)(Because it isn't!!)


4. Now, in addition to the DOUBLE CATACLYSM, AND the steady build up of disasters to that, we have this alignment with the centre of our galaxy. Which makes the situation even more complex, despite the benign influences pouring up! Via the energy being more concentrated during alignments.(In addition, The Age of Aquarius will replace that of Pisces. And many other key cycles end, and new ones begin.)


(Normally every 3,600 years we have this cataclysm caused by Nibiru,etc. But THIS time is FAR more disastrous and complex.)



I repeat: Our ONLY hope is THROUGH The North Geographical Pole.

And I am the only person on Earth to know that(Amongst those who know of the coming ALMOST wipe out.).(Convenient you may say. But it needs to be some-one!! I hope I will do!!)


Hence the urgent necessity of helping me(not hindering me), that I may facilitate our escape.(Or at least renew all life forms upon the planet!)(This is what Noah was trying to do with his Ark(he succeeded). Two of every kind, remember.)


5. Seeds,etc. You may argue that there is not much chance of evacuating ALL life forms,etc. into The Tropical Paradise. I agree. So, at the VERY least we need to get key seeds,etc. inside(and the key pairs of the animals and humans we wish to preserve)(Though The Tropical Paradise will have its own.).

6. What I am saying is terribly hard to believe I know.(I am WELL aware of that.)

It does seem SO preposterous. I KNOW that.


How ridiculous sounding that two suns are in the sky, with a second MOON coming up, as two solar systems merge(temporarily), AND that our only way of escape is THROUGH The North Geographical Pole. AND that I am the only person(among those who know that the near wipe out is coming) on Earth to know the ONLY way of escape!!


Utterly bizarre. I quite concur. NEVERTHELESS, IT IS TRUE!!



Not a hoax or a joke I ASSURE YOU ALL.



WHY would I, who has no time to spare, go to ALL THIS trouble, at very great risk to myself, JUST to have a laugh?!

I am NOT that type.

I am a born again Christian, - therefore hardly likely to go around spreading mischievous lies. Especially one so big and cruel as this one would have to be.

However, I do know that human nature is such that it will disbelieve anything it happens not to like!!

So I say to those of you who disbelieve me: You are not saying(so much) that you don't believe me, but that YOU DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IT!!(Which is a VERY different thing!!)



All right, you may say, but I have made a mistake. I am sincere but misguided.(YOU HOPE!!)



No doubt you hope and even PRAY that I am wrong.




Let me point out a few things: 1. I have a very high intelligence rating. 2. I have been studying this closely for many years.(I am given to the odd mistake, true. But not one lasting THIS LONG!!(As I search NON STOP for any error/s!!)


The chance of my being in error is EXTREMELY remote.


I would remind any readers that what I am basically declaring is a fact that has been promulgated for THOUSANDS OF YEARS!! By MANY other parties!!


Beginning with one no less than Jesus CHRIST!!


(AND Einstein.)


Who said around A.D. 12 that he would return in two days.(THEN would the world end!)

So His Return and End of The World would occur about the same time.

It was fashionable then to speak of THOUSAND YEAR LONG days. So two days becomes TWO THOUSAND YEARS.

A.D. 12 plus 2,000 is 2,012. The Great Date - now only 2.5 years off!

(Though due to the fact that our Gregorian Calendar could be out even years, allow a few years for that!)


Most of us, if not all, do not like bad news. So, when we hear it, we often disbelieve.



We go into DENIAL.



Naturally you may say: "Who is this guy - to make such an outrageous claim?!".



However, it is not who or what I am that is key: What matters is "What is the theory behind this?". And "WHAT is the evidence in support?"

The theory behind it is that Nibiru, the tenth planet(X), has an orbital period of 3,600 years, and that its trajectory passes only ONE MILLION MILES away from The Earth!(Which is why and how it just about wipes us out!)(A very large object would have huge gravitic and magnetic tides at such short range.)(It COULD hit us.)


The Evidence behind it all - is this large object picked up by NASA! Steadily getting closer. Plus the fact that it was 3,600 years ago when The Great Flood,etc.occurred.(And you may go back in key jumps through the destructions of Mu, Lemuria, Poseidon(Noah's Flood,etc.) and Atlantis!!)(Though note that there are TWO periodic series. One of 6,500 years via The Sun's Instability. And one every 3,600 years, that being the orbital period of Nibiru, called The Tenth Planet(X).


Now add in the evidence on The Internet, by reports, videos and photographs!


Just how much of a point does one need to make??(Or are you being unreasonably rejective??)


I am not alone in my assertion(Basically that this age will end within a few years.). Very many key parties, groups and individuals, have said as much for thousands of years.


Many religious groups have.

Especially the now bygone Christians who repeatedly insisted and warned that "The End is NIGH!!".


In The Great Pyramid at Giza, there is a line in stone of dates. The last date is 2,012.A.D.

The Mayans,etc. insist that this time cycle will end in 2,012.A.D.

Not the end of TIME. But the end of the great age we live in.




1999 was the old bandied abroad date for the end of the world.

However, like The Millennium Bug, Y2K, it came and went with hardly a murmur.




So the sceptics cry out: " And now you say the world will end in 2,012.A.D!".


"You said originally that it would occur in 1999. But no thing happened. Why should we believe you this time?!".



What many people do not realize is that the date 1999 is simply a ROUND FIGURE.(The ACTUAL date being 2,012.A.D.)



Not the end of the world(Unless Nibiru or somesuch hits us!), but THE END OF THIS CURRENT AGE!


The Earth will most likely go on for thousands of millions of years yet. About as long left as has already gone.



No, the reference is to the life forms on this planet.


And furthermore the reference is not to the world, but to THIS AGE!



7. The few survivors will go back to The Stone Age, and icy caves.(As happens each time Nibiru passes us.)



8. For the survivors(a few perhaps), it will be better had they died too!!







However, the idea is to get humanity and the other life forms to START AGAIN.



Hence my appeal to you all to HELP ME SAVE ALL LIFE UPON THIS PLANET!!




Because I, and only I, know the way of ESCAPE!!





Not TOO unreasonable a request I HOPE!!








Vic Conway.(Simply spread my message(Especially articles H78 and H79) to the world.(You do not need to contact me. You DO need to contact the world, GIVING THEM THESE TWO ARTICLES!! To as many as you can, anyway. DESPITE the opposition you will encounter. By those who 1. Want only their chosen ones to escape, and 2. Those who simply cannot bear bad news!! V.C.)










AFriday, 18th June, 2,010.



A big correction.





I am now inclined to believe that there is no second solar system involved, - big or small sun! I was fooled by the sun like appearance of rogue eccentric planet Nibiru. So I am making a big correction:-


All we have is the planet Nibiru, Planet X, the NINTH planet out from our sun(Now that Pluto, with Charon, has been demoted from planet status.). But Nibiru was the tenth planet for a long time.


However, don't be fooled into thinking that all is now therefore well. Anything but!


NO THING has changed. Just a very big change in the format of what is approaching us.

One planet instead of an entire solar system.

The planets of our solar system, Earth included, circle(orbit) the sun in more or less circular orbits.

Nibiru, however, is different. It is a rogue planet with a very eccentric orbit. Known also as Herbocolus and Wormwood,etc. it had its surface nuclearly blown off long ago for some reason or other. The core shot through the orbit of Mars, struck Earth a glancing blow, creating our moon, and sped on way out past the sun on its new very eccentric orbit.

It takes 3,600 years(3,580 I believe - to be exact)to complete one circuit. It does this repeatedly. The inner asteroids now mark the orbit where Nibirus once was. The inner asteroids are the bits of Nibiru's surface that remained near by. The Oort Belt is where the far flung bits went.(Asteroids are pieces of its land surface. Comets are frozen chunks of its seas.)



The trouble is that the trajectory(path) of this rogue planet takes it to one million miles off Earth! Estimates vary as to the size of this object, but the latest figure I can come up with is - almost as large as Saturn. Not all that much smaller than Jupiter.


So if it passes Earth at one million miles distant, it should cut quite a sight in the sky. The gravitic and magnetic tides can only be imagined. And these are what just about wipe out everything on the surface of our planet. As Jesus said of it: "Not one stone shall be left standing upon another.".



When is this due? 21.12.2,012! However, due to a discovery claim by one Catholic priest name of Peebles, our Gregorian Calendar is 3 years(possibly 4) advanced(on what it should be). Which means that the proper date now is 2,007(or 6), not 10!

Thus I expect the planet of the crossing(of our orbit) in 5.5 years, perhaps 6.5 years time. However, it should become visible to all in about a year. First in The Southern Hemisphere.

It then stays with us for about five years.


Already visible to the naked eye as a dot. But not seen because of the background stars of The Milky Way. Also because it is visible only in The Infra Red, and from near Antarctica only.

AND at a very sharp angle to the ecliptic(upon which most familar objects reside).



It is a red planet, but with a golden sheen.(Due to particles of gold placed in its atmosphere- to reflect more sunlight and heat to those who live upon it.(They live WITHIN it.)

The golden sheen makes it look like a sun.(It can be seen like a small second sun near to our sun.(As Nostradamus said: People will think that there are two suns in the sky. It fooled me.)

It looked blue during a recent eclipse. And has been seen like a second moon(through telescopes).


When it passes us, it will resemble a great red dragon in the sky. It is very VERY hot.(Apparently where our extra heat is coming from. Its gravity and magnetic tides already, long since, creating disasters on Earth(and elsewhere).)(Heat and light gets reflected inwards and outwards.)

Optically it is not visible. Only seen in the infra red. And at a sharp unusual angle. Coming up behind the sun.(So there are many reasons why so few have seen it, thus far.) Lost in the sun's DAZZLE.



It has at least one moon(satellite). Plus much debris and dust preceding it in a vast long tail.(The solar wind,etc. blows its tail in front of it.)(Now being on the inner side of the sun.) This dust is from oxides of iron. And is deadly. Besides which breathed in will choke you to death.(So face masks soon imperative!)


Some of this dust(from its long advanced tail) has already fallen to Earth!!


The top killer should be the heat.


Second the poisonous choking red dust.


Otherwise from collosal earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, ferocious winds, falling boulders,etc. Beserk humans and animals, raving mad, killing all they meet.

Vegetation will die of course. Water will be poisoned, but dried up first! Crops poisoned. Air will be unbreathable. Flight will be underground or into caves.(Which will need to be SEALED!!)(To only prolong the agony.)(The survivors(if any),too, will wish that they had perished

as well!!)



Structures levelled flat.


World wide.




Men will be crying out for the rocks to fall upon them. But that won't happen.

To escape the appalling and growing misery.


No food to eat. No water to drink. No air to breathe. Blood everywhere.(Much of it due to the red oxides dust mixing with water - so looking LIKE blood!!)

Earth's axial tilt will be suddenly and sharply increased.

Earth's upper crust dragged hundreds, even thousands of miles out of place.


Immense showers of asteroids and comets from the objects attracted to Nibiru.



Events will build up steadily(As they already have since 1958.)(When first noticed.)(But appreciably from 1998/9 onwards.)

No, our growing woes are not due to Man burning fossil fuels, but to NIBIRU approaching!


A New Inquisiton and The Reign of Terror (By Man) shall precede all of this for a while. But CHRIST shall return after it.


Apparently our present pope is the last one but one.

Financial and economic collapse shall come first.


Money will be thrown into the streets.


Suicide will become VERY fashionable.



All of this, and much more will come from Nibiru.



However! Nibiru will be only one of a number of great events happening AT THE SAME TIME.(21.12.12.)(But I say allow for an extra 3 years(perhaps 4)(Due to our Gregorian Calendar being 3(perhaps 4) years too advanced.(Or even more!) (So the exact date is hard to determine. Only that it will occur SOON, and be centred on The Northern Winter Solstice of 21.12.12.)






The sun(Sol) is entering a period of growing INSTABILITY(Due to getting very close to the energy flowing down its spiral arm(of the closed stellar cluster(sic))(Found by me.))



The instability of the sun, which happens every 6,500 years, will produce a cataclysm as big as the one Nibiru creates! And it will occur at the same time(21.12.12.) Perhaps about 2.5 years ahead.

It will invert The Earth geographically, and also cause the crust to slide thousands of miles. Plus create appalling damage, rivalling that of Nibiru's. All simultaneously.


The Earth will stop rotating. For at least 27 hours. The sun will go black. And the moon red. There will be three days of darkness.

Ash cloud will cover the entire globe(from every volcano(including Yellowstone and Krakatoa) EXPLODING. Freezing temperatures follow.

Lavic pools springing up everywhere.



The book of Revelation(Bible) describes it well, though in archaic terms. The Opening of The Seals,etc.



The third great event, really number one, will be(21.12.12.) the line up of Earth and its winter solstice with Sun and Great Rift at The Centre of our Milky Way Galaxy - in a straight line.

When this occurs energies pouring up from the galactic centre will be maximal. And though basically benign, will also cause tremendous destruction.




And, event 4, The Wobble of The Earth will be greatest, and add in its woes.




5. The Age of Aquarius will take over from that of our current sun sign, Pisces. Creating pleasanter influences.



All cycles will end, and new ones begin. Exactly at 21.12.12.



As will all the Mayan,etc. calendars, periods, including those of 5,125 years.(Which, interestingly, is about the geologic strata period in the rocks! Suggesting that a NEW layer of vegetation,etc. gets laid down every 5,125 years!!(As the different layers of vegetation,etc. create differently coloured rock strata!!)(Though I think the rock strata show 6,500 year periods. Which is how often The Earth inverts,etc.)



EVERYTHING will line up and co-incide on 21.12.2,012!!




Mark your calendars!!




Nibiru will magnetically re-align the magnetic poles of The Earth with its own.




Nibiru will hit the sun hard too. Causing massive plasmic,etc. disturbances.







A number of nations are spending vast sums of public money on telescopes and satellites,etc. to study The Sun AND Nibiru.

The facts are known, but kept VERY hidden.



Contrails placed in sky to try to hide Nibiru.



So we have a huge denial game going on by the authorities. Conspiracy of cover-ups. Denying UFO's,etc.too(Which are increasing.)

The Internet will tell you much(IF you look!)




The film 2,012 shows only a fleabite compared to what actually is coming.




I am the only person on Earth(among those who know doom is imminent) to know the way of escape!(Through The North Geographical Pole!)


Ignore me at your peril!


Help me, not hinder me. So I can help all of us.



You won't stop it by denying it. Nor by silencing me,etc.



What I have told you STILL falls far short of what actually is coming.



Things get bad from now on.



Affecting ALL departments of life and living.



I hold that it was Nibiru which caused an undersea earthquake toppling the rig, and producing the oil spill now threatening The Caribbean - and indeed the world.(Because big hurricane season starting up can hurl the oil well inshore at many places!!) ( Plus into Gulf Stream, where it can travel to ALL over The Earth!! )



This is not to scare you. But to WARN YOU all. The party is OVER. Sober up!!




At least prepare to meet your makers(genetic adjusters) and a horrible and terrible death. For just about every living thing on Earth. Including you. And me.






So don't be stupid and ignore what I am saying!!



Not much hope if you don't!



The Earth could even be torn apart, at least smashed.




Mankind is taking God far too cheaply.



No we have to PAY for what pleasures and joys we have had, and get!!




The Lord is NOT mocked!!




Do I make myself clear??!!



Have I made my POINT??!!




Things do NOT work the way so many THINK that they do.



You have it all wrong, Mankind!!







Though it is already too late.


And has been for quite some time!




Turn back to GOD!!






Jesus, then, if you reject God!






In the hope of a better after life in The Spirit World(after death).




Jesus and the saints don't perspire blood for nothing!!



Nor follow their hard paths in vain!!





Won't you listen to me??!!




Repent! YES!!!!



Reverse the evil ways!!(For you are VERY bad and mad.)



The wicked are wilfully and calculatedly misleading you to be FOOLS!!!!



Change COURSE!!



Or do you WANT it spelled out IN YOUR BLOOD??





THE TIME HAS COME!!(Read up on 2,012 and Nibiru and all that ON THE INTERNET!!)







CHANGE COURSE EARTH-MEN.(To the OPPOSITE of your present path!!)




Or be completely destroyed!!



Good space aliens and spirits,









The Amenuensis,







What can one do? - Spread the news! Copy and pass this on - to as many as possible. Mass petition to the authorities to organize a mass exodus THROUGH THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE!! PRONTO!!!!



Why die in vain?





WHY WOULD YOU BE IDIOTS??!!(You might not save your life. But perhaps improve the after-life.)












Victor Conway.







Sunday, 20th June, 2,010.



Still resolving.



Although it appears that there is no second sun or solar system close by, it does seem possible that there is a brown dwarf star, with Nibiru as its seventh planet - all now near Uranus, and moving towards us.

The given size of Nibiru is from about Pluto size to Jupiter size.

Also, I do not understand its connection to an orbit between Mars and Jupiter. - Which it apparently enters.


All of The Heavenly bodies and fields are hollow, so would not need hollowing out!(There is a report that it has been hollowed out. As has Phobos. But all the heavenly bodies are hollow anyway.)


Reports on The Internet are numerous and mixed. A few are phoney. Some clash. But many appear to be genuine.

It is very hard to determine just what exists and does not.


Also there could be more than one reality.



Three different reasons have been given for Nibiru being on an eccentric orbit.



I am unclear whether Nibiru was once a planet orbitting the sun between Mars and Jupiter, or whether it is(or was) Planet X, The Tenth Planet. (Now demoted to Ninth - because Pluto, with Charon, is no longer classified as a planet.)



However, I am very slowly determining a picture. Which is still unclear in parts.




It is possible that there is a Ninth Planet(erstwhile tenth), AND a planet(Nibiru) that used to orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter - until it had its surface nuclearly(thermo-nuclearly) blown off.

OR, that there is only a planet between Mars and Jupiter - on a 3,600 year eccentric orbit. Which takes it to beyond Pluto most of the time.

In short, I think that Nibiru has been out beyond Pluto for a long time, and then thought to have originated in an orbit outside Pluto's!



Have I got the answer? Its size is slightly smaller than that of Mars.




The brown dwarf solar system could be a distortion(in idea) on a brown dwarf found about 1.5 light years away.


Nibiru has a number of moons.(Is the nearest moon called Homeward or Home Planet, and inhabited by The Annunaki(Nibiru itself being used as a space ship and battle station, in its duties whilst travelling our solar system.) The next moon out is called The Dark Star, I think.

Some are large rocks picked up on its journeys, I think.



Anyway, it certainly seems that there is a planet called Nibiru which is a very large object.



And which brings Earth,etc. much trouble every 5,800 years when it passes us at a distance of

about one million miles.





Vic Conway.




Tuesday, 22nd June, 2,010.






The truth about Nibiru??



Nibiru is a planet - about the size of Pluto, the remains of The Planet Phaeton - which once orbitted the sun between Mars and Jupiter. But due to a thermo-nuclear war between two city states - had its surface blown off. Becoming asteroids and comets. In the asteroid ring now marking the site. And in The Oort Cloud. Probably not The Kuiper Belt as well.

The Minor Planets are the remnants of THE SURFACE. Bits of the land became asteroids. Chunks of sea water became comets.

Its seems comets are ice,mostly. Some of our water and seas came from cometary ice. And some from water in The Earth seeping up.


Thus Nibiru is the core of The Planet Phaeton. (It struck Earth after passing through the orbit of Mars. Slicing off a piece which became our moon.)


A thermo-nuclear explosion caused the surface to be blown off. Due to the deuterium in the ocean igniting thermo-nuclearly.


Souls from Phaeton re-incarnated on Earth. And is where evil on Earth originated.(The Phaetons being so low.) They incarnated in the bodies of humans possessing them(The Homo-sapiens.). Thus accounting for the evil component in many of us. About half.



The humans on Mars were largely wiped out, along with most its life-forms.(A small few still survive.) By invaders from Orion. Reptilean aliens.




These apparently came from a parallel universe - via a hole created in The Space-Time Continuum following a gigantic explosion caused by experiments carried out by gigantic super beings, which went wrong. The Reptilean aliens poured through. They are gradually conquering or destroying Orion. Mars was the last victim. We are next!!



There is a huge planet - about the size of Jupiter - orbitting beyond Neptune's orbit. This is the true Tenth(Now Ninth) planet. It has been confused with Nibiru.


There is also a Brown Dwarf star about 1.5 light years away. (Which, too, was confused with Nibiru.)



An attempt is being made to confuse us via the largest objets among the minor planets. But Nibiru is none of these.



Plus a report of a large object with planets around it now near Neptune's orbit.

Its planets Homeward and The Dark Star. Circling it(Also confused with Nibiru.)



It does seem strange that an object only Pluto sized could slice a piece out of Earth the size of our moon.




But ONE thing stands out: There IS a large object being called Nibiru approaching us!!



My solar system of the second sun does not seem to exist.



Unless it is that of a brown dwarf, with encircling planets and their moons now about The Orbit of Neptune.




This is as far as I have currently(at least) got in my research about Nibiru.





Still too confused and uncertain to promulgate.




Other than the fact that there IS a large object being called Nibiru approaching us!!




Astronomers,etc. from a number of nations are studying The Sun AND this Nibiru objects - trying to determine its size and distance,etc.




This is all being kept under wraps.



Internet information is very mixed, some false, uncertain and extremely difficult to sort out.


Yet revealing a number of very strange occurrences.


Nibiru is due to appear visible to all in about a year.(Watch June - July 2,011.A.D.)




It will be interesting to see what the authorities have to say to the public THEN.





Also about UFO's, aliens and alien abductions, cattle mutilations,etc.




And the crop circles,etc.




There are many odd things going on.




In view of the very confusing and uncertain picture drawn at best about Nibiru, I think it may be better to say no thing.

Especially as the chances of anyone being able to dodge it!



Particularly as just about no one believes me anyway!



Just let it happen.



Hope to God we die and pass on to somewhere in The Spirit World FIRST!!!!




No one wants to know anyway.




So why trouble the people??!!





Nevertheless, Nibiru is coming. It cannot be stopped.

And there is a way of escape THROUGH The North Geographical Pole!!


The Authorities are trying to hide the facts.


It cannot be stopped.










Vic Conway.



Wednesday, 16th June, 2,010.



Supplement to H78


"The Worst event of all time".








A few points I didn't mention in H.78:-


What began all this approaching Nibiru, It was the appearance of Nibiru in 1997(The large object found by Nasa, but suddenly dropped like a hot potato!(Once they discovered its size.) AND also the appearance of a second body, a small sun, near to our own sun.(Nibiru has a circling moon, and now a second planet has been detected. And more moons. Plus there are many smaller bodies, asteroids and comets making their appearance now. Some crashing into Jupiter.))


1. The disaster will be twice as bad this time. Due to a periodic(every 6,500 years) instability with the sun - producing another cataclysm(at the same time) as bad as the one to be caused by Nibiru,etc. Normally only two thirds of life on Earth gets destroyed. But due to TWO cataclysms occurring simultaneously, NINE TENTHS of all life and structures on Earth can expect to be destroyed. It is a once in all time double cataclysm.

2. Every 6,500 years there is an instability with the sun due to it getting so close to the spiral arm of the local closed stellar cluster.(Down which energy flows, charging everything up.)(De-stabilizing the sun.)

3. You may think "Well, we have a few years left.". Not really, because as Nibiru gets closer, its effect upon Earth,etc. AND upon the sun(stirring up plasmic upheavals,etc) - gets steadily worse. (Can you see now WHY disasters on Earth have been increasing since 1996/7? Which is when Nibiru,etc. hove into view and effective range!!)(Gravity and magnetic tides from Nibiru affecting sun and Earth,etc. (The extra heat is coming from Antoine, The Second Sun.) From now on disasters get really bad. Giving us less and less respite in which to organize an exodus through The North Geographical Pole.(Note: NOT Magnetic Pole!)(And NOT underground! The Great Tropical Paradise is actually upon the surface of The Earth. At least it seems so. This is because regardless of the shape of The Earth(A double reverse helix!)(The Earth is not flat, not round(though it appears so, and seems flat), nor ANY other shape BUT a double reverse helix!!)(There is ONE continuous surface that FEELS outer!!)(As are all heavenly bodies and fields.), gravity is perpendicular to that shape. And thus, at EVERY point, it SEEMS(gravity wise)(though not vision wise!) that the ground is FLAT!!) So if and when you sail or fly through The North Geographical Pole, it will FEEL flat all the way.(Though not LOOK flat!)(Because it isn't!!)


4. Now, in addition to the DOUBLE CATACLYSM, AND the steady build up of disasters to that, we have this alignment with the centre of our galaxy. Which makes the situation even more complex, despite the benign influences pouring up! Via the energy being more concentrated during alignments.(In addition, The Age of Aquarius will replace that of Pisces. And many other key cycles end, and new ones begin.)


(Normally every 3,600 years we have this cataclysm caused by Nibiru,etc. But THIS time is FAR more disastrous and complex.)



I repeat: Our ONLY hope is THROUGH The North Geographical Pole.

And I am the only person on Earth to know that(Amongst those who know of the coming ALMOST wipe out.).(Convenient you may say. But it needs to be some-one!! I hope I will do!!)


Hence the urgent necessity of helping me(not hindering me), that I may facilitate our escape.(Or at least renew all life forms upon the planet!)(This is what Noah was trying to do with his Ark(he succeeded). Two of every kind, remember.)


5. Seeds,etc. You may argue that there is not much chance of evacuating ALL life forms,etc. into The Tropical Paradise. I agree. So, at the VERY least we need to get key seeds,etc. inside(and the key pairs of the animals and humans we wish to preserve)(Though The Tropical Paradise will have its own.).

6. What I am saying is terribly hard to believe I know.(I am WELL aware of that.)

It does seem SO preposterous. I KNOW that.


How ridiculous sounding that two suns are in the sky, with a second MOON coming up, as two solar systems merge(temporarily), AND that our only way of escape is THROUGH The North Geographical Pole. AND that I am the only person(among those who know that the near wipe out is coming) on Earth to know the ONLY way of escape!!


Utterly bizarre. I quite concur. NEVERTHELESS, IT IS TRUE!!



Not a hoax or a joke I ASSURE YOU ALL.



WHY would I, who has no time to spare, go to ALL THIS trouble, at very great risk to myself, JUST to have a laugh?!

I am NOT that type.

I am a born again Christian, - therefore hardly likely to go around spreading mischievous lies. Especially one so big and cruel as this one would have to be.

However, I do know that human nature is such that it will disbelieve anything it happens not to like!!

So I say to those of you who disbelieve me: You are not saying(so much) that you don't believe me, but that YOU DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IT!!(Which is a VERY different thing!!)



All right, you may say, but I have made a mistake. I am sincere but misguided.(YOU HOPE!!)



No doubt you hope and even PRAY that I am wrong.




Let me point out a few things: 1. I have a very high intelligence rating. 2. I have been studying this closely for many years.(I am given to the odd mistake, true. But not one lasting THIS LONG!!(As I search NON STOP for any error/s!!)


The chance of my being in error is EXTREMELY remote.


I would remind any readers that what I am basically declaring is a fact that has been promulgated for THOUSANDS OF YEARS!! By MANY other parties!!


Beginning with one no less than Jesus CHRIST!!


(AND Einstein.)


Who said around A.D. 12 that he would return in two days.(THEN would the world end!)

So His Return and End of The World would occur about the same time.

It was fashionable then to speak of THOUSAND YEAR LONG days. So two days becomes TWO THOUSAND YEARS.

A.D. 12 plus 2,000 is 2,012. The Great Date - now only 2.5 years off!

(Though due to the fact that our Gregorian Calendar could be out even years, allow a few years for that!)


Most of us, if not all, do not like bad news. So, when we hear it, we often disbelieve.



We go into DENIAL.



Naturally you may say: "Who is this guy - to make such an outrageous claim?!".



However, it is not who or what I am that is key: What matters is "What is the theory behind this?". And "WHAT is the evidence in support?"

The theory behind it is that Nibiru, the tenth planet(X), has an orbital period of 3,600 years, and that its trajectory passes only ONE MILLION MILES away from The Earth!(Which is why and how it just about wipes us out!)(A very large object would have huge gravitic and magnetic tides at such short range.)(It COULD hit us.)


The Evidence behind it all - is this large object picked up by NASA! Steadily getting closer. Plus the fact that it was 3,600 years ago when The Great Flood,etc.occurred.(And you may go back in key jumps through the destructions of Mu, Lemuria, Poseidon(Noah's Flood,etc.) and Atlantis!!)(Though note that there are TWO periodic series. One of 6,500 years via The Sun's Instability. And one every 3,600 years, that being the orbital period of Nibiru, called The Tenth Planet(X).


Now add in the evidence on The Internet, by reports, videos and photographs!


Just how much of a point does one need to make??(Or are you being unreasonably rejective??)


I am not alone in my assertion(Basically that this age will end within a few years.). Very many key parties, groups and individuals, have said as much for thousands of years.


Many religious groups have.

Especially the now bygone Christians who repeatedly insisted and warned that "The End is NIGH!!".


In The Great Pyramid at Giza, there is a line in stone of dates. The last date is 2,012.A.D.

The Mayans,etc. insist that this time cycle will end in 2,012.A.D.

Not the end of TIME. But the end of the great age we live in.




1999 was the old bandied abroad date for the end of the world.

However, like The Millennium Bug, Y2K, it came and went with hardly a murmur.




So the sceptics cry out: " And now you say the world will end in 2,012.A.D!".


"You said originally that it would occur in 1999. But no thing happened. Why should we believe you this time?!".



What many people do not realize is that the date 1999 is simply a ROUND FIGURE.(The ACTUAL date being 2,012.A.D.)



Not the end of the world(Unless Nibiru or somesuch hits us!), but THE END OF THIS CURRENT AGE!


The Earth will most likely go on for thousands of millions of years yet. About as long left as has already gone.



No, the reference is to the life forms on this planet.


And furthermore the reference is not to the world, but to THIS AGE!



7. The few survivors will go back to The Stone Age, and icy caves.(As happens each time Nibiru passes us.)



8. For the survivors(a few perhaps), it will be better had they died too!!







However, the idea is to get humanity and the other life forms to START AGAIN.



Hence my appeal to you all to HELP ME SAVE ALL LIFE UPON THIS PLANET!!




Because I, and only I, know the way of ESCAPE!!





Not TOO unreasonable a request I HOPE!!








Vic Conway.(Simply spread my message(Especially articles H78 and H79) to the world.(You do not need to contact me. You DO need to contact the world, GIVING THEM THESE TWO ARTICLES!! To as many as you can, anyway. DESPITE the opposition you will encounter. By those who 1. Want only their chosen ones to escape, and 2. Those who simply cannot bear bad news!! V.C.)




AFriday, 18th June, 2,010.



A big correction.





I am now inclined to believe that there is no second solar system involved, - big or small sun! I was fooled by the sun like appearance of rogue eccentric planet Nibiru. So I am making a big correction:-


All we have is the planet Nibiru, Planet X, the NINTH planet out from our sun(Now that Pluto, with Charon, has been demoted from planet status.). But Nibiru was the tenth planet for a long time.


However, don't be fooled into thinking that all is now therefore well. Anything but!


NO THING has changed. Just a very big change in the format of what is approaching us.

One planet instead of an entire solar system.

The planets of our solar system, Earth included, circle(orbit) the sun in more or less circular orbits.

Nibiru, however, is different. It is a rogue planet with a very eccentric orbit. Known also as Herbocolus and Wormwood,etc. it had its surface nuclearly blown off long ago for some reason or other. / The core shot through the orbit of Mars, struck Earth a glancing blow, creating our moon, and sped on way out past the sun on its new very eccentric orbit.

It takes 3,600 years(3,580 I believe - to be exact)to complete one circuit. It does this repeatedly. The inner asteroids now mark the orbit where Nibirus once was. The inner asteroids are the bits of Nibiru's surface that remained near by. The Oort Belt is where the far flung bits went.(Asteroids are pieces of its land surface. Comets are frozen chunks of its seas.)



The trouble is that the trajectory(path) of this rogue planet takes it to one million miles off Earth! Estimates vary as to the size of this object, but the latest figure I can come up with is - almost as large as Saturn. Not all that much smaller than Jupiter.


So if it passes Earth at one million miles distant, it should cut quite a sight in the sky. The gravitic and magnetic tides can only be imagined. And these are what just about wipe out everything on the surface of our planet. As Jesus said of it: "Not one stone shall be left standing upon another.".



When is this due? 21.12.2,012! However, due to a discovery claim by one Catholic priest name of Peebles, our Gregorian Calendar is 3 years(possibly 4) advanced(on what it should be). Which means that the proper date now is 2,007(or 6), not 10!

Thus I expect the planet of the crossing(of our orbit) in 5.5 years, perhaps 6.5 years time. However, it should become visible to all in about a year. First in The Southern Hemisphere.

It then stays with us for about five years.


Already visible to the naked eye as a dot. But not seen because of the background stars of The Milky Way. Also because it is visible only in The Infra Red, and from near Antarctica only.

AND at a very sharp angle to the ecliptic(upon which most familar objects reside).



It is a red planet, but with a golden sheen.(Due to particles of gold placed in its atmosphere- to reflect more sunlight and heat to those who live upon it.(They live WITHIN it.)

The golden sheen makes it look like a sun.(It can be seen like a small second sun near to our sun.(As Nostradamus said: People will think that there are two suns in the sky. It fooled me.)

It looked blue during a recent eclipse. And has been seen like a second moon(through telescopes).


When it passes us, it will resemble a great red dragon in the sky. It is very VERY hot.(Apparently where our extra heat is coming from. Its gravity and magnetic tides already, long since, creating disasters on Earth(and elsewhere).)(Heat and light gets reflected inwards and outwards.)

Optically it is not visible. Only seen in the infra red. And at a sharp unusual angle. Coming up behind the sun.(So there are many reasons why so few have seen it, thus far.) Lost in the sun's DAZZLE.



It has at least one moon(satellite). Plus much debris and dust preceding it in a vast long tail.(The solar wind,etc. blows its tail in front of it.)(Now being on the inner side of the sun.) This dust is from oxides of iron. And is deadly. Besides which breathed in will choke you to death.(So face masks soon imperative!)


Some of this dust(from its long advanced tail) has already fallen to Earth!!


The top killer should be the heat.


Second the poisonous choking red dust.


Otherwise from collosal earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, ferocious winds, falling boulders,etc. Beserk humans and animals, raving mad, killing all they meet.

Vegetation will die of course. Water will be poisoned, but dried up first! Crops poisoned. Air will be unbreathable. Flight will be underground or into caves.(Which will need to be SEALED!!)(To only prolong the agony.)(The survivors(if any),too, will wish that they had perished

as well!!)



Structures levelled flat.


World wide.




Men will be crying out for the rocks to fall upon them. But that won't happen.

To escape the appalling and growing misery.


No food to eat. No water to drink. No air to breathe. Blood everywhere.(Much of it due to the red oxides dust mixing with water - so looking LIKE blood!!)

Earth's axial tilt will be suddenly and sharply increased.

Earth's upper crust dragged hundreds, even thousands of miles out of place.


Immense showers of asteroids and comets from the objects attracted to Nibiru.



Events will build up steadily(As they already have since 1958.)(When first noticed.)(But appreciably from 1998/9 onwards.)

No, our growing woes are not due to Man burning fossil fuels, but to NIBIRU approaching!


A New Inquisiton and The Reign of Terror (By Man) shall precede all of this for a while. But CHRIST shall return after it.


Apparently our present pope is the last one but one.

Financial and economic collapse shall come first.


Money will be thrown into the streets.


Suicide will become VERY fashionable.



All of this, and much more will come from Nibiru.



However! Nibiru will be only one of a number of great events happening AT THE SAME TIME.(21.12.12.)(But I say allow for an extra 3 years(perhaps 4)(Due to our Gregorian Calendar being 3(perhaps 4) years too advanced.(Or even more!) (So the exact date is hard to determine. Only that it will occur SOON, and be centred on The Northern Winter Solstice of 21.12.12.)






The sun(Sol) is entering a period of growing INSTABILITY(Due to getting very close to the energy flowing down its spiral arm(of the closed stellar cluster(sic))(Found by me.))



The instability of the sun, which happens every 6,500 years, will produce a cataclysm as big as the one Nibiru creates! And it will occur at the same time(21.12.12.) Perhaps about 2.5 years ahead.

It will invert The Earth geographically, and also cause the crust to slide thousands of miles. Plus create appalling damage, rivalling that of Nibiru's. All simultaneously.


The Earth will stop rotating. For at least 27 hours. The sun will go black. And the moon red. There will be three days of darkness.

Ash cloud will cover the entire globe(from every volcano(including Yellowstone and Krakatoa) EXPLODING. Freezing temperatures follow.

Lavic pools springing up everywhere.



The book of Revelation(Bible) describes it well, though in archaic terms. The Opening of The Seals,etc.



The third great event, really number one, will be(21.12.12.) the line up of Earth and its winter solstice with Sun and Great Rift at The Centre of our Milky Way Galaxy - in a straight line.

When this occurs energies pouring up from the galactic centre will be maximal. And though basically benign, will also cause tremendous destruction.




And, event 4, The Wobble of The Earth will be greatest, and add in its woes.




5. The Age of Aquarius will take over from that of our current sun sign, Pisces. Creating pleasanter influences.



All cycles will end, and new ones begin. Exactly at 21.12.12.



As will all the Mayan,etc. calendars, periods, including those of 5,125 years.(Which, interestingly, is about the geologic strata period in the rocks! Suggesting that a NEW layer of vegetation,etc. gets laid down every 5,125 years!!(As the different layers of vegetation,etc. create differently coloured rock strata!!)(Though I think the rock strata show 6,500 year periods. Which is how often The Earth inverts,etc.)



EVERYTHING will line up and co-incide on 21.12.2,012!!




Mark your calendars!!




Nibiru will magnetically re-align the magnetic poles of The Earth with its own.




Nibiru will hit the sun hard too. Causing massive plasmic,etc. disturbances.







A number of nations are spending vast sums of public money on telescopes and satellites,etc. to study The Sun AND Nibiru.

The facts are known, but kept VERY hidden.



Contrails placed in sky to try to hide Nibiru.



So we have a huge denial game going on by the authorities. Conspiracy of cover-ups. Denying UFO's,etc.too(Which are increasing.)

The Internet will tell you much(IF you look!)




The film 2,012 shows only a fleabite compared to what actually is coming.




I am the only person on Earth(among those who know doom is imminent) to know the way of escape!(Through The North Geographical Pole!)


Ignore me at your peril!


Help me, not hinder me. So I can help all of us.



You won't stop it by denying it. Nor by silencing me,etc.



What I have told you STILL falls far short of what actually is coming.



Things get bad from now on.



Affecting ALL departments of life and living.



I hold that it was Nibiru which caused an undersea earthquake toppling the rig, and producing the oil spill now threatening The Caribbean - and indeed the world.(Because big hurricane season starting up can hurl the oil well inshore at many places!!) ( Plus into Gulf Stream, where it can travel to ALL over The Earth!! )



This is not to scare you. But to WARN YOU all. The party is OVER. Sober up!!




At least prepare to meet your makers(genetic adjusters) and a horrible and terrible death. For just about every living thing on Earth. Including you. And me.






So don't be stupid and ignore what I am saying!!



Not much hope if you don't!



The Earth could even be torn apart, at least smashed.




Mankind is taking God far too cheaply.



No we have to PAY for what pleasures and joys we have had, and get!!




The Lord is NOT mocked!!




Do I make myself clear??!!



Have I made my POINT??!!




Things do NOT work the way so many THINK that they do.



You have it all wrong, Mankind!!







Though it is already too late.


And has been for quite some time!




Turn back to GOD!!






Jesus, then, if you reject God!






In the hope of a better after life in The Spirit World(after death).




Jesus and the saints don't perspire blood for nothing!!



Nor follow their hard paths in vain!!





Won't you listen to me??!!




Repent! YES!!!!



Reverse the evil ways!!(For you are VERY bad and mad.)



The wicked are wilfully and calculatedly misleading you to be FOOLS!!!!



Change COURSE!!



Or do you WANT it spelled out IN YOUR BLOOD??





THE TIME HAS COME!!(Read up on 2,012 and Nibiru and all that ON THE INTERNET!!)







CHANGE COURSE EARTH-MEN.(To the OPPOSITE of your present path!!)




Or be completely destroyed!!



Good space aliens and spirits,









The Amenuensis,







What can one do? - Spread the news! Copy and pass this on - to as many as possible. Mass petition to the authorities to organize a mass exodus THROUGH THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE!! PRONTO!!!!



Why die in vain?





WHY WOULD YOU BE IDIOTS??!!(You might not save your life. But perhaps improve the after-life.)




       Vic Conway.


Tuesday, 22nd June, 2,010.




You will survive death,etc.



Mankind fears and worries about a number of things - that it should not do.



1. The notion that death is the end troubles a lot of people.

Yes, death is the end - of what what we regard as our self. And permanently. - But so what? Doesn't it end a lot of trouble?!

Besides which, when death comes in decrepit old age, as it does to many, WHY worry. Wouldn't it be a gain to be rid of such an existence?! And body.


So WHY cling to it?!





The physical body dies, and rots back into its component molecules if not atoms,eventually.

Returning its matter and energy to the great on-going stores of matter and energy. For re-use by other life forms,etc.




Is there life after death? No, of course not. How could there be?


Death means final end.


We have little say in the matter anyway.


Death after life? Yes.

Life after death? No.





Having said all this pre-amble, let me at once say that whilst all of the above is true, there is far more to it than that. And things are much more complex than most think they are!!




So what happens at and after death?(Incidentally re: reports of dying and coming back to life: No. If you died you CAN'T come back.)


If you came back, you DIDN'T DIE!!


NEAR death experiences,etc. - Yes.


Death experiences, by people STILL ALIVE, -- No!!




I can only tell you what I THINK happens:-




I recall the words of a very emphatic angry statement: " You don't pass on, pass over, or just pass, - you DIE!!".(Voiced by actor Stanley Holloway in "This Happy Breed"(I think.), a British Second World War film.)


But if so sure of this, WHY the anger?





After long very close study here is my finding:-


(It is better by the way, NOT to get cremated!!)


You rot away in most cases, assisted by worms and maggots,etc. At least once you contact the soil!!





First, let me explain what happens when you fall asleep(not dead):-



You lose NORMAL conciousness. You pass into the low conciousness of sleep.




Which seems like unconciousness, but is not.


And often into dreams. Periodically, anyway.


You may experience a number of exits and returns.


Coma or catalepsy results to a body not fully left.





Does your conciousness break up in your brain somewhere? And via memory pieces integrate dreams?



Materialists of course may be overjoyed to hear me speak thus.




Now here is what actually happens:-


Our physical vehicles(bodies) are surrounded by auras. When we fall asleep and enter dreams our conciousness leaves our bodies and enters the AURA!!

It is full of IMAGES(and other things) which emerge in a subconcious state(as a rule), which we call dreams.


No after life in a spirit world there!!



Primitives thought, and savages still do - that this was the spirit wandering abroad.(Permanently after death.)



Memories too are held in the aura. Reflections of this are kept in the brain.(Note: The brain is NOT the mind!!)




Conciousness leaves the physical - to a large degree(not entirely) - and goes WITHIN The Aura.


We (usually) pass through a series of dreams, and finally wake up - when the reverse process occurs.


Conciousness(Sub) returns from The Aura and enters the physical body again.


This permits our bodies to be rested and re-charged.



And makes a break for the mind and memory from the continuance of humdrum waking life.



Many emotional conflicts get resolved, via dreams, when we sleep.




But of course sleep is not death!




Though is sometimes referred to as "the little death".(And death "the big sleep".)





All right. Now here is what happens when you die:-


(Two components:- 1. The Physical.

2. The Non-Physical.




Most normal natural deaths anyway.





When the body becomes uninhabitable. Perhaps through old age. Which is a sort of very slow disease.


The organs can no longer function well enough.



And the body dies.



Conciousness then leaves the physical vehicle and passes into the next higher(vibrationally) vehicle up. Which occupies the same space as the physical.





Conciousness is like a higher energy which cannot exist once life departs the physical.(Life is a lower energy field which normally inhabits the physical body.)(Without that conciousness HAS TO go!!)

However conciousness(a higher energy) CANNOT go out of existence. It has to go somewhere.


It passes into the next higher(vibrationally) vehicle up.



(The life force holds the etheric vehicle double which leaves the physical vehicle and continues to live OUTSIDE of the physical body.)


But THAT is not the astral counterpart vehicle(Actually, it is the physical that is the counterpart. The astral being the ORIGINAL.)



You have just died, your conciousness now occupies your astral vehicle. Your etheric double has already gone.

Usually your conciousness breaks up into a very low order.(You are almost totally in oblivion.)



As you died in your physical, you FELT as though you were coming to an end. Like falling into a black bottomless pit. Worse even than losing conciousness under chloroform or faster anaesthetic(Ether is about the most pleasant one, and nitrous oxide(laughing gas).)



If your death is violent, so sudden, then conciousness has to make a FAST exit, and one just blanks out.(It is the slow natural and normal deaths that occasion the long deep slide into oblivion(but not non-existence!).)



1. In (sudden) violent death, conciousness has to leave quickly!!

2. The Aura is an Energy Field surrounding the body(vehicle).-




However, it is the violent death that is the one to be feared!!(Because it leaves the mind so disorientated.)



Death is a MILLION (no exaggeration)times more intense than falling asleep. So you feel it MUCH more!!




However, not to be feared.




Once you(your conciousness, albeit low) reside in the astral vehicle, condition in the physical dying body oblige it to LEAVE.



There are two main ways: a. Concentrating, about the size of a pea, the astral vehicle into the heart chakra, and from thence via a tunnel into the brain component, and via the pineal gland OUT through a suture in the skull like another tunnel into the outside world!


b. Out through the pores of your skin.





But OUT you go!!





Leaving an empty shell called the corpse or cadaver. And people say "He's gone". Observing a now dead physical body!!



Or she.




You may fall asleep first, and enter dreams.



You may depart unconciously.




Your pea-sized astral vehicle now resumes norml size and spirals down to the ground. Bouncing and then floating down like eiderdown.


The astral vehicle resembles the physical exactly.



Usually you remain asleep for some days(3 to 5).


I mean IN The Astral Vehicle. Oblivious of the fact that you have died(as the world calls it).



Your physical body HAS died. But ONLY that.


So many people identify themselves with the physical. But they do greatly err...




At first you find yourself in a replica of the physical world.




What men call Death is the Last Projection(Of The Spirit Vehicles)(Note you can exit in varying degrees and strengths TEMPORARILY whilst still alive. Via Astral,ETC. projections and excursions.(Which are NOT dreams!!))(Some do this. And a few manage to do it conciously.)(These experiences, sometimes via experiments, are not always remembered!!)(We do lots of things - that we forget.)


Death is simply Permanent Projection.


Unsure if you are dead(when out), - look in a mirror. Can you see your silver cord and golden bowl, etc??





Can you see your physical body? Is it asleep - or a corpse!!(Don't get fooled.)




Which fools many MINDS. And you may think "I am still alive!".(When you finally do wake up.)



In some cases, all of this may take an INSTANT.




You may find yourself observing your physical corpse.


Or you may not.





If you don't, then you may think that you didn't die.






The physical body is a three dimensional SHELL - which you shed on death.


Much like a crustacean or anthropod sheds a 2d shell.



And we should no more be concerned about the cadaver, than lobsters are about a discarded shell. Or spiders,etc!




However, so many humans weep over the shell. And bestow upon it love devotion and attention they so often did not give in life!!


(All creatures survive death, automatically.

(Even plants.))




You MAY find yourself in a fog or mist.

And you may encounter your own GHOST!!(Which is the etheric shell that departed the body before you as you died!)

Keep WELL away from it!(As it thinks that you are its vehicle! (It thinks you are the physical body.) And will try to enter you. SO DO NOT HANG ABOUT THE SCENE OF YOUR DEATH!! GET GOING! Keep FAR ENOUGH away from your corpse, and therefore your GRAVE!! At least a hundred feet, if not more.




If that ghost captures you, you can be its prisoner for ANY length of time, until it dissolves. Which CAN take centuries or longer. But usually much less than that.


It will keep you earthbound and in close proximity to your corpse in the grave, and force you to travel with it on its nocturnal journies, which are haunts of where you went when alive!!



So keep WELL CLEAR!!




The fog or mist sometimes encountered, ranging from haze to darkness is the etheric. Overlaying the astral.



Not to be confused with the much thicker gloom which your ghost will surround you with, IF you let it get hold of you!!(So don't fool with it!)




Therefore DO NOT hang about your corpse, or grave, or cemetery OR EVEN EARTH PHYSICAL!!




YOU will be VERY much alive.



Though not your corpse.(As a rule!)




Now then, look for The Light, and follow it.


Ascend vibrationally AND materially into the sky.(You may or may not get assisted.)


(But have no truk with any spirits who may try to take you down below!!)





Get UP into The Spirit World Proper!!




And live out your After Life.



Now the physical rots away and returns to The Great Reservoir of Matter, whence it came.



Bar one atom, called The Permanent Atom.


Which connects itself to you, and follows you where-ever you go.



UNTIL your spirit life is over(average time about 50 years(As against average Earth life(was) 55 years.).



When that occurs, you will experience a desire to live in the physical again. To speed up your personal evolution. You can perhaps IF you insist - stay in The Spirit World -as long as you like. (The Spirit World is a much finer material world, resembling the physical, in SOME part/s anyway.)(Much pleasanter. Making you much lighter.)




When you are ready, if ever, you then let your OLD permanent atom(from your previous physical body) descend where it wants to go, IT meanwhile having developed into a new (more advanced) zygote, in SOME FEMALE suitable for you!




Usually, if you choose to re-live, perhaps through boredom, or a nostalgia for the physical, or to evolve faster(one evolves so slowly in The Spirit World), you may come back(even immediately) into this harder physical world.(Which I do not recommend with Nibiru around!!)


Usually into a vehicle of the opposite gender. If a man, you probably get reborn as a woman. If a woman, then a man.(That is the general rule.)




You can even return to your old birth date, and live again better.



If you do, your permanent atom will enter your old baby form on a higher parallel time track.




OR, you can try to advance into your next SOUL stage. And put down new personalities.



Which then have numerous options open to you. Maybe getting reborn on another planet! All sorts of interesting choices may become available.





We basically decide what we shall do. But usually get advised by God, angels, guides and friends.



Do NOT worry about lost loved ones. I mean loved ones who died during your life.(Even abortions and still borns.)



If you wish you WILL meet them again. In The Spirit World.



Or not, as you choose.



It is even possible for them to return into this world in this current life. I mean via materialization through ectoplasm at a seance. Where they will very temporarily be physical again.





Death is the end, yes. But only of your PHYSICAL vehicle!!(It depends what dies!)



YOU continue!!


Always have.


And always will.




What we do need to watch is that we go to a nice place(at least a suitable place!) in The Spirit World.




To do this, it is necessary NOT to break the laws of God OR your own being!!

So honour your own heart.

AND The Golden Rule(Do unto others...)

As well as the laws of Moses,etc.

But above all those of Jesus.

And GOD.



And Nature!!


Also those of Man.





Otherwise, and to the extent that you do go astray, your vibrations will FALL.



This will have two bad consequences:-



1. As your vibrations fall, your spirit vehicles get heavier.

And you will find yourself on a lower plane in The Spirit World!


Also 2.


Your bad karma will increase, and you will

get reborn with physical handicaps.

If only weakness.

And/or deformities!!





So do NOT think that it does not matter HOW you live!!



It does.





Hell(like Heaven) is a state and condition of mind. Basically separation from God.



Hades is the Lower Spirit World.(Often called Hell. A material place.)


A material place along The Fifth Dimension(simplifying) lowever VIBRATIONALLY in The Spirit World.



The religious Hell of Christendom does not exist.


But there ARE very unpleasant places WITHOUT LIMIT!!



Also, though the phoney Hell of Christendom is hot,


True Hell of Hades, can be cold. Though hot,too, in the higher reaches!!






The Bible is The Word of MAN, not of God.

Man has confused HIS thoughts and wishes with those of God!!


It is time to move on to a new and higher bible.


Go to my website(http// TOPMOST ADDRESS BAR!!


Go to Home and scroll right down for articles H56 and H, later.




Put the address EXACTLY as given!



THERE you will find the truth as I have found it to be.

 au on the end, I don't think.)



You will get my findings on The Truth in there. Masses of it.







Very MUCH rubbish is believed by Man.


We are still VERY ignorant and superstitious.





Also plenty on Nibiru!!






My point is this: THERE IS NO DEATH.


But there is a Hell!!



EVERYTHING returns! Including The Physical!!



There is no end to ANYTHING!!!!






So live as though you would live for ever.







Un-natural and violent death is to be feared, yes.


But not death PER SE.




It is sometimes a merciful release.




And in any case returns you to a finer, lighter, easier materially(but harder mentally!) world!!!!



So DO take care.




And do NOT listen to fools!!!!






Do NOT commit suicide! That only murders your own body. And makes things FAR worse!!



Though The Spirit World is far easier materially, it is far harder MENTALLY!!!!


Especially if you cheat via suicide.


Or assisted with Euthanasia!!


So DO NOT do it!!





You came here for a purpose!

Fulfill THAT purpose. Or you may have to come back to do so!!(Harder)




Suicide is self murder. But STILL murder!!


You CANNOT forestall God!!




FACE the facts.



So you see: The right question is not "Is there life after death, but is there DEATH after life??!!".





We shall all see in due course.





But what happens varies greatly - according to the individual.






I know a bit, I think.


I may not have the final answers, but I think I am well on the way. I hope.



Pass on to the world.





Nibiru is the problem,now.




It IS coming...










Vic Conway.




Thursday, 24th June, 2,010.



Growing solar instability AND Nibiru!!





Two extremely serious events are occurring:-




1. The growing periodic(Every 6,500 years.) instability of the sun.(THIS is where the growing heat is coming from.)(Plus other dire things.)


2. The approach of Nibiru.(A periodic 3,600(3,580 to be exact) years event.)(THIS, via gravitic and magnetic tides is producing(conjoint with the sun) increasing woes upon Earth in EVERY department of life and living!!)



Each event will produce a cataclysm.


Both arrive simultaneously around December 21st, 2,010.A.D.(Which will probably be 3 years later - due to our Gregorian Calendar being 3 years advanced.(Possibly 4 years. Or even longer.))



Nine tenths of EVERYTHING upon Earth will be destroyed. The rest damaged.


Expect events to rapidly worsen until the key day.(21.12.2,012 plus 3 or 4(and possibly more) years.



NO THING can be done about it. It CANNOT be stopped.




The ONLY escape is THROUGH The North Geographical Pole.




You are being told.









I can do no more.






Save Mankind and all life upon this planet by passing on this news.



Let me say that the direction Mankind is proceeding - is the very opposite of what is needed to survive even, let alone prosper!!

The world is so very wrong.




Many risk Hell after death.

You need God and Christ to get saved. AND you need to do maximum good until the end of your life...


We survive death, and there is life EVERYWHERE throughout the universe.



Unfortunately weak Earth men have been taken over or influenced by evil and low entities. From Maldek.(A former planet of our solar system.) Aided by bad Reptileans and Little Greys,etc.(Aliens.)

Bad karma can get you reborn weak and/or deformed.


VERY few heed me. They disbelieve.


And reject me.


What we sow, we reap.


What goes around, COMES around.


I find fanatical interest in (Temporal) Power,War, Sport, Sex, Entertainment, Politics, Money, Sin and Wrong. ETC.


I want NO part of it. No thing to do with worldly ways.

I find so many of you bad and MAD.

So unevolved.




You want no part of me, I CERTAINLY want NO part of you lot!!



The very opposites of these things are what pays.



THOSE good things(Love, truth,etc.) are the what I go for.





Let it all hang out? Anything goes??(So easy now in the physical. But once you pass on into The Spirit World, IT IS A VERY DIFFERENT STORY!!)



You live as though iniquity does not matter.






You do not want me?


Then I must leave you. Regretfully.


But with utmost relief.



I refer to my fast approaching departure into The Spirit World.




True, the bad folk dwell in Hades there.



I so dearly hope that I shall be as high upstairs(Heaven and Paradise) AS POSSIBLE.




I can only do so much.




It is all up to you now.




I am far from perfect myself.




But I HOPE not too bad for a place in The Upper(even if in its lower parts)!!




I realize that many other folk also aspire Godwards.



But so little in evidence. On pain of what evil doers will do otherwise!








Vic Conway.


Friday, 25th June, 2,010.




A Supplement to H85.



The sun is behaving strangely, showing great activity when it shouldn't do.

Astronomers,etc. are currently studying the sun by satellites and through telescopes,etc.

Trying to find out why, of course. And also to study the approaching rogue planet Nibiru at the same time.


I know why the sun is de-stabilizing, and a little about Nibiru.


I was able to discover that Sol our sun star is a member of a closed stellar cluster, and not a lone star as has always been thought.

I did this by cracking Astronomy and Astro-Physics through Cosmology and Cosmogony.

Which permitted me to accurately plot the positions of the heavenly bodies.

This revealed a closed stellar cluster, of which the sun is a member.

The shape of our stellar cluster is like a miniature galaxy. Complete with spiral arms. On one of which dwells Sol, our sun.

Down the spiral arm flows energy.

Every 26,000 years our sun gets very close to this spiral arm as it orbits it.

The result is the maximization of the energy flow. Which charges up the sun, which in turn discharges energy via the solar wind,etc. to the planets, including our Earth.




This charge-up is de-stabizing the sun, creating huge plasmic upheavals.(It will get worse and worse until it peaks on 21.12.2,012.) THIS is where the extra and growing heat is coming from, as the sun approaches the chain of stars of the spiral arm of our local closed stellar cluster!


Only I know this.


And the extreme few I have told.



As for Nibiru, this is the object found by NASA (but hastily denied by them once they realized its size) and now being tracked by The Russians.


More and more astronomers are viewing it through their telescopes. Trying to learn more about it.


Apparently it has two moons. One called Homeward and the other The Dark Star.

Originating as Phaeton a planet which orbitted the sun between Mars and Jupiter. But which had its surface blown off in a thermo-nuclear war between two city states. One side in desperation used an untested device - which ignited the deuterium in its ocean - causing a titanic explosion.

I am voicing the understanding I have gained thus far.


Planet X is another object altogether. Now the ninth planet from our sun, since Pluto(with Charon) got demoted from planetary status.



The object Nibiru, which is the core of Phaeton, is used by The Annunaki aliens as a star ship, a battle ship. These aliens live upon the innermost moon called Homeward.(The more distant moon is known as The Dark Star.)

The mission of these people is to assist planets in trouble. Like our Earth is now. Nibiru is uninhabitable - but is used as battle ship of protection.


The Annunaki adjusted our genes.


They will inspect us when Nibiru gets near to Earth.


The sight of Nibiru appearing in the sky about a year hence(around mid 2,011) should shock the world with the utomost horror and terror.


Looking like a great red dragon.



It does this every 3,580 years. Last time it passed us we had Noah's Flood, and other colossal disasters.

This time will be similar, but be accompanied by the peaking of the de-stabilization of the sun. Producing a cataclysm as bad as the one caused by Nibiru. At the very same time!!


Also occurring then will be the great line-up of Earth at its winter solstice 21.12.2,012.A.D., with the Great Rift at The Centre of our galaxy. Which will expose us to the maximum energies rises therefrom then.



Each one of these events produces a cataclysm.


So what all three occurring simultaneously will be like can only be imagined.

It causes the WORST disaster EVER(past and future!) to affect Mankind,ETC. on this planet Earth.(To see which some now living purposely got incarnated at this time. IN ORDER TO SEE THIS STUPENDOUS EVENT. Which will be astonishing if it does not wipe out all life upon this planet COMPLETELY!!



Three in one!



Loosely called The End of The World, to which Jesus referred 2,000 years ago. When he said "Then shall the end come." And "Not one brick or stone will be left standing upon another".



This event is due on 21.12.2,012.A.D.(With conditions meanwhile getting worse. In EVERY department of life and living!!)(As they have been doing since 1958 and before!!)






THIS is why things are getting crazier by the hour!!




The desperately and frantically URGENT need is for all who read these words of mine TO GET THE AUTHORITIES TO ORGANIZE A MASS EVACUATION EXIT(At least of key people, SEEDS and two of every kind of creature(which is what Noah did LAST TIME), and GET THEM TO GO THROUGH THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE!! Which is a gigantic entrance in the sea and ice leading through a gigantic tube-way into The vast Tropical Paradise WITHIN.(Some escape through there EVERY time this occurs(I mean when Nibiru passes us.). Every 3,580 years.) Down there will be safest. Although the gravity tides from Nibiru could split the planet in half!!









Yes, they disbelieved and ignored Noah,too. - AND PERISHED!!





Nibiru is a clear fact for all to see via The Internet, by simply punching in "Nibiru", and studying the many reports, photographs and videos,etc you will find there!!




Nibiru alone will be enough to pulverize us.



Regarding the de-stabilizing sun - you can only take my word for that. But it is so.(A known fact right now to scientists - is that the sun is increasingly playing up! But I know WHY!! And have told you the reason!!!!)




As for the great line up with the centre of our galaxy, that is a well known coming fact.




From now on things get bad!




My ONLY concern and interest is to save as many as possible!!






I KNOW it sounds mad. But I ASSURE YOU ALL, THAT IT IS NOT!!


Shutting me up will change no thing for you!!









It is true that the vast majority will simply perish horribly and terribly.



However, I think that it is better that you know, than not.




Better a little panic NOW.


Than PANDEMONIUM later!!






Of course we don't like bad news.

Of course we don't like those who tell us the bad news.





You won't hear anything(almost nothing) about it on the news. BECAUSE though the authorities KNOW(!!) something AWFUL is soon to occur, they do not know about the way of escape!!(I do NOT seek to draw attention to myself nor do I want the publicity(it would kill me even if people didn't!). I ONLY seek to draw attention to WHAT I am trying to tell you all! In my website: "" - you will find the true solutions to all(or most of) the major mysteries of the unverse, and of life. (In the current site, or The Archives.)



The only place the world is heading is total destruction and HELL.



Which is better, that you pretend you didn't hear me now, and get destroyed.

Or that you heed me now, and at least understand WHAT is happening!!








Victor Conway.(The Modern Day NOAH!!)(The Ark I point to is THE GREAT WITHIN. The Tropical Paradise and Refuge THROUGH THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE!!)




6 July, 2,010. 6.32. A.M.


Analyzing response.




Four gigantic events are about to occur. All on the same day:

21.12.2,012.(But allow for a 3, 4 or more years delay - due to one

Roman Catholic priest's, name of Peebles, claim that our date(2,010)

is in error against The Gregorian Calendar. - by 3,4 or more years too

advanced.(So the true date, year, is that much time later.)


These four gigantic events are:-

1. The peaking of the de-stabilizing of the sun.

2. The passage of rogue planet Nibiru(as it passes us at a distance

of one million miles)(Size: Of Pluto, up to Jupiter sized. It is either

next planet out beyond Uranus, OR it is Phaeton's core,ex orbit

between Mars and Jupiter. 3. The line up(in a straight line) of Earth

At The Northern Solstice of 21.12.2,012.A.D.), Sun and The Centre

of our Galaxy.

4. The peaking of the masses of electrons,etc. rising off the force

field at the surface of The Earth.(Which will drive humans and

animals,etc. increasingly mad and bad.)


Many cycles all terminate on 21.12.2,0123.A.D.(Mayan and

and other cycles. E.g. The Age of Pisces ends, and The Age of

Aquarius begins.


So many massive cycles ending(and new ones beginning) at

the same time means stupendous changes. The end of life as

we know it. The end of the world, as we know it.



What is about to occur is a once in about 25 MILLION years' event.


It cannot be stopped.



It can be avoided! By going THROUGH The North Geographical Pole.

Or The Southern one.(You would need to fly in the south as no sea,

and conditions on land are almost impossible.)






I have only been able to reach a VERY few. Because of the all out

resistance and opposition to my news.



I insist that I am the modern day Noah. Trying to save the world

(spiritually too) by

warning you all of what is coming, and how to escape it, and preserve

life upon this planet.(By getting the authorities to act by taking key

people, seeds,etc. two of every kind of opposite genders(to

re-populate a devastated surface).(Like what Noah did.)(I may even

be the same Noah!))


How qualified am I? Much knowledge, high intelligence,etc. And

many years of intense close study. Researching The Internet mostly.


No adademic qualifications.


No qualities that the world would recognize!


A born again Christian - not given to jokes and hoaxes,etc!


No character references.


Not known to the world.


How come we, the people, are not told about this?

Because about the only thing that sells is good rubbish that


appeals to the world! And if it doesn't provide money and

ratings,etc. there is little interest shown.


Also to avoid panic, pandemonium AND TO KEEP HUMANS

UNDER CONTROL!!!!(The latter above all!)



So not only is news like this rejected, it is depreciated to the



It is not even good entertainment!!



I am saying that the sun is going to be torn apart(Causing

increasingly great heats - AND colds!!(As the prominences,etc.

flare up, and die right down.))



I am saying that when Nibiru(the approaching rogue planet),

already visible as a point to the naked eye, and distinctly visible to

telescopes, passes us, our planet will be almost ripped in half by

its gravity and magnetic tides!!(Reports, pictures and videos galore

to view if you punch in Nibiru or 2,012.

Note that the de-stabization of the sun has no connection with

Nibiru's approach.



So far only minimal effects due to the sun de-stabilizing, and no

thing as yet dire caused by Nibiru(Because still about as far away

as Uranus.)


Also the masses of electrons,etc. are having minimal effect on

the brains of humans and animals,etc.



As for the great line up of Earth(AT 21.12.12), Sun and The Centre

our Milky Way Galaxy, the effects of that are only JUST starting

cut in.



All four factors will increase to a maximum by 21.12.2,012.A.D.

(Plus 3,4 or more years, remember!), and die back down, as sun

spiral arm maximum energy flow and Nibiru departs, and electron,

etc. masses start to reduce, AND any disturbing effects from The

Great Rift at The Centre of Our Galaxy start to decrease. 2.5 to

5.5 or 6.5 or more years hence.(Not long!)




Note that though Earth, sun and Galactic Centre line up occasionally

they seldom do so RIGHT AT THE NORTHERN SOLSTICE, (We need

straight line extended from Milky Way's Centre through sun to Earth

bang when Earth is farthest from sun.(In terms of the Earth's orbital

tilt angle(when wobble is greatest), not distance from sun. When

Southern Hemisphere is most exposed.)




Now I will ask you: What are your psychological responses and

processes to my news? Do you think " Bad news, can't bear it, I will

disbelieve and reject." ? Or do you think: "It may be true. I shall

check it out - JUST IN CASE(it is right)!".



Do you think "If it were true, we would surely have been told by

government and media authorities!".(Bad news, especially of this

magnitude is played down, ignored, even denied by the authorities

(though they may know VERY different!).)




(You may say.)I am being asked to believe that(at least) FOUR so highly unlikely bad events

are all about to occur -and simultaneously!!!!


We keep being told that some catastrophe or other is to occur on a

certain date, yet when that date comes around - NOTHING happens!!



Why would I believe it this time??



1999 came and went without mishap! What is so special about




1999 is a "round number(minus one)". Because Jesus said I shall

return in two days(Two THOUSAND YEAR days.). - Then shall The End


Since he lived around the year dot, then that plus 2,000 years is

1999 - if we think in terms of millennial ends. Hence '99.



However! However Jesus was born around the year dot And spoke

starting as a young man. His first recorded utterance was when he

was 12,(0 plus 12 plus 2,000 is 2,012.A.D.)(Note: There was no

year dot. 1 B.C. changes to 1 A.D. - the very next year.)(But I hope

only one year out is near enough.)(Even if Jesus spoke those words

when he was much older than 12(as he did), then the number of years

discrepant is not too serious (I hope.) when our period terms("days") are a

thousand years long!



Have you checked it out?


Why MUST what I am claiming here be wrong??


Do you KNOW otherwise?

How come Nibiru not seen by Astronomers? - some have seen it!

Note that a number of nations are now closely studying sun AND


Presumably the sun focusses the energies rising from the centre

our galaxy.








Vic Conway.




Wednesday, 1st March, 2,006. (Edited 11.07.10.) J1(I1?)


A1058 How to get the CORRECT Astronomy distances and masses,etc. EXACTLY!!

My most important article!




A truncated brief simplified version of my EXACTLY ACCURATE Astronomical Distance and Mass Finder!!

This is the most incredible find of my many finds.

Subject: Astronomy. Distances and masses. Etc.(Bar hardly anything.)

Astronomers lament the lack of a good distance finder. And would give their right arms for one.(Let them keep their right arms. But I have one(finder) that is not only accurate, but EXACTLY so!!)

Distances in Astronomy(especially of the galaxies,etc., )- are notoriously difficult to pin down!!

To compound things we have not one, but TWO 2-1's! (That is velocities are 2 x 2 inflated in their values!)(Though distances are very roughly right, bar with the quasars!)

Space is considered to be straight. And here-in lies the root of the error!

Space is NOT straight, but generally curved and locally warped!!

There are two main orthodox ways to find the distances to the galaxies,etc. 1. By Hubble's Law red shifts.(r or z) 2. By apparent magnitudes(v).

Unfortunately apparent magnitudies naturally include the absolute magnitudes(that is their inherent luminosities), plus other things!! Which renders them almost impossible to determine!

Hubble's Cosmological Red Shift law is an excellent and quick way to get distances! But there exists a marginally better one, and I have found it.

What I am telling you here will not be found in the orthodox literature, nor anywhere else, but HERE!!

Believe me, it is true. The values I have discovered are correct and EXACT! For both distances, and masses!!(About all else can be determined from distances and masses.)

How do I know? Well, apart from many structural facts I have found to be true, when I plot using my distances, I get INCREDIBLE patterns!! Moreover, they are patterns which fit correct theory! I can tell by the superb expected patterns that I always get, that I must be right!!

You might think that CRS(Cosmological Red Shift)(Hubble's Law) and apparent magnitudes would be EQUAL.(Though I realize that different values and scales of values are used, rendering the numerical values different on THAT account. But I mean if the distance to the SAME object is obtained two different ways, you would expect them to be equal to each other!!)

That is what I thought. But how wrong I was!!

The fact is, that CRS(HL)(Cosmological Red Shift and Hubble's Law.) and apparent magnitudes are NOT the same. Are in fact, very different! For the simple reason that each one is along a DIFFERENT route!!

No, not mad. But VERY understandable!! WHEN you know the facts!!!!

All astronomical fields are disk shaped. (With a 3d halo(actually 4!).) The circumferential perimeters are of course ROUND. Also locally warped.

It should not be too surprising, then, if THE UNIVERSE(Our universe) also proved to be round! Einstein proffered a circumference of space. With a radius of time. I hold that this is wrong.(Not a bad first shot, though.) As with the Earth globe, where time goes AROUND, I find the universe to be likewise. Space is one circumference. Time is another, orthogonal to it! The radius is Orbital vibration. In fact there are two different radiuses. The other is Density. In a four dimensional structure! I should say four GROUP dimensional structure!!

Each dimensional group having four dimensions. Four of space, for example.

Though we are aware of only three.(Because of our 3d blinkers.)

Suspend your judgement until you observe the amazing patterned results!! Which overwhelmingly indicate correctness!!(You will need to PLOT using MY distances to get those!! But SO well worth it!!)(Will alter astronomy profoundly. And change the future!!)(The biggest, most important FIND, ever!!(In Science).)

Light,etc.(Electro-magnetic radiation) travels in straight lines. ACROSS hyper-space(Note! NOT across ordinary space!) But the surface upon which we live(as with The Earth!) is the PRACTICAL distance we use!(We don't usually measure Earth distance THROUGH the Earth! No. We measure AROUND the surface. Which is the practical distance, because we usually use that route!!)

Picture a circle. The perimeter is the circumference. Let the surface be our space. And the interior, HYPER space!!(I cannot draw a circumference to SHOW you, because my computer forbids such a thing. Therefore I have to ask YOU to do it! I wish it were otherwise.) Now throw a chord(to represent ANY chord) ACROSS the circle!(O observer at one end. G for viewed astronomical object - at the other.) Light,etc. comes to us from distant objects CHORD wise. But we MEASURE ARC wise!(Beginning to see the light. And WHY astronomical distances are SO elusive?!) Chords and THEIR arcs differ in length, OF COURSE!!

Did you grasp that, reader? Draw a circle(perimeter is a circumference of course). Then throw a chord across G - O.(Galaxy(or whatever) and Observer.) Arcs and their chords are of different lengths, right?! Hence the duality of results astronomers get!!

We measure AROUND, not across, simply because Hubble's Law FAR from being velocities - is, in fact, WAVE ANGLES!!(We see by WAVES coming CHORD WISE through the HYPER-SPATIAL interior of The Universe!!(Ours))(NOT by particles coming AROUND!!)(See why the mysterious particles/waves,etc. dilemmas,now?!)

Being WAVE ANGLES, we are ACTUALLY viewing EACH TIME along the angle of receipt to the TANGENT to the circumference!! And such angles are NECESSARILY circumferential(arc wise), NOT chords!!

All of which PROFOUNDLY changes the complexity of structures and their details!!

Hubble's Law, in fact, is nothing more, nor less, than the COSMIC HORIZON!!(I mean our measure of the viewed angle to A, the viewed point on the horizon.)(Not too hard for you?)

It happens to CORRESPOND with velocities, but it ITSELF, is basically WAVE ANGLES!!!!

What is more, there is an Hubble's Law for ALL astronomical fields, not just galactic,etc. ones!!

Naturally Orthodoxy will denounce me to the dust! But if you check, you will FIND that what I am telling you is quite correct!!

Of COURSE there are two different distances! Because two DIFFERENT routes! One is along an arc. The other is along ITS chord!!

You would not expect the distance from London to New York to be the same around the surface, as THROUGH The Earth, would you?!(Similarly for all Earth distances.) So it is universally!!

We need to divide ALL astronomical "velocities"(actually WAVE ANGLES) by FOUR. Two for one 2-1 discrepancy, and two for the other!!(2 x 2 = 4.)

We ALSO need to multiply "velocities"(wave angles!) by 1.25(do that FIRST!) to equalize with magnitudes.(Which rise in multiples of 2.5, while "velocities" rise only in multiples of 2!)(Remember that we are equalizing mags to "vels" in order to halve to get the correct values!)(Did you follow that reader?)

Remember that orthodox graphs(As with The Hubble Diagram.) are LOGGED!!(I use e logs.)

One 2-1(of velocities against apparent magnitudes) is due to an anomaly in the structure of all spectroscopic devices, which causes them to ALWAYS double the value!!

The other 2-1(of velocities against apparent magnitudes) is due to the fact that since our space is a circumference, we actually MEASURE(note, not view!) out ONLY half a circumference!(That is, to Far Point, directly opposite the observer!) Because, after MEASURING past half way around, we are actually getting CLOSER to home again!(Of COURSE!!)

Therefore we NEED to HALVE the "vels"(actually wave angles) to correct this value!!

Furthermore! We need to multiply apparent mags, v, by Pi/2 to correct for curvature to get the actual MEASURED distances!!(Pi/2, not Pi, because only half a circumference is involved!!)(I am able to remove local warps(!) by repeated divisions by pi/2!)(For the segment INVOLVED, ONLY!!)(Use the orthodox value as A GUIDE to the ORDER of the result. That is the number of digits!)


So, you see, the CRS Hubble Law distance is NOT the same as the apparent magnitudes one! Nor should it be!!

However, when we correct for all the many factors that create a difference, THEN they should be EQUAL!!(Obviously.)

Though the quickest and simplest way is to use Hubble's Law, to be marginally better a superior way, we need to use a simple formula:-

Since(when corrected!) Mags equal Vels(Actually Wave angles!!), then our equation reads M + Vels divided by two, equals masses.(For distances we simply square root the MULTIPLE of two terms. Because THEN we are using RATES or squared terms, not linear ones!!)(M(Magnitude) + "Vel"(Actually W.A's, Wave Angles.) divided by 2 is D the distance.)(M x Vel, square rooted is The Mass.)

I divide by two to get the value down to ONE term(since they are now equalized), of course.(You may protest that I am adding x apples to y pears and the result of z/2 is merely an average in gibberish terms! Don't you believe it! Bear with me and it. And read on! Also that so far the values are pure mathematical RATIOS. Ah,yes, IN THE INTERIM. But I convert those mathematical ratios INTO ACTUAL PRAGMATIC VALUES by the time I reach the conclusion!! Halving the values this way reduces them to the CORRECT AND EXACT values!!(The distances, or masses,etc. SHOULD be the same. Right? WHEN ADJUSTED per the differences in distance between arcs and their chords! They are after all not OBJECTS but VALUES. With the ADJUSTED(we are in process!) ratio of 1 : 1, (Arcs are not equal to their chords,but when appropriately adjusted, ARE!!) (X) Patience. PATIENCE!! You may hate me for finding a way through that the orthodox have missed!!(Endure the envy and learn or continue to fail.)(I win BECAUSE the truth is SIMPLE! Though COMPLEXEDLY so!!) Applies to all practical values.(Theoretical hypothetical route THROUGH provided here. BASICS only!)(We obtain THE UNITS of the values AT THE END!! In the interim they are MERELY VALUES!!)(The TERMS of the units I obtain from orthodox RESULTS. Note: NOT their values!!)

You may protest that it is an average ONLY, and not A CORRECT result. I object: What is the average of 5 and 3? 8 divided by 2 is 4. What is the average of 8 and 12? 20 divided by 2 is 10. Notice something? The result is always as much above one term as the other is valued below!! So it is not an average BUT THE ACTUAL CORRECT figure!!

Not too difficult is it!

And so you get EXACTLY accurate values!!(Provided the input is accurate OF COURSE. That is up to you data providers.

There are a NUMBER of OTHER corrections that need to be made!

For instance, the so-called VARIATION(Mass and "Velocity") upon Hubble's Law needs to come off!(In fact the so-called VARIATION is THE TRUE velocity(now wave angle!)!! Be it plus or minus!!)(This is simply the local warp additions or subtractions.)(The kinks in the wheel so to speak.)

H.L. ITSELF is simply the view of the cosmic(or whatever the astronomical field is)HORIZON!!(THAT is what needs to come off!!)(Actual distance to an object is less that of course. However, WE USE in practice the arc value!!)(Like I said it is COMPLEXEDLY SIMPLE!!)

Furthermore, and note this incredible point WELL!!, when I halve the value of the two terms, I get the TRUE value, NOT JUST AN AVERAGE!! For the simple reason that one value is as much UP, as the other is DOWN. And, THEREFORE, yields the ACTUAL TRUE values, NOT JUST THE AVERAGE!!!!(Since deducting the ups and downs MUST leave the ACTUAL TRUE value! Which is ingenious!!)(I mean that the FACT is.)(I am repeating what I said earlier in pink for emphasis.)

Though it IS the average, of course. It is not JUST the average!!

There is something called Mass(and "Velocity") EFFECT. Which needs to come off too.(I have FORGOTTEN now, what it is!(But it can be found in my much older articles on this subject!)

Another obvious item for removal is of course the obscuration(due to debris, dust,etc. with apparent magnitudes)factor!(Called "Extinction Effect" by Orthodoxy.)

Note that there is a VAST difference between viewing by X rays in a fog of water vapour particles, to material dust and debris in astonomical space!! You CANNOT compare the two!!

You may have thought it was impossible to determine that(for all its components). No! It is VERY simple: The reddening effect, r, is a measure of the amount of dust and debris in space, simply because of the reddening of light!! Using a suitable scale, convert this r into OM!! And use that figure!!(r is the reddening, OM is the Obscuring Matter. They should roughly correspond. Since what reddens light over distance is intervening debris, be it particles or rocks, planets or whatever.(VERY different from using infra red through a fog!)(So it is absurd to make such a comparison.)

To determine PURE apparent magnitude is not easy. First you need to find out what the ABSOLUTE magnitude is!(Which I find by using the COLOUR of the light!)(Do NOT use Spectral Type!! Too inaccurate!!) Work out a scale. Then use the colour degree! Colour will change near enough with the mass. Which is a measure of the luminosity!! Convert colour value to intrinsic luminosity value via getting mass to get absolute magnitude.)

Note that apparent magnitude naturally INCLUDES absolute magnitude(or luminosity, intrinsic luminosity).(This is like trying to determine the distance of a car's headlamps in a fog on a bending road, not knowing the wattage,etc!!)(Intrinsic luminosity.)

So (when obtained) SUBTRACT the absolute(do NOT use orthodox values, because very wrong!) from the apparent, magnitude. Then remove the obscuration factor. I called it OM, for Obscuring Matter, before. And the other factors. Via r, the reddening. From a drawn up SCALE equalizing r's to O.M's.

There is NO slowing down factor. Simply because the field is not expanding. Not per orthodox values anyway!!(The so-called Slowing Down is in fact the result of accrueing OM(Obscuration Matter)!!)

I first cracked Cosmology: THERE IS NO SLOWING DOWN!! (Though there is a speeding up. Furthermore, expansions are LINEAR, spiralling and are in fact TOTAL H.L. LESS H.L. Because the true expansion is the differential, NOT the original or total!!

Expansions and contractions occur with all fields. They are small(slow), and VERY different from the orthodox scene and values!!


That is about all the correction factors.(But MAKE sure!!)(By checking with my much older articles!!)

Light,etc. travel INSTANTANEOUSLY, by the way. NOT at c!(We MEASURE(wrongly) at c!)

Owing to a very curious anomaly, the result is ALWAYS in LIGHT YEARS!!(Something to do with a co-incidental correspondence between solar AU's(Astronomical Units) and c, the velocity of light,etc.radiation.(Take my word for it!))

By the way, with the quasars and radio sources,etc., FOUR FIFTHS(EXACTLY!!) of the CRS Hubble Law value is due to MASS, and NOT "velocity"(Now known by me to be Wave Angle!!).(Though "vels" DO correspond! But ARE simply THE COSMIC HORIZON concerned!! NOT anything to do with the old velocities!!)(Because the quasars,etc. are SO massive. It is their MASS that is providing H.L. not their distance! Four fifths of it!!)(You can depend on this fact.)


There is much more to it than this. Get the information from my old articles!!(But use THIS article for the very latest GENERAL picture!!) But the information given simply and briefly here should give you a good start!! And enable you to get a good general result!!

Very different scene, now!!

Use the first two digits of the astronomy catalogue data!! If 6, say, will be 06. Always make it TWO digits!!

Use "Relativity Effect" adjusted(1) values for all z's.

Einstein Effect IS of course Gravitation Effect.(VERY great with the quasars and radio sources,etc!!)

I trust that you now BEGIN to see WHY Orthodox Astronomy is so VERY wrong!!(Orthodox is DELIBERATELY wrong, - because they COULD NOT compete with the complex simplicity of THE TRUTH!! So they oppose TRUE findings, and FORCE their OWN RUBBISH upon us. Which is suitably dressed up to DECEIVE!!)

Trig values are wrong of course, because space is curved and bent, not straight!!(Since these trig values are BASIC, ALL astronomical values are very wrong!!)(Including the amendments!!)

Look at my Quasar articles. The latest ones!! Where I use FOUR quite DIFFERENT methods - to get the SAME results!!!!

The quasars are 100 times(exactly) closer than orthodoxy THINKS that they are!!

We only see the nearest ones. And these are MOSTLY about at the edge of our galaxy!!

I expect you will be astounded at my claims. But you WILL find them to be RIGHT!!(Orthodoxy plots CHAOS. I plot EXPECTED PATTERNS!! Distorted Z formations, which are ACTUALLY(when allowing for trying to fit 3d into 2d,etc!!) the S(backwards or forwards) shapes of spiral galaxies,ETC.(All the heavenly fields are spiral shaped, except near birth and death!1)

The result of a life time's work.

There is a LOT more to it than this. For which details refer to my older articles!(But keep in mind that this latest article is correct in the general basic details!!)

A curious fact: Pure apparent magnitudes and absolute magnitudes are equal!!

As are mags and "vels"!!

If all astronomical objects(stars, for example) were at the same distance away, they would all look equally as bright.(BECAUSE the farther away, the brighter they are intrinsically!!)(And thus distance and intrinsic increase would cancel out!!)(After allowing for O.M; ETC.)

The farther away(Keep each category of astronomical separate per evaluations!)a star is, the greater its intrinsic luminosity! Thus, because distance cancels out the increase(BECAUSE abs and PURE app mags are equal!!), they would all look equally as bright if at the same distance away.)

It may be asked, seeing how simple minded and slow I am, why it is that the orthodox astronomers have not discovered the facts that I have!!(An obvious question!)

The answer is astonishing!!:-

We are ruled by bad aliens! They subtly impose upon us limitations to prevent us from advancing! Astronomers are no exception!

Why have they not stopped me? A very good question. I would like the answer to that one, too!!(I think they want us to WAKE UP!!)


I can only conclude that God is protecting me!(Thus far, anyway.) Why does God not protect others? IT does!! But I seem to be the only one to come up with so accurate an answer!!

Even down here on physical Earth, God rules!! God could beat evil any time IT chose.(I mean for MAN.) Down here,too. GOD chooses to to give the unevolved a chance. That they might develop too. Later to translate the evil scaffolding into good!!

I think that at the end of each Solar Cycle(such as now!), the good and the high are elevated by God to succeed. So that Mankind can preserve TRUE knowledge via time capsules,etc. for the next rising of Man(from caves and ice)!!


So it is not just that I have hit upon the correct answers(because the universe is basically so simple(based on the circle!) in principle(though becoming complex in the detail). Otherwise I COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT!! But it is because(or so I like to believe) God is enabling those with good finds now to succeed in passing them on to Mankind in general.

And thus it is.

Note that My Exact Distance(and Mass) Astronomical Finder details given here IN PART, is merely the SIMPLE, GENERAL picture. To whet your appetite, and give you a CHANCE to get the rest.(Hard though that will be!!)

You could go A LONG WAY with only what I have given here! But much farther and better - if you take the trouble to GET the rest.(To be found in my older articles!! But latest will be best, of course. Remember that!! So work backwards.)

I am an average if eccentric guy who HAPPENED to like solving mysteries. Just simple ones. That is the only excuse I can find for someone like me doing all this!!

As I am most inferior!!

God helps me, that is all! Directly and indirectly.

God helps ALL who do the spade work!!

Not just me, of course.

Yuk, yuk.

Those are my thoughts now.

Hopefully always improving.



More details upon request.



I suggest you start with my Quasar Four!! Four DIFFERENT ways to the SAME result!!






Victor Conway.




Monday, 26th July,  2,010.


The latest on Doom's Day!!

                  Hullo folks.

       Yes, I am still here.

        And I am still on about Doom's Day.

        I  am saying that within the next few years NINE TENTHS of EVERYTHING on Earth - will be destroyed.  -  The rest damaged!!(For those who survived, it will be better if they hadn't!)

        The Earth will be shaken like a dead RAT.

        The very Earth ITSELF  could split.

        Now why am I talking in this fashion.  Am I lonely - and trying to draw attention to myself?

        Or do I really believe what I am saying?!

       So what is the pitch in brief?

       It is that there is a planet called Nibiru approaching us.  AND A de-stabilizing SUN.  AND a KEY alignment with The Centre of Our Galaxy.  AND The Earth's Surface Force Field is playing up more and more(This is a spin off from the de-stabilizing sun.)     PLUS   OTHER  enormous happenings.

      The combination of which(They all occur simultaneously on The 21st December, 2,012.A.D.)(PROBABLY plus a few years - due to our Gregorian Calendar being 3, perhaps 4, years in advance of the true date.   Re: One Mr.Peebles, a Roman Catholic priest who discovered this.)

      It seems that on 21st December 2,015 A.D. of our incorrect calendar,  4,5 or 6 CATACLYSMS will occur - all at the same time.  In summo JUST ABOUT destroying everything on Earth!!

      Actually spread over a few years. But near enough simultaneously so far as we are concerned!!

      ALL cycles hinge upon the date of 21.12.2,012.A.D.  In this present solar era.

      Now I am a born again Christian, not given to jokes and hoaxes and the like.

     So either I speak true, or am mistaken.

     All you need do then is eliminate the mistaken possibility - and you are left with the AWFUL MOST APPALLING truth!!

     Dear reader. What is your re-action to what I am saying?  Is it:  "How dreadful, what shall I do??".   OR, is it:   "I don't like this!  I REFUSE to believe it!!".

     Then it will go away??

     I don't think so!!

     I am a very intelligent, very knowledgeable person, who has been studying these matters for MANY YEARS!!    VERY CLOSELY.

    Now WHY would I be wrong??

    How long have YOU studied the subject?

    What is the theory for all this.  And what - the evidence??

    The theory is - that there is  a planet called Nibiru(amongst several other names)(Called Wormwood in The Bible of Christendom.).  Which is on an irregular orbit with a period of 3,600 years(3,580 to be exact).

    Now I do not know whether this planet is Planet X, The Tenth Planet out from the sun(now that Pluto(with Charon) has been demoted from planetary status).

    Or whether it is Phaeton, the planet which USED TO orbit the sun - between Jupiter and Mars.

   I incline to think Phaeton. But I don't know at all well.

     Jesus said that he would return in TWO DAYS(Two THOUSAND year days!), and then WOULD THE END COME!! 

    Note 1999 was said to be Doom's Day.  No.   Do not say 1999 came and went without undue mishaps.   But learn that 1999 was merely AN APPROXIMATION - for 2,012.A.D!!

    WHY do so many serious qualified authorities say that 21.12.2,012.A.D. is THE AWFUL DAY??

    The reason for 1999 is pure and simple:   2,000 is, roughly,  the date of THE END(end of this cycle, not world).  Minus one makes it 1999.  To suggest an ending.  (Jesus said TWO DAYS. Two THOUSAND year long days.  2,000 - 1 = 1999.    Alas, we took that year too literally.

    No. The year of THE END is 2,012.A.D.(But at the CORRECT calendar date.  Our Gregorian Calendar is in error - by years - according to Mr.Peebles.)

     The time that Jesus Christ spoke of is the period of five to ten years which WE ARE NOW ENTERING!!

      I aver - these ARE The Last Days.

      As the love of many waxes cold, I incur increasing hatred and anger - because of what I am saying.  So WHY would I do this?  Keep telling you about so COLOSSAL an event.

      Simply because I care what happens to the world!   Is that so strange??

     For the love of GOD - LISTEN  to what I am telling you!!(And NOT think in this age of Tom foolery - that I am just another FOOLER!!)

    EVERY 3,600 years(3,580),  a GIGANTIC disaster happens on THIS EARTH!!

    If you go back through history you will find this so.

    3,600 years ago(approximately) occurred Noah's Flood(and a few other huge things).

   3,600 years(approximately) before that occurred  The Creation(the latest one)(Suggesting that some terrible event preceded it!)(It was a RE-creation, not THE creation.)(Re-creation? From what?   From some terrible event, not nothing.(Name an earlier passing of Nibiru.)

   For the simple reason, of course, that this rogue planet produces enormous gravitic and magnetic TIDES on Earth AS IT PASSES BY!!(At a distance of about ONE MILLION MILES.(A whisker by Astronomy standards!!))

   As it does so it will appear like a great RED DRAGON in the sky. (A giant second moon!)Causing many to die of SHOCK   -  at the mere SIGHT of it!!  Heart failure.(It is due to APPEAR SUDDENLY in about a year's time.)

   WHY suddenly?  And why no sign of it now?  And why not told us by The Authorities??

    There is very little sign of it NOW - because it is so close to the sun(I mean in position in the sky.). That it is lost in the glare of the sun!!

    It is VERY hard to see, but CAN be seen, if you filter out the sun's glare. Provided you look from near Antarctica, in The Infra Red, through a telescope, with a special filter!  AT LEAST these provisos are necessary.(Also coming in at a sharp angle  TO THE ECLIPTIC.)(So all conspires to keep this event HIDDEN!!)

       Does the foregoing explain to you why people are not racing around like MANIACS, - YET...

      THAT is the evidence.

      And the evidence FITS the theory!!

      A FEW HAVE  taken taken photographs and videos of it.(If you punch in Nibiru on a Search Browser, you will see Nibiru second hand so to speak.)

      Not lens flares. Not reflections.  Not sun dogs. No thing like that.   Genuine pictures...

     It is, I believe, about as far away as Neptune, as yet.  A long way off.

     But it is approaching.  Creeping nearer every day.

     NASA found it!

    The Russians, and others, are TRACKING it!!

     So why has it not made BANNER FRONT PAGE HEADLINES  in ALL THE NEWSPAPERS long since??   And burst from the seams of THE ENTIRE MEDIA!!

     Because The Authorities, Governments - and their minions are EXTREMELY CAREFUL to CONCEAL or explain away any and all mention of it!

    Ostensibly to avoid panic.  But actually even more so to keep CONTROL of us!!(While a CHOSEN FEW flee to (??)safety!!)

    (There are aliens travelling with it. Aliens who modified our genes.  They will hop off and inspect us!)(The Annunaki.)(The Nephilim of The Bible.  It is in Genesis.)

     It LOOKS(at times!) all the world like a SECOND SUN, close to our own sun.

     Later, it will look like a second moon!

     It cannot be stopped.  (ANTHROPOMORPHIC Global warming(and cooling!) has NOTHING to do with all this.(Global Warming per Man is a SCAM to get money via Margaret Thatcher's bonus to all who study Global Warming!!(About 0.0016% is due to Man burning fossil fuels,etc.  (0.004% is due to Surface Nature(Volcanic eruptions and forest fires,etc.)   About 40% is due to the sun.)))

   The ONLY hope lies in helping me ALL OUT  to get The Authorities to  do "A Noah"!!  (I am the current Noah.  The Noah of this NOW HAPPENING passage of Nibiru.)And Transport KEY personnel, seeds, equipment,etc.  THROUGH The North Geographical Pole, into The Great Tropical Paradise that lies WITHIN!!(Take arms.)(Down south(South Pole.)  it is almost impossible by land, and there is no sea. So would need to fly through DOWN THERE.  At The North Pole, is sea and ice.  So can sail in, and also go in by submarine and submersible.  As well as fly.)

    Down there it will be MUCH SAFER!!

   Each pole is surrounded by what LOOKS LIKE a gigantic crater.

   They are not craters, but the initial  slope -offs to the colossal ENTRANCES to The Great WITHIN.

    Both poles are thousand mile wide ENTRANCES to a vast interior ALMOST AS LARGE AS THE OUTER SURFACE!!  A Tropical Paradise. (There is another sun down there. Red. It is The Core of The Earth.)  But inhabited. So take ALL care!!(The approaches(for hundreds of miles)  to the entrances LOOK curved, but FEEL FLAT!!)

    That was just for Nibiru, the rogue planet.

    We also have De-stabilizing sun, The Line up with The Centre of The Galaxy, and The Earth's Surface Force Field,etc!!(EACH ONE of these  WILL CAUSE A CATACLYSM!!!!)

    Heat wave in a COLD part of Russia!!

    The reason is The De-Stabilizing SUN!!

    Due to it getting increasingly charged up electrically,etc.  As it approaches the spiral arm chain of stars belonging (found by me) to our LOCAL CLOSED STELLAR CLUSTER!!

    Electricity flows along the edges of the spiral arm chains.  Thus charging up the sun, and all other stars approaching it!

    The surplus energy flows from sun to planets, including The Earth,  via The Solar Wind and Coronal Mass Ejections,etc.

    It does this every 26,000 years(25,800 to be exact).

    A zodiacal precessional event.

    Now I am not doing this for fun. - I assure YOU!

    But for YOUR BENEFIT.

    No. I don't want medals or anything like that.

   I just want YOU to come to your senses, and realize that I speak true! And certainly genuinely!!

       I want you to survive the coming horrors and terrors.

      Not too odd a hope, surely?!

      As I am the ONLY person on Earth to know about Nibiru,ETC.  AND The Hollow Earth. (BOTH things COMBINED!!)   Then it necessarily follows that ONLY by helping me(TO HELP YOU) do you have much chance of SURVIVING!!

     What is coming is the WORST EVENT   EVER(past AND future!!). To occur on THIS PLANET EARTH to Mankind!!

    It has ALREADY started. 

    But it is due to peak in a few very short years...

       Though you will be unlikely to survive, you can at least prepare MENTALLY!!

       There is a LOT to be said for my saying no thing!  Because if  no body can save his self it may be better to just let it HIT!!(Note: I do not mean by that that Nibiru will hit us.  I am speaking metaphorically.)

       Yes.  And quite frankly I am not sure which is better!!

       I prefer to know myself.  So am extending to you the benefit of the doubt!!

      Noah had this problem. No one believed him.   Same with me now.  Or VERY few do.

      They laughed him to SCORN.    ...      And perished.(Noah and his family,etc. were saved.)

     Looking for the first drops of rain?

    Not noticed the increasing floods,etc??

    This is not just a gigantic rain storm.  This is a planet whizzing by ours. And a few other HUGE things...

    Well, there it is folks...

     The line up with The Great Dark Rift at the centre of our galaxy will produce big strange influences. Some benign.  Some perhaps not.

    I spell it out again. The main four GIGANTIC events - NOW starting up - are as follows:-(All centred upon 21.12.2,012.A.D.)(Note: The 4,5 or 6 cataclysms will not all occur on that dreadful day, but be spread over A FEW YEARS. So don't take that "simultaneously" too literally now!!)

      1.  The Line up of Earth(At The Northern Winter Solstice), Sun  and The Centre of The Milky Way(our) Galaxy.

     2.   The arrival of the rogue planet Nibiru.(Back after its 3,580 year orbital absence.)

    3.    There is a force field at The Surface of The Earth. It is playing up increasingly(A spin off of 4.).

   4.    The de-stabilizing sun.


         In addition there are one or two other very big events coming.

        5.  The Reign of Terror.  The INQUISITION of inquisitions.  Dwarfing all previous inquisitions.  When the last and worst pope arrives.

       6.   The ghastly increasing uprising of humans and animals against all other humans and animals.  As they are driven increasingly bad and mad  -  by the brain-storms caused by the electron etc.swarms ARISING FROM EARTH'S SURFACE FORCE FIELD!!!!

     Thank you for listening, IF you did...

     I am,

    Victor Conway,

    The Current Day NOAH!!

    Who is telling you.  And WARNING YOU of what is RIGHT NOW starting up!!

    Wake up for your OWN sakes!!

    The Lord is NOT mocked.

    Though it is a scientific cycle,

    It is also (40%) a JUDGEMENT.


         Yes, we shall survive death.

         But that is not the important thing!

        The important thing is WHERE we go AFTER we die!!

       THAT depends upon how we have treated others(God and all creatures, all creation.).

       What goes around COMES AROUND.

      As we have sown,

    So NOW shall we REAP!!!!(For ALL that we do to others - comes back FINALLY to rest upon OUR OWN heads!!)(Both bad and good,  -  multiplied.)

     When you say(those who do) you don't believe it - don't you mean you don't WANT to believe it!! -  A VERY different thing!!

      We have sown the wind.

      Now we must reap the whirl-wind!!


     Victor Conway.


































































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